Wing Leader Scenario V25 Replay (Part 3)


The following is Part 3 of a series replaying the Wing Leader Scenario V25 “Singapore Sling”, one of the supplemental scenarios provided by Lee B-W online. To catch up, see Part 1 and Part 2.

Turn 7 Setup Phase


Turn 7 Tally Phase

Buffalo P will try to Tally Sally Y and Oscar D will try to Tally Buffalo P.


Oscar D left will try to Tally Buffalo P which is 4 squares away. He needs to roll a 4 or higher. He rolls a 5+1 (because Oscar D is a Veteran)= 6 . Buffalo P is tallied.

Buffalo P left will try to Tally Sally X which is 2 squares away. He needs to roll a 2 or higher. He rolls a 4. Sally X is tallied.

Here is the map after tallies.


Turn 7 Movement Phase

Here is the Movement order. Since the Broken flights are not going to be attacked, they will escape and hence will not be listed in the movement phase any more.


Note that Hurricane Q left will RTB as well as Oscar B.

During movement Oscar D tried to intercept Buffalo P as it enters Sally X square. The Oscar rolled a 7-3 hexes away +1 for Veteran = 5 so the Oscar had a Late reaction and is in K1 with Buffalo P and Sally X.

Japanese Post Movement Thoughts

I would rather have had the Oscar show up early but Late is better than Never. If he had been early and the battle lasted more than this turn I would have tried to dogfight the Buffalo as Dog Fighting uses the Turn rating and the Oscar Turn rating is one netter than the Buffalo.

Here is the map after movement.


Turn 7 Combat Phase

Combat in K1 between Buffalo P and Oscar D with Sally X. Per 10.1.1 The Buffalo is the attacker and the Oscar D is the Defender.


Buffalo P will use Speed as the rating for the Battle. Buffalo P has a Speed value of 4.

The following will affect its combat value.


Oscar D has a Speed value of 4. The following will affect its combat value.


Buffalo P will fire on the 5-5= 0 column with the following Die roll modifiers.


Oscar D will fire on the 5-5= 0 column with the following Die roll modifiers.


Buffalo P rolls a 5. Result – No hits.

Oscar D rolls a 4. Result – No hits.

No Loss rolls because there were no hits.

Now for the Cohesion Rolls.

Die Roll Modifiers for Buffalo P:


Buffalo P rolls a 8+1=9. Result – No effect.

Die Roll Modifiers for Oscar D:


Oscar D rolls a 7. Result – No effect.

Die Roll Modifiers for Sally X:


Sally X rolls a 10. Result – No effect.

Oscar D will try to Dogfight the Buffalo P however, it does not want to. Each side rolls a 6 sided dice and adds their Base Speed and +1 if Veteran or -1 if Green. In this case the Oscar adds 4+1 for veteran = +5 and the Buffalo adds +4.

The Oscar rolls a 2+5=7 and the Buffalo rolls a 5+4=9. The Buffalo won and decides not to Dogfight.

A -2 Ammo is put on Oscar B and a -1 Ammo is put on Buffalo P.

Turn 7 Admin Phase


Turn 7 End Turn Phase


Turn 8 Setup Phase


Turn 8 Tally Phase

All planes are tallied and no one is dropping their Tally.

Turn 8 Movement Phase

Movement Order – Since the Buffalo and the Oscar have the same speed they will roll to see who moves first. The Buffalo rolls a 2 and the Oscar a 5. The Buffalo moves first.


Here is what the map looks like after the movement phase.


Turn 8 Combat Phase

In turn order the first thing that happens in the Combat phase is the flak attacks.

The Flak has a Firepower Strength of zero and can fire at two targets.

Below are the hexes it can fire into:


1st Flak attack vs. Sally X.


2nd Flak attack vs. Oscar D.


Next is combat in J0 between Buffalo P and Oscar B with Sally X. Per 10.1.1 The Buffalo is the attacker and the Oscar B is the Defender.


Buffalo P will use Speed as the rating for the Battle. Buffalo P has a Speed value of 4.

The following will affect its combat value.


Oscar D has a Speed value of 4. The following will affect its combat value.


Buffalo P will fire on the 5-5= 0 column with the following Die roll modifiers.


Oscar D will fire on the 5-5= 0 column with the following Die roll modifiers.


Buffalo P rolls a 9. Result – Two hits.

Oscar D rolls an 8. Result – One hit.

Buffalo P rolls for Losses [10.6]. He gets to add the following:


Buffalo P rolls once for the 2 hits and has to assign 1 hit to the Oscar D and the Sally X because no unit can have more than one hit until all units have a hit.

1st hit vs. Sally X:


2nd hit vs. Oscar D:


Oscar B rolls for Losses [10.6]. He gets to add the following:


Oscar B rolls once for the 1 hit.


Now for the Cohesion Rolls.

Die Roll Modifiers for Buffalo P:


Buffalo P rolls a 6-1=5. Result – Buffalo Disrupted.

Die Roll Modifiers for Oscar D:


Oscar D rolls a 10-1=9. Result – No effect.

Die Roll Modifiers for Sally X:


Sally X rolls a 11-1. Result – No effect.

A -2 Ammo is put on Buffalo P.

Here are the Wing Sheets after this Battle.


Turn 8 Admin Phase


Turn 8 End of Turn Phase


Turn 9 Setup Phase


Turn 9 Tally Phase

No Tallies.

Turn 9 Movement Phase

Movement order:


Map after movement:



Turn 9 Combat Phase

Flak Attacks are first.

1st Flak attack vs. Sally X. Flak get a +1 due to bomber using Bomb aiming this turn.


Die Roll Modifiers for Sally X:


Sally X rolls a 9-1. Result – No effect.

2nd Flak attack vs. Oscar D.


Next in turn sequence order are Bombing Attacks.

Sally X will bomb the Airfield from a height of zero. The modifiers to the bombing table are:


The Bombing roll is a 4. Zero percent of the 20 bombing factor hit.


Now combat in H0 between Buffalo P and Oscar B with Sally X. Per 10.1.1 The Buffalo is the attacker and the Oscar B is the Defender.


Buffalo P will use Speed as the rating for the Battle. Buffalo P has a Speed value of 4.

The following will affect its combat value.


Oscar D has a Speed value of 4. The following will affect its combat value.


Buffalo P will fire on the 3-4=-1 column with the following Die roll modifiers.


Oscar D will fire on the 4-3=+1 column with the following Die roll modifiers.


Buffalo P rolls a 9. Result – One hits.

Oscar D rolls an 5. Result – No hits.

Buffalo P rolls for Losses [10.6]. He gets to add the following:


Buffalo P rolls once for the 1 hit and assigns it to Sally X.


Now for the Cohesion Rolls.

Die Roll Modifiers for Buffalo P:


Buffalo P rolls a 7-2=5. Result – Buffalo Disrupted but due to it already be Disrupted it is now Broken.

Die Roll Modifiers for Oscar D:


Oscar D rolls a 7-1=6. Result – Oscar D is Broken.

Die Roll Modifiers for Sally X:


Sally X rolls a 7-2=5. Result – No effect.

Here are the Wing Sheets after this Battle.


Here is the Map after the Battle:


Turn 9 Admin Phase


Turn 9 End of Turn Phase


Japanese Post Turn 9 Thoughts

Well now we can Bomb without fear of the Allied Fighters. We only have to worry about Flak and our poor bombing rolls.

Allied Post Turn 9 Thoughts

Oh well, I was hoping for one more turn of combat. Now I can only hope the Japanese Bombing rolls are bad

Turn 10 Setup Phase


Turn 10 Tally Phase


Turn 10 Movement Phase

Only the Bombers Moves matter as everyone else is Broken.


Turn 10 Combat Phase

Flak Attacks are first.

1st Flak attack vs. Sally X.


2nd Flak attack vs. Sally Y get a +1 due to bomber using Bomb aiming this turn.


Next in turn sequence order are Bombing Attacks.

Sally Y will bomb the Airfield from a height of zero. The modifiers to the bombing table are:


The Bombing roll is a 12. 100% of the Bombs hit for a total of 20 hits (since the bombing value of the Sally is 20).

Turn 10 Admin Phase


Turn 10 End of Turn Phase


Turn 11 Setup Phase


Turn 11 Tally Phase

No Tallies.

Turn 11 Movement Phase

Map after Movement:


Turn 11 Combat Phase

Flak Attacks

1st attack vs. Sally Y.


After this all planes can exit the map and do so.

Final Wing Displays


Final VPs:


From [14.1.1] Hits equal or exceed triple the damage value (Airfield’s damage value was 6 and the Japanese did 20 points of damage. 3×6= 18VPs

Four Losses to Allied Fighter: 4×1= 4VP’s Total VP’s = 22


Two Losses to Japanese Bombers: 2×2= 4 VP’s


Articles in this Series: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3


Brett Dedrick
Author: Brett Dedrick

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