Twilight Struggle Digital Version Update

Hi everyone!

Here’s a new update on the Twilight Struggle Digital Version from Randy at Playdek. Enjoy!



Greetings, Backers!

I’d like to give you a quick update on how development of Twilight Struggle: Digital Edition is going. Online multiplayer is pretty solid now. Gary & I have asynchronous games going all the time. Although the game also runs as a standalone application on both PC and Mac, we mainly play on our iPads so we can continue to take our turns after work hours. We haven’t found any serious bugs for a couple of months, so our games almost always reach a conclusion. As a result, games have gotten very competitive. Now and then we must make a change to the game server that invalidates the current games. When this happens, we are usually in the middle of an intense game and always try to quickly finish it rather than abandon it.  

The UI is gradually improving. Our artist, Ron, has developed some visual prototypes and elements from these have been plugged into the game’s UI. We have a proper map now, with improved country graphics to replace the programmer art that you saw in the last update. The deluxe edition cards have been implemented. We have an interface in place for designating how you play your cards that feels intuitive. We are currently trying out a new game log that operates like a news ticker – items (each one an action round) scrolling across the bottom of the screen. So far it feels good and it doesn’t take up too much screen space. Making the best use of screen space is always the biggest challenge in implementing a digital board game interface.

Our AI development is well underway now. An initial framework is coming together that will allow the AI to think about the possibility that its opponent holds certain game-changing cards (like, say, Blockade or Decolonization). At the same time, it will also consider what plays its opponent is likely to make using Ops. Of course, AI development will be ongoing from now until the end of the project. Like an artist’s painting, an AI is never truly finished. Our current goal is to get the UI polished enough so that we can release an online-play-only PC build to our Kickstarter backers. We’re excited to get it into backers’ hands as soon as we can.

– Randy

11 thoughts on “Twilight Struggle Digital Version Update”

    1. Hi Dr. D!

      I don’t know of any way to make that work, at least not yet. My contact at Playdek who is the KS whiz is out of the office for a couple weeks, but as soon as she’s back, I’ll check with her and see if that is possible.


  1. I would mirror Dr. D’s question. I discovered twilight struggle after the kickstarter had already ended and would love to get in on it if possible. I love it especially for the collector’s edition, but can’t wait to play the digital version as well!

  2. One would hope that after the digital edition is released that ANYBODY could purchase it, whether they supported the KS or no. It’s not like there is physical inventory that must be produced.

    1. Gene Billingsley

      Hi Rubeus!

      I just got a note from Gary at Playdek yesterday. They’re working on an update that we hope to post next week. More details then.


  3. I would love to play an online multiplayer version. If that part is ready, can you release it not only to the backers, but to the rest of us? I, like other commenters, didn’t start Twilight Struggle until after the Kickstarter campaign, but I’ve gotten really into it, and too good for the friends I play with. I’d prefer it if you released the online multiplayer really soon and updated it with improved graphics and the AI later. Also, releasing the AI wouldn’t hurt because you could get community feedback. I’m excited for what you’ve got in store, and I hope its publicly available in the very near future.

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