New rules for Illusions of Glory 2nd Edition are available for your view. (Go to this link). The rules have been clarified with respect to:
- Troop Quality Penalties: reductions in Troop Quality for incurring unit losses and using Reinforcement Cards have been reduced so that reinforcement step reductions should not occur until 1916, as is historically accurate.
- Allocating Unit Losses: the player taking fire must apply as much of the Loss Number as possible to his units (using guidelines instead of scripted procedures), cannot take fewer losses than is required to absorb the entire Loss Number, and units cannot take more losses than is required by the Loss Number.
- Out-Of-Supply Effects: a unit that is Out-Of-Supply can move by just 1 Movement Factor; can be activated for attack but cannot participate in a combined attack with supplied units; cannot use Combat Cards; cannot use Strategic Redeployment; cannot receive Replacement Points; cannot build Trenches (but can use existing Trenches); cannot be used to make Flank Attacks; and is reduced to a Combat Factor of 1.
- Diminished Supply Effects: units that can only trace a supply line to Supply Sources of other friendly nations can activate for movement or attack at a cost of 1 additional Operations Point, cannot use Strategic Redeployment, and cannot receive Replacement Points.
- Building Trenches: any nationality may attempt to build a Trench in a Clear space; only German, Austro-Hungarian, Italian, and Serbian units may attempt to build a Trench in a Mountain space; only one trench building attempt may be made per space in an Action Round; and entrenching is attempted by rolling a die.
- Retreats After Combat: every defending unit forced to end its retreat in an overstacked friendly space is reduced by one step and continues retreating to the nearest friendly-controlled space or region where it will not overstack; and defending units in Forests, Mountains, or Swamps can reduce a two-space retreat by one space by taking a step loss from any of those units, but a one-space retreat normally cannot be halted.
- Destruction Versus Permanent Elimination: reduced-strength units that take another step reduction are destroyed and go into the Replaceable Units Box, but units are permanently eliminated and removed from the game if destroyed by combat when Out-Of-Supply, if reduced-strength while Out-Of-Supply during the Attrition Phase, or if forced to retreat into or through a space that contains enemy units, an unbesieged enemy Fort, or an Uprising Unit.
- Choosing Movement or Disassembly: a unit can move or assemble/disassemble in the same Action Round, but not both. (Similarly, a unit can be used to move or entrench in the same Action Round, but not both.)
- Reserve Box Uses: Small Combat Units (divisions) in the Replaceable Units Box that are rebuilt go immediately into the Reserve Box; they can use Strategic Redeployment to go from the Reserve Box onto the mapboard; or they can use Strategic Redeployment to go from the mapboard into the Reserve Box.
- Movement Into Neutral Nations: units that move or retreat into neutral nations are immediately interned to the Replaceable Units Box, except that Serbian and Montenegran units in neutral Albania are not interned until the end of the Action Phase and may use Strategic Redeployment to leave neutral Albanian ports.
- Deployment Of Uprising Units: If a nation’s National Will marker has reached National Demoralization by Step 1 of the Rebellion/Revolution Phase, the opposing player can immediately place 2 of that nation’s Uprising Units in separate spaces and/or regions of that nation without cost.
- Playing a Strategy Card: If a Strategy Card cannot be played for its Event, it can still be played for its War Status Points.
- Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: When the Victory Points marker reaches the “26” space on the General Records Track, the Allied Powers can play the “Treaty of Brest-Litovsk” card and, when the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk takes effect: all Russian units are removed from the gameboard and are replaced with Russian control markers; other units cannot move into Russian-controlled spaces and regions within Russia; units can attack Russian Uprising Units and take control of spaces or regions that they occupy; all German Large Combat Units (corps) outside of Germany immediately go into the Brandenburg region. After that, one German unit in the Brandenburg region can be moved in each following Action Round.
Optional tournament rules have also been added for the use of 8-card hands.
Corps identification numbers on Large Counter Units have been changed from Roman to Arabic numerals to facilitate recognition and mapboard placement, and the combat strengths of German reserve infantry corps have been adjusted to better reflect historical accuracy:

There are new event markers, and the combat strengths of Italian infantry corps have been adjusted to better reflect historical accuracy:

Small Unit Counters are now marked with NATO division symbols:

Operations Points assigned to reinforcement cards have been changed to make the decision whether to use those cards for reinforcements or activating spaces more challenging. For example:

There are also new strategy cards. For example:

The Italian Entry player aid card has been revised to show that initial Austro-Hungarian deployment is not affected by the limiting effects of regions on movement:

The Italian Front map has been changed to add a region that brings Italian reinforcements closer to the front, and that will serve as a link to the Western Front should such a game come to pass:

National borders are highlighted brighter and mixed-gauge railroads are clearer:

The terrain of the Polish Salient is more challenging for invading armies:

There are more Victory Point spaces. For example:

This 2nd edition of Illusions of Glory will soon be on P500. Enjoy!
Will there be an upgrade kit for this edition for those who own the 1st edition?
Well first there was the original game in 2017, then the update kit in 2019, and now a new edition with what appears to be some MAJOR CHANGES in 2024. Hopefully there won’t be a 2nd edition update kit as well…
Will there be a VASSAL update?
what are the dashed connections on the Italian front, e.g. between Bozen and Lienz?
maps show this as railway, as per the 1st ed.
Will the Brusilov Offensive set-up errata be corrected?
Here it is:
1) The German I Reserve XXX sets up in three locations: Mitava, Sventsyany, and in the Replaceable Units Box.
2)The German X and Guards XXXs are indicated in the set-up, but CP Card 21 has not been played yet.
3) Where does the combined AH/BU SCU set up?
4) The RU XXVIII Corps (from AP #12) is not located anywhere in the set up.
5) CP Total War Card #39 Deploys the Falkenhayen HQ to the Near East, shouldn’t he be keyed to Romanian Entry?
6) Finally, unless I’m missing something, it looks like the CP player could just march into Salonika (which seems to be unoccupied at start).