Lee Brimmicombe-Wood’s newest design, Wing Leader: Victories 1940-1942, has been one of several big hits for us this summer. For you guys who don’t own or haven’t yet had a chance to play the game, we’re presenting here (in several parts) Brett Dedrick’s terrific set of After Action Reports for a couple of the free scenarios that Lee has made available online. We hope you enjoy this detailed look inside the the game! – Gene
This is a replay of Wing Leader Scenario V24 “Operation Flax” which is one of the supplemental scenarios provided by Lee B-W online..
Italian Pre-game Planning
Well, we’re in a little bit of trouble here. Here’s our advantages and disadvantages.
- The MC.202 Plane is very good. It can definitely stand it’s own against the best Allied planes.
- You do have a lot of Bombers which are pretty hard to Break.
- Both your Fighters are Squadrons so you should be able to last a little longer in combat.
- The Victory conditions really favor you. The Allies need at least 17VPs to win and 12 to Draw. That means they have to do serious damage to the Bombers in order to win.
- You are outnumbered in Aircraft. Even more so if the Spitfire Squadron splits into flights.
- The Kittyhawks have a Firepower of 2. They will more likely cause losses. 3. Special scenario rule #1 makes it even easier to damage the SM.79 Bombers. Combined with the Kittyhawk’s firepower of two, if a Kittyhawk hits a SM.79, the worst they can do is create a Straggler.
- There’s no Terrain to hide in.
- You start off low and the Allied can easily get the Dive Bonus.
So what’s my plan? Pretty simple. The Fighters will stay in escort, try to tally ASAP and meet the fighters in front of the Bomber.
I will try to get into as Many Dogfights as I can as the MC.202 do have a turn advantage against the Kittyhawks.
Allied Pre-game Planning
I think the Allies in this Scenario definitely have the advantage. My basic plan will be to use the Spitfires (who will become Flights ASAP) to tie up the SM.202 while the Kittyhawks use their 2 Firepower to tear apart the Bombers. I will also try to dive into any Battle so I can to get the +1 Speed Dive bonus.
Italian Pre-game Planning (supplemental)
What idiot ordered all the boxes of nitroglycerine loaded on each Bomber?
Turn 1 Set Up Phase
Note that the Kittyhawks are all in the same formation with a Wing Leader. Per 9.5.3 you only place the Vector for the Wing Leader. This is Vector D.
Allied Setup Thoughts
I placed the Wing Formation Vector right in the way of the Bomber but one altitude higher so we can swoop down on them. I placed the Spitfire Vector up high so I can dive down on the Italian Fighters too.
Here are the Wing Displays:
Turn 1 Tally Phase
No Tallies.
Turn 1 Movement Phase
The move order is the following:
Italian Pre-Movement Thoughts
Escorts and Bomber mean my move is somewhat pre-plotted until I tally. As soon as I do, I will take the battle to the poorly dressed Allied troops.
Allied Pre-Movement Thoughts
Straight ahead until I tally, then dive on the unsuspecting Italians. It’ll be like Taranto all over again except in the sky.
Here is the map after movement:
Allied Post Movement Thoughts
What happened to Kittyhawk E? Did he not get the message to climb? Truthfully I just kind of forgot to climb him. Blame on the Guinness I was drinking. Remember, never drink and dogfight in a Kittyhawk.
Turn 1 Combat Phase
Turn 1 Administration Phase
End of Turn 1
Turn 2 Setup Phase
Italian Mandatory inter-turn Blustering
I would once again like to point out to my esteemed Allied friends that our planes are better in every way. Not only do they out-perform your little paper airplanes but they are sleek and stylish as planes should be. I mean, have you seen our line of sports cars?
That same wonderful Italian engineering also went into our plane designs. In fact, our pilots not only have a lot of Firepower on their planes but they also ride in style with rich Corinthian leather seats and a custom (Designed by De La Renta) espresso holder. Combined with the full Lumbar supporting seats, our pilots will be extremely comfortable when they shoot down your guys……Just wanted you to know. Ciao!
Turn 2 Tally Phase
Note: There is no Formation Bonus for tallying the Bombers because you need 3 SQUADRONS, not 2 Squadrons and a Flight.
Kittyhawk Wing Leader D will try to Tally SM.79 Z which is 6 squares away. He needs to roll a 6 or higher. He rolls a 5+1 (Kittyhawk D is a Veteran) = 6. The SM.79 Z is tallied.
Spitfire A will try to Tally MC.202 G which is 6 squares away. He needs to roll a 6 or higher. He rolls a 1+1(Spitfire A is a Veteran) = 5. Nothing.
MC.202 G will try to Tally Spitfire A which is 6 squares away. He needs to roll a 6 or higher. He rolls a 3+1(MC.202 G is a Veteran) = 4. Nothing.
Wing Leader D will use an Order and give Kittyhawk M a Tally on SM.79 Z.
Italian Post Tally Phase Thoughts:
There wasn’t much of a chance of spotting them. Perhaps if I did not have so much BLING (TM) put up in the cockpits? I know if cuts down on their sight but I want my pilots to feel like they’re home while in the air.
