GMT’s Digital Offerings allow you to “Play GMT Games Anytime, Anywhere.”
We have created, in cooperation with individual programmers and digital game platforms, numerous ways for customers to experience our boardgames on your digital devices. We’ve done this for one large, underlying reason: We want players to be able to engage with and experience the learning, fun, challenge, and historical insights of our boardgames with other players from around the world on digital platforms where they can play the games generally much more quickly than they can on their physical game tables.
The Pyramid of Digital Game Options GMT Offers:

- Computer Games (Full computerized game play + AI opponent(s) – A small but growing number of our games are getting this premier treatment. These are one-time purchases that retail between $5 and $25 that provide a full computer game experience that is faithful to our boardgame. These games also put funds into the GMT coffers that allow us, among other things, to provide the “free to play” options in the other sections of the pyramid. Games in this category will generally not be found in other formats due to licensing restrictions and considerations.
- Online Multi-player Games that enforce the boardgame rules but have no solo AI opponents. There are many more of these available online than there are Computer Games.
- Traditional VASSAL and TableTop Simulator Game Modules. These are available for the vast majority of our games. If you are interested, they should be listed on their respective game pages on the GMT website.
Computer Games
Computer Games for a few of our games on Mac/PC/Tablets. Features:
- These are Full Computer games with an AI opponent.
- $5-$25 Cost
- Available on Steam for PC and Mac (and sometimes Tablets)
Games produced by Playdek.
These games feature play options versus human opponents (sync or asynch) as well as solo versus an AI. They are available for both Windows and Mac on Steam. There are also tablet versions for Mac and Android devices. Games available now from Playdek:
Fort Sumter: The Secession Crisis: Steam $7.99, Apple Store $4.99, Google Play $4.99

Labyrinth: The War on Terror: Steam $9.99, Apple Store $9.99, Google Play $5.99

Twilight Struggle: Steam $9.99, Apple Store $7.99, Google Play $6.99

And there’s a 30% Off Steam GMT Games Bundle for Fort Sumter, Labyrinth, and Twilight Struggle $19.57
Twilight Struggle: Red Sea: Steam $12.99, Apple Store $9.99, Google Play $7.99

Games produced by Hexes of War.
Our first game from Hexes of War (who had previously created digital Gettysburg and Waterloo from C3i Magazine) launched on February 27, 2025 on Steam for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It is a solo computer game where you play against the AI. The AI is strong enough to have beaten designer Mark Herman a couple times during testing. They are currently working on a second game, and also plan to do further games in our Civil War Heritage Series (following Rebel Fury) as they become available. Games available now from Hexes of War:
Rebel Fury: Steam $9.99

Games produced by Exia Labs.
We just announced our first game with Exia for release in July, 2025. The game is Mr. President. It is a solo computer game that faithfully recreates the boardgame’s solo challenges as a US President navigating the trials and tests of being President of the United States between 2001-2020. The team that Exia has assembled for this project is full of experienced computer game creators, including Lead Designer Ananda Gupta. If you want more details, see the Exia Design and Art blog here.
The initial version of digital Mr. President will be available only for Windows on Steam. Further playform development will depend on the success of the initial Windows version. If you are interested in Mr. President for PC on Steam, please click the Steam link below and add the game to your Steam Wishlist:
Mr. President: Steam (Windows) $25 Anticipated Retail

We have additional full computer game projects on the way, both with some of the companies listed above and with new (to us) companies. Our intention is to not announce these projects until they are within 2-3 months of game launch. The Mr. President announcement was an exception because it is a HUGE project for which we’re trying to create large Wishlist demand well in advance of the July launch. So we’ll get you details on each of the upcoming games as they near readiness for launch. We anticipate having another computer game to announce within the next 2-3 months.
I hope this article gives you insight into what we’re doing and why we’re doing it with our digital games offerings. We want all of you to have plenty of options to find your favorite ways to “Play GMT Games Anytime, Anywhere.”
Next Time: Free to Play GMT Games on Popular Online Platforms
Enjoy the games! – Gene
This is incredible news! While I enjoy playing GMT games in person and do so regularly I had still wished for more of them to be available with AI opponents for solo play.
I’m headed out right to to STEAM to add to my growing list of GMT games there (Fort Sumter and Twilight Struggle are already in my library).
Thank you!
Long a fan of GMT games. You folks have a potential gold mine in digital versions of your games. After some false starts, I think you are now on the way to bringing these games to a larger market. Good luck and I will purchase each digital game you produce.
As a long time solo player all of these have been wonderful. C&C Napoleonic’s Vassal with the Solo rules has really helped me get up to speed learning the system. Glad to see a company embrace technologies that enhance the experience. This will lead to a larger fan base and ultimately more sales. Thank you!
It’s great news watching this games developed as videogames. I would love more version of GMT games in Steam, that would be a great relief for solo players as me.
I am all in for digital games, I still play Dominant Species on my Ipad often.