All Bridges Burning: A 2-Player Variant

At the time of writing this, All Bridges Burning, COIN Series Volume X, is the latest released COIN Series game.The game tells the story of the Finnish Civil War of 1918 including the lead up to the war during the previous year.

In this article, we will introduce you to a new variant to All Bridges Burning for two players. The 2-player variant is released as free download with this article. All the rules and procedures needed to play are contained in this PDF file.

I want to thank Adrian Rubiero for testing and preparing the variant with me.

All Bridges Burning: Some Post-Publication Rules Variants

Until you have a community playing you don’t know how good of a job you’ve done.

Richard Garfield

A good half a year has passed since the publication of the COIN Series Volume X, All Bridges Burning. The reception has been amazing. The game was nominated for the Golden Geek Award, several good reviews have appeared (see here for a selection), and generally the feedback has been really positive. It seems that All Bridges Burning was able to bring something new and captivating on the table in the tried and tested COIN Series.

All Bridges Burning: Examples of Play to Keep the Doctor Away #5 Attack + Coordinate

This is our fifth installment in a series going through the commands and special activities of the recently released COIN Series game, All Bridges Burning, Volume X.

NOTE: All images used below have been captured from the VASSAL module for playing the game electronically. The module was created by Brian Reynolds and can be downloaded and used for free here.

All Bridges Burning: Examples of Play to Keep the Doctor Away #4: March + Crackdown

This is our fourth installment in a series of posts in which we go through all the commands and special activities of the newly released COIN Series game, All Bridges Burning, Volume X.

All Bridges Burning: Examples of Play to Keep the Doctor Away #3 Terror + Foreign Relations

This is our third installment in a series going through the commands and special activities of the newly released COIN Series game, All Bridges Burning, Volume X. If you would like to read the previous two installments, they can be found here.

All Bridges Burning: Examples of Play to Keep the Doctor Away #2: Activism + Political Event

In the latest InsideGMT articles on All Bridges Burning, we kicked off a series of short posts going through the base game commands and special activities to help gamers ease into playing the game with minimum effort.

Last time we looked at the Rally command and the Prepare special activity. Today we continue that series with Activism and Political Event.

All Bridges Burning: Examples of Play to Keep the Doctor Away #1: Rally + Prepare

As I write this, the preorders placed on All Bridges Burning have just been charged and the game is due to begin to ship within the next few weeks.

In the last few InsideGMT articles on All Bridges Burning, we looked at the game’s solitaire system in action (see those articles here, here, and here). In the course of the next few posts, we shall go through the base game commands and special activities to hopefully help gamers ease into playing the game with minimum effort.

Let’s begin the series with a look at one of the most central of all commands in the game, the Rally command.

All Bridges Burning: Solitaire System Part 2

Slated to start shipping in September, the publication of All Bridges Burning is almost upon us! In the previous InsideGMT article on All Bridges Burning we set upon playing a few turns of a solitaire game. This article continues from where we left off that time.

All Bridges Burning: Solitaire System Part 1

As we speak, All Bridges Burning is all finished and the components have been sent to the printer. The wait is almost over!

In a range of previous InsideGMT articles we spent a great deal of time looking at the game’s treatment of the Finnish Civil War. Alongside that, a series of event card spoilers were published in the Player’s Aid blog (links to the event card spoilers can be found here).

In the present article, we will look in detail at the solitaire system for All Bridges Burning. We do so by continuing the non-player example of play to be contained in the Playbook of the game. Once you have received your copy of the game, this article can serve as a further learning resource when using the game’s solitaire system. I plan to continue to play through this example of play in a series of future posts.

However, before we get on with the example of play, let’s talk a little bit about the solitaire system.