Allied Post Tally thoughts:
Found you buggers. Tallyho.
Here is what the map looks like after the Tally Phase.
Allied Post Tally Phase Thoughts:
Having a Wing commander is pretty cool. It’s an auto tally for someone else in the formation. I choose the Flight M because SM.79 Z is also a Flight. Note that if I choose Kittyhawk Flight E I could have Split it into two Flights. The Wing Commander Kittyhawk D will probably drop his tally on SM.79 Z next turn and tally the next Bomber SM.79 Y.
Turn 2 Movement Phase
The move order is the following:
The Escorts and Bombers move forward. Then the Kittyhawk M tries to move into L1 where the SM.79 Z is. At this point the MC.202 G tries to intercept. He will roll 2 dice with the following modifiers:
MC.202 rolls a 7-2=5. Result – Late intercept. Kittyhawk M and MC.202 G are put in the square with SM.79 Z in L1.
Here is the map after the interception.
Here is the map after everyone moves.
Turn 2 Combat Phase
Combat in L1 between Kittyhawk M, MC.202 G (The “Dragon Warriors”) and SM.79. Due to the Bomber, Kittyhawk M is the Attacker.
Kittyhawk M will use Speed as the rating for combat (since the MC.202 has a better turn rating). Kittyhawk M has a Speed value of 5. The following will affect its combat value.
MC.202 G (Il Duce’s Personal “Warriors of the Air”) has a Speed value of 5. The following will affect its combat value.
Kittyhawk M will fire on the 5-7= -2 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
MC.202 G (The “Fighting Bastards”) will fire on the 7-2= +2 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
Kittyhawk M rolls a 10. Result – 1 Hit.
MC.202 G (The “Undefeated”) rolls a 4. Result – Nothing.
Kittyhawk M rolls for Losses against the SM.79. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
Cohesion Rolls.
Die Roll Modifiers for Kittyhawk M:
Kittyhawk M rolls a 6+1 = 7. No result.
Die Roll Modifiers for MC.202 G (The “Allied Killers”):
MC.202 G (The “Battle Furies”) rolls a 12+1 = 13. No result. Die Roll Modifiers for SM.79 Z:
SM.79 Z rolls a 7. No result.
A -1 Ammo is put on Kittyhawk M and MC.202 G(The “Emperor’s Own”).
Neither side wishes to Dogfight at this time. Here is what the map looks like post battle.
Allied Post Combat Thoughts
OK what the hell happened to letting the Spitfires take care of the Italian Fighters?
Below is an actual radio intercept:
Wing Leader Bolton – “Itie Bombers tallyho at 12 o’clock low. Flight M you have the Lead.”
Flight M leader – “Roger that, Flight M has the Lead and will engage the Bombers.”
Wing Leader Bolton – “Negative Flight M. Say again Negative. Wait for Squadron A to engage the Itie Fighters.”
Flight Leader M – “What? Squadron A? Those wankers? You know they’re all from Bristol, right?”
Wing Leader Bolton – “Flight Leader M, say again?”
Squadron A Leader – “We heard that you bastards. You’re just jealous because our football team is much better than yours.”
Flight Leader M – “This is Flight M Leader requesting that Squadron A leader be relieved of command due to a rich fantasy life.”
Squadron Leader A – “Piss off you…”
Wing Leader Bolton – “Would you two kindly, SHUT THE HELL UP? Thanks you. Now Flight Leader M, you are to wait to engage the Bomber. Acknowledge.”
Flight Leader M – “Roger, engaging the Bombers.”
Wing Leader Bolton – “Why do I even bother? Tallyho Lads!”
Turn 2 Administration Phase
Note that SM.202 G (The “Royal Fighters”) changed its mission from Escort to Sweep per the rules. Also note the Kittyhawk M and MC.202 G (The “Killer Angels”) are now tallied to each other.
End of Turn 2
Turn 3 Setup Phase
Turn 3 Tally Phase
MC.202 H will try to Tally Kittyhawk D which is 4 squares away. He needs to roll a 4 or higher. He rolls a 4. Kittyhawk D is tallied.
Kittyhawk D drops Tally on SM.79 Z and tries to Tally MC.202 H which is 4 squares away. He needs to roll a 4 or higher. He rolls a 2+1(Kittyhawk D is a Veteran) = 3. No Tally.
Kittyhawk E will try to Tally SM.79 Y which is 2 squares away. He needs to roll a 2 or higher. He rolls a 1. No Tally.
Spitfire A will try to Tally SM.79 Y which is 3 squares away. He needs to roll a 3 or higher. He rolls a 6+1(Spitfire A is a Veteran) = 7. Sm.79 Y is Tallied. Per Scenario rule #3, Spitfire A has tactical Flexibility and can Split its Squadron into two flights [9.3.2]. He will do so and Spitfire Squadron A becomes Spitfire Flights O and P. P will take the Tally to SM.79 Y while O will continue in the Vector Square.
