Here is Part 2 of the Wing Leader Scenario V24 Replay. If you missed Part 1, you can find it here.
Turn 4 Setup Phase
Turn 4 Tally Phase
Spitfire A will try to Tally SM.79 X which is 3 squares away. He needs to roll a 3 or higher. He rolls a 3 +1 (Veteran) = 4. SM.79 X is tallied.
Turn 4 Movement Phase
The move order is the following:
To determine who moves the Dogfight roll 1 die. On a 1-3 the Raider moves it an on a 4-6 the Defender moves it. The Dogfight then either stays in its square or moves one square in any direction except it cannot climb. The roll is a 6 so the Allies move it. They decide to move it into square M1.
Here is the map after movement:
Turn 4 Combat Phase
Dogfight in N1 between Kittyhawk M, MC.202 HG (The “Average Guys”), In a Dogfight Turning is used so MC.202 G (the “So-so gang”) is the Attacker (since his turning is a 6 and the Kittyhawk’s a 5).
Kittyhawk M will use Speed. Kittyhawk D has a Turn value of 5. The following will affect its combat value.
MC.202 G (the “Disappointing Ones”) has a Turn value of 6. The following will affect its combat value.
Kittyhawk M will fire on the 4-7= -3 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
MC.202 G (the “Common Pilots”) will fire on the 7-4= +3 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
Kittyhawk M rolls a 10. Result – 1 Hit.
MC.202 G (the “Typical Squadron”) rolls a 8. Result – 2 Hits.
Kittyhawk M rolls for Losses against the MC.202 G (the “Targets”). He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
MC.202 G (the “Disappointments”) rolls for Losses against Kittyhawk F. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
Now for the Cohesion Rolls.
Die Roll Modifiers for Kittyhawk M:
Kittyhawk M rolls a 9-2=7. Result – Nothing.
Die Roll Modifiers for MC.202 G (the “Soon to be goners”):
MC.202 G (the “Runaways”) rolls a 3-1=2.. Result – Broken.
Note that after a Dogfight that each side must face their unit towards their map edge. In this case that’s just fine as the Italians can now run away much quicker as they’re facing the right way.
Combat in M1 between Spitfire O and SM.79 X. Spitfire A is the Attacker.
Spitfire O will use Speed. Spitfire O has a Speed value of 5. The following will affect its combat value.
SM.79 X has a Speed value of 4. The following will affect its combat value.
Spitfire O will fire on the 5-4= +1 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
SM.79 X will fire on the 4-5= -1 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
Spitfire O rolls an 8. Result – 1 Hit.
SM.79 X rolls a 5. Result – Nothing.
Spitfire O rolls for Losses against SM.79 X. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
Now for the Cohesion Rolls.
Die Roll Modifiers for Spitfire O:
Spitfire O rolls a 7+2=9. Result – Nothing.
Die Roll Modifiers for SM.79 X
SM.79 X rolls a 7-2=5. Result – Nothing.
A -1 Ammo is put on Spitfire O.
Combat in O1 between Kittyhawk E and SM.79 Y. Kittyhawk E is the Attacker.
Kittyhawk E will use Speed. Kittyhawk E has a Speed value of 5. The following will affect its combat value.
SM.79 Y has a Speed value of 4. The following will affect its combat value.
Kittyhawk E will fire on the 5-4= +1 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
SM.79 Y will fire on the 4-5= -1 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
Kittyhawk E rolls an 11. Result – 3 Hits.
SM.79 Y rolls a 9. Result – 1 Hit.
Kittyhawk E rolls for Losses against SM.79 Y. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
SM.79 Y rolls for Losses against Kittyhawk E. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
Now for the Cohesion Rolls.
Die Roll Modifiers for Kittyhawk E
Kittyhawk E rolls a 7-2=5. Result – Disrupted.
Die Roll Modifiers for SM.79 Y
SM.79 Y rolls a 4-4=0. Result – Broken.
A -2 Ammo is put on Kittyhawk E.
Combat in P1 between Kittyhawk D and SM.79 Z. Kittyhawk D is the Attacker.
Kittyhawk D will use Speed. Kittyhawk D has a Speed value of 5. The following will affect its combat value.
SM.79 Z has a Speed value of 4. The following will affect its combat value.
Kittyhawk D will fire on the 6-4= +2 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
SM.79 Z will fire on the 4-6= -2 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
Kittyhawk D rolls an 5+1=6. Result – 1 Hit.
