The Last Hundred Yards Volume 3: The Solomon Islands AAR — Mission 39.0 The Plantation

AAR by Captain Christian Snyder, US Marines 

The Initial Plan

My company was assigned to lead the Battalion’s attack on the Japanese held plantation that blocked the road to Munda. I was given an additional Platoon from Echo Company and a Platoon of Marine Stuarts to stiffen the assault. The infantry was first responsible for clearing the jungle and hills surrounding the plantation, with MGs and mortar in support. The Marine tanks would provide fire support from across the plantation and, if possible, maneuver to our left to enfilade the enemy during our final assault on the plantation.


Immediately upon jumping off, 1st Platoon ran into the enemy forces dug-in in the hills east of the plantation. Realizing the danger, I immediately ordered 2nd Platoon to support the 1st Platoon in their assault against the positions to their front. Both units took heavy enemy fire from the dug-in enemy. As we advanced, we encountered additional enemy positions in the hills on our left. The 2nd Platoon changed direction to deal with this new threat. Lt. Paxton, the Platoon leader, was quick to respond to the call for help and began directing mortar fire against the dug-in enemy positions on the hill.

Meanwhile, the Marine armor attempted to overwatch the forest across the plantation but immediately came under anti-tank fire, losing one Stuart. Not a good start.


While Paxton directed mortar fire against the hill, 3rd Platoon with MG support advanced toward the enemy positions. 1st and 2nd Platoons continued the messy fight for the hills to their front, assaulting position after position to drive away the enemy.

In the meantime, overwatching Stuarts suppressed the two identified enemy anti-tank gun positions, permitting another Stuart in the field to advance into the jungle.


I ordered 1st Platoon to keep firing, which forced the enemy to withdraw from the hill while 2nd Platoon regrouped. Our MG fire shot up the enemy infantry east of the plantation. Unfortunately, the attached 3rd Platoon Leader panicked and ran for the protection of the supporting MGs. To make matters worse, accurate enemy anti-tank and mortar fire disrupted our remaining Stuarts. We prayed that they could get back in the battle before they were knocked out.


Sensing our disarray, the enemy took the initiative and reorganized while they continued to shoot up the Stuarts. The tankers backed off into the jungle to avoid enemy fire. I was grateful for a short respite from enemy mortar fire and took time to regroup my men. Seventeen minutes into the attack we had still not taken the hill overlooking the plantation. I had to have that ground so we could support the Stuarts.


 We recommenced the attack on the hills north and east of the  plantation. I sent 1st Platoon to the enemy positions to their front. The enemy was driven back, losing their second squad to disruption. 2nd Platoon, with supporting fire from its MG section, launched another futile assault against the dug-in enemy. Lt. Pena was knocked unconscious, and two of his squads were disrupted. Under heavy fire, 2nd Platoon called off the attack and withdrew. 3rd Platoon from Echo Company moved back into the jungle to get back to their attack positions. The tankers reorganized and headed back into the jungle.


We could not lose the initiative, and each officer and NCO of the company knew this. Every leader in the company diligently worked to keep the Marines moving. It was at this moment that Lt. Paxton was struck down by an enemy Sniper!

1st Platoon moved back from the edge of the Jungle to regroup. 2nd Platoon’s squads recovered their disruption while their MG section moved forward. 3rd Platoon, confused by the loss of their Lt., stayed behind the hill.

The Stuarts remained in the jungle, unable to gather their senses.


1st Platoon commander Lt. Barrs tried to hold back his recovering outfit in the jungle. Unbeknownst to him, one of his squads heroically assaulted the last enemy position overlooking the plantation. Miraculously, the shock of their attack assisted them in getting through the enemy defensive fire unscathed and into the enemy positions. They barely managed to drive the enemy off the hill. The high ground is ours!

Our useless armor remains in the jungle. I’ll talk to their CO when the action is over.


While Lt. Pena recovered, I was able to coordinate 1st and 2nd Platoons’ efforts to reinforce our heroic squad to hold our hard-won positions. Enemy small arms and knee mortar fire inflicted casualties on 1st Platoon, but I still felt the company was in place to commence a final assault on the plantation.


We were able to maintain the initiative, and the men pressed the attack. I requested mortar support to help suppress the anti-tank position located at the northern part of the plantation to help cover our advance. It was at this time the 3rd Platoon Echo Company finally got into the action.

The Stuarts were slow to get off the dime but finally began moving in support of our final assault on the plantation buildings.


We maintained the initiative, keeping the enemy on their back feet as we pressed forward. 1st Platoon led a heroic 1st squad, and the remnants of 3rd Squad charged the plantation buildings. 2nd Platoon continued the assault by 1st Platoon and the MG section while 3rd Platoon Echo Company moved into position to assault the plantation from the rear. However, I was dismayed to see 2nd Platoon’s assault thrown back after the enemy reinforced their position there. After heavy fighting, we pulled back in confusion.


Finally, the Stuarts got into the game and led the attack on the plantation again, suppressing the enemy positions while drawing fire from the enemy anti-tank guns, resulting in the loss of another tank.

3rd Platoon Echo Company was finally able to take out the last enemy anti-tank gun located near the southern edge of the plantation.

Lt. Pena rallied 2nd Platoon and launched another assault while  1st Platoon moved into position to flank the enemy and cut off his retreat. Not all sacrifices are in vain as 3rd Platoon finally pushed the enemy from the buildings into the fields of the plantation.


In spite of losing control of the buildings, the enemy continued to fight. At this juncture, I directed mortar fire toward the enemy in the fields, and 1st and 2nd Platoon continued to press the enemy while the rest of the company struggled to regroup. The remaining Stuarts chimed in, and the enemy finally broke. Unfortunately, one squad from 3rd Platoon Echo Company was shot pretty badly after its heroic but reckless pursuit of the enemy.

The cost was heavy, with two Stuarts aflame and each Platoon shot up, but we had done our job. The path to Munda was open for the rest of the regiment.

High casualties among the enemy early in the engagement were key to the success of the mission. This was attributed primarily to the excellent work of the 1st and 2nd Platoons. Despite the tenacious defense by the remaining enemy, once he was flushed from the protection of the plantation buildings, it was all but over. The enemy retreated from the field and disappeared into the Jungle to the south. Both sides could have used mortars more effectively. Sending the armor unsupported against the enemy right flank was a bad idea, as they suffered heavily and contributed little to the fight. The Americans won with a final score of 39.


Mike Denson
Author: Mike Denson

1 thought on “The Last Hundred Yards Volume 3: The Solomon Islands AAR — Mission 39.0 The Plantation”

  1. Excellent account! You get a sense of the drama the mechanics of this game provide. Reading through it, I was sure the Yankees were done after about 15 minutes!!! But you toughed it out!

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