Allied Post Tally Thoughts
It was at this point that Wing Leader Bolton seriously began to wonder if he shot down his own Wing and Squadron Leaders if that would count for or against his enemy shot down total.
Italian Post Tally Thoughts
Overheard from one of the Italian Bomber Crew members “What does CH3 NO2 mean?”
Here is the Map after the Tally Phase:
Turn 3 Movement Phase
The move order is the following:
Note: A plane that has a Tally on another plane moves right after it does [6.1.2].
MC.202 H and SM.79 Z move forward. Then the Kittyhawk D tries to move into N1 where the SM.79 Z is. At this point the MC.202 H tries to intercept. He will roll 2 dice with the following modifiers:
MC.202 H rolls a 6-2=4. Result – Late intercept. Kittyhawk D and MC.202 H are put in the square with SM.79 Z in N1.
Here is the map after the interception:
After the rest of the movement:
Turn 3 Combat Phase
Combat in L1 between Kittyhawk M, MC.202 G (The “Assassins”) and SM.79.X Due to the Bomber, Kittyhawk M is the Attacker.
Kittyhawk M will use Speed as the rating for combat (note: the MC.202 should have tried to dogfight last turn, then they would have to use the Turn rating). Kittyhawk M has a Speed value of 5. The following will affect its combat value.
MC.202 G (The “Reapers of Justice”) has a Speed value of 5. The following will affect its combat value.
Kittyhawk M will fire on the 4-6= -2 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
MC.202 G (The “Dreadful Fighters”) will fire on the 6+4= +2 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
Kittyhawk M rolls a 9. Result – 1 Hit.
MC.202 G (The “Undefeated”) rolls a 5. Result – Nothing.
Kittyhawk M rolls for Losses against the SM.79 X. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
Cohesion Rolls.
Italian Mid-Combat Thoughts
Overheard from the Pilot of the previous overheard transmission, “Hey wait a minute. I think that’s the scientific formula for nitroglycerine. Mama Mia (or Holy crap in English)! We’re a flying stick of dynamite!”
Die Roll Modifiers for Kittyhawk M:
Kittyhawk M rolls a 10. Result – Nothing.
Die Roll Modifiers for MC.202 G (The “Hard Hand”):
MC.202 G (The “We’re not as Good as we Think we are Pilots”) rolls a 4. Result – Disrupted
Die Roll Modifiers for SM.79 ZX
SM.79 X rolls a 6-1=5. Result – Nothing.
A -2 Ammo is put on Kittyhawk M and MC.202 G (The “We should have killed them by Now Guys”).
Will there be a Dogfight in L1? The Allied do not want one but the Italians do. So each side will have to roll a die and add their speed (and+1 for Veteran or -1 for Green). If the side wanting to Dogfight rolls the same of higher than the other side, there is a Dogfight. Kittyhawk M rolls a 6 +5 (speed) = 11. MC.202 G (The “Almost Greats”) roll a 5 +5 (Speed) +1 (Veteran) = 11. A tie means there is a Dogfight.
Combat in M1 between Kittyhawk E and SM.79.Y. Kittyhawk M is the Attacker. The Allies will not use Spitfire P because even though using it will give a +1 in combat value, you will still have to roll on the Cohesion table for it and put a -1 Ammo counter on it.
Allied Pre-Battle Thoughts
Below is another actual radio intercept:
Wing Leader Bolton – “Guys, I AM the Wing Leader….Hello?….Is this thing on?…..Is anyone even listening to me? ….I know you bastards can hear me. We did have a good plan, you know”
Kittyhawk E will use Speed as the rating for combat. Kittyhawk M has a Speed value of 5. The following will affect its combat value.
SM.79 Y has a Speed value of 4. The following will affect its combat value.
Kittyhawk E will fire on the 6-4= +2 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
SM.79 Y will fire on the 4-6= -2 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
Kittyhawk E rolls a 10. Result – 2 Hits. SM.79 Y rolls a 12. Result – 2 Hits.
Kittyhawk E rolls for Losses against the SM.79 Y. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
SM.79 Y rolls for Losses against Kittyhawk E. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
Allied Post Combat Results Thoughts
Below is another actual radio intercept:
Wing Leader Bolton – “See? If you Gentlemen (and I use that term loosely) HAD listened to me maybe your planes would not now be on Fire and heading for the ground at top speed. “
Kittyhawk E plane while going down – “Foxtrot Uniform Wing Leader. Oh look, is that a swimming pool? Well if I must go down, might as well do it in style.”
Italian Post Combat Results Thoughts
Italian Bomber – You gunners better keep shooting like that or we’re gonna go Bigadaboom”
Now for the Cohesion Rolls.
Die Roll Modifiers for Kittyhawk E:
Kittyhawk E rolls a 11-1=10. Result – Nothing.
Die Roll Modifiers for SM.79 Y.
SM.79 Y rolls a 10. Result – Nothing. A -1 Ammo is put on Kittyhawk E.
Combat in N1 between Kittyhawk E, MC.202 H and SM.79.Z Due to the Bomber, Kittyhawk D is the Attacker.