SM.79 Z rolls a 7. Result – Nothing.
Allied Mid-Battle Thoughts
Now you beginning to see what happens when Bombers are not escorted by Fighters. It’s not pretty.
Kittyhawk D rolls for Losses against SM.79 Y. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
Now for the Cohesion Rolls.
Die Roll Modifiers for Kittyhawk D:
Kittyhawk D rolls a 6+1=7. Result – Nothing.
Die Roll Modifiers for SM.79 Y
SM.79 Y rolls a 7-2=5. Result – Nothing.
A -2 Ammo is put on Kittyhawk D.
Italian Post Combat Thoughts
Overheard on the Italian Radio Frequency:
“Uhmmm Captian? There’s an awful lot of Allied fighters shooting at us.”
“Don’t worry crewman Aldo. Our fighters will save us.”
“Yeah, about that…..”
Allied Post Combat Thoughts
Overheard on the Allied Radio Frequency.
“No I swear Bernard, I just flew by one of the bombers, stared real hard at it and it exploded.”
Turn 4 Administration Phase
End of Turn 4
Turn 5 Setup Phase
Turn 5 Tally Phase
Spitfire P will drop its tally on SM.79 Y and will try to Tally SM.79 Z which is 1 square away. He needs to roll a 1 or higher. He rolls a 4. SM.79 Y is tallied.
Kittyhawk M will drop its tally on MC.202 G (the “Cowardly Lions”) and will try to Tally SM.79 X which is 1 square away. He needs to roll a 1 or higher. He rolls a 2. SM.79 X is tallied.
Here is the Map after the Tally Phase.
Turn 5 Movement Phase
The move order is the following:
Allied Post Movement Thoughts
You’ll notice that Spitfire P and Kittyhawk M are climbing. This is so they can Dive down out of the sun and get the bounce bonus, when/if the planes attacking the bombers right now Break.
Kittyhawk E has decided to completely ignore his Wing Leader and chase after the Broken SM.79.
Turn 5 Combat Phase
Combat in M1 between Kittyhawk E and SM.79 Y. Kittyhawk E is the Attacker.
Kittyhawk E will use Speed. Kittyhawk E has a Speed value of 5. The following will affect its combat value.
SM.79 Z has a Speed value of 4. The following will affect its combat value.
Kittyhawk E will fire on the 4-3= +1 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
SM.79 Z will fire on the 3-4= -1column with the following Die roll modifiers.
Kittyhawk E rolls an 6. Result – 1 Hit.
SM.79 Z rolls a 11. Result – 2 Hits.
Kittyhawk E rolls for Losses against SM.79 Y. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
SM.79 Y rolls for Losses against Kittyhawk E. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
Now for the Cohesion Rolls.
Die Roll Modifiers for Kittyhawk E:
Kittyhawk E rolls a 11-3 =8. Result – Nothing.
SM.79 Y roll does not matter since it’s already broken.
Allied Mid-Combat Results Thoughts
Below is another actual radio intercept:
Wing Leader Bolton – “I tried to warn you not to pursue but would you listen to me? No…….you Muppets.”
Squadron Leader E – “That’s because we’re fighting the Bombers and the returning fighters, Wing Leader.”
Wing Leader Bolton – “That’s funny because the GCI people claim the Itie fighters are heading West as fast as they can. You are going to be scrubbing pots for a week EX Squadron Leader.”
Squadron Leader E – “Would it help if I said I was sorry?”
Wing Leader Bolton – “It would if you were an actual Pilot which you will not be much longer.”
Combat in P1 between Spitfire O and SM.79 X. Spitfire O is the Attacker.
Spitfire O will use Speed. Spitfire O has a Speed value of 5. The following will affect its combat value.
SM.79 X has a Speed value of 4. The following will affect its combat value.
Spitfire O will fire on the 5-4= +1 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
SM.79 X will fire on the 4-5= -1column with the following Die roll modifiers.
Spitfire O rolls a 12. Result – 3 Hits.
SM.79 X rolls a 5. Result – Nothing.
Spitfire O rolls for Losses against SM.79 X. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
That converts to 2 Losses as the Stragglers combine into a loss.
Now for the Cohesion Rolls.
Die Roll Modifiers for Spitfire O:
Spitfire O rolls a 3. Result – Broken.
Die Roll Modifiers for SM.79 X.:
SM.79 X rolls a 9-4=5. Result – Nothing.
Combat in R1 between Kittyhawk D and SM.79 Z. Kittyhawk D is the Attacker.
Kittyhawk D will use Speed. Kittyhawk D has a Speed value of 5. The following will affect its combat value.
SM.79 Z has a Speed value of 4. The following will affect its combat value.
Kittyhawk D will fire on the 5-3= +2 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
SM.79 Z will fire on the 3-5= -2column with the following Die roll modifiers.
Kittyhawk D rolls a 6+1=7. Result – 1 Hit.
SM.79 Z rolls a 8. Result – 1 Hit.
Kittyhawk D rolls for Losses against SM.79 Z. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
SM.79 Z rolls for Losses against SM.79 Z. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
Now for the Cohesion Rolls. Note: If the Cohesion roll for Kittyhawk D is a unmodified 2 then the Experte is shot down.
Die Roll Modifiers for Kittyhawk D:
Kittyhawk D rolls a 8. Result – Disrupted..
Die Roll Modifiers for SM.79 Z.:
SM.79 Z rolls a 7-3=4. Result – Disrupted which since it’s a Flight is Broken.
Turn 5 Administration Phase
End of Turn 5
Turn 6 Setup Phase
Turn 6 Tally Phase
Turn 6 Movement Phase
The move order is the following:
Here is the map after Movement:
Turn 6 Combat Phase
Combat in K1 between Kittyhawk E and SM.79 Y. Kittyhawk E is the Attacker.
Kittyhawk E will use Speed. Kittyhawk E has a Speed value of 5. The following will affect its combat value.
SM.79 Y has a Speed value of 4. The following will affect its combat value.
Kittyhawk E will fire on the 4-3= +1 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
SM.79 Y will fire on the 3-4= -1column with the following Die roll modifiers.
Kittyhawk E rolls an 6. Result – 1 Hit.
SM.79 Y rolls a 5. Result – Nothing
Kittyhawk E rolls for Losses against SM.79 Y. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
Note that this Straggler will combine with the one already on SM.79 Z to create a Loss
Now for the Cohesion Rolls.
Die Roll Modifiers for Kittyhawk E:
Kittyhawk E rolls a 7-5=2. Result – Broken.
SM.79 Y roll does not matter since it’s already broken.
Combat in Q1 between Kittyhawk D and SM.79 Z. Kittyhawk D is the Attacker.
Kittyhawk D will use Speed. Kittyhawk D has a Speed value of 5. The following will affect its combat value.
SM.79 Z has a Speed value of 4. The following will affect its combat value.
Kittyhawk D will fire on the 5-2= +3 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
SM.79 Z will fire on the 2-5= -3 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
Kittyhawk D rolls a 8+1=9. Result – 2 Hits.
SM.79 Z rolls a 11. Result – 2 Hits.
Kittyhawk D rolls for Losses against SM.79 Z. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
SM.79 Z rolls for Losses against Kittyhawk D. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
Now for the Cohesion Rolls.
Die Roll Modifiers for Kittyhawk D:
Kittyhawk D rolls a 8-1=7. Result – Nothing.
SM.79 Z does not need to roll as it is already Broken.
That’s 6 Losses and a Straggler to SM.79 Z. That means that Flight Z goes away.
Italian Post Combat Thoughts
Overheard Radio Intercept:
“Josepi? Josepi? Ah crap.”
Combat in R1 between Kittyhawk M and SM.79 X. Kittyhawk M is the Attacker.
Kittyhawk M will use Speed. Kittyhawk M has a Speed value of 5. The following will affect its combat value.
SM.79 X has a Speed value of 4. The following will affect its combat value.
Kittyhawk M will fire on the 5-4= +1 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
SM.79 X will fire on the 4-5= -1 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
Kittyhawk M rolls a 7. Result – 1 Hit.
SM.79 X rolls a 9. Result – 1 Hit.
Kittyhawk M rolls for Losses against SM.79 X. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
SM.79 X rolls for Losses against Kittyhawk M. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
Now for the Cohesion Rolls.
Die Roll Modifiers for Kittyhawk M:
Kittyhawk M rolls a 8-1=7. Result – Nothing.
Die Roll Modifiers for SM.79 X.:
SM.79 X rolls a 3-4=-1 Result – Disrupted.
Turn 6 Administration Phase
End of Turn 6
To be continued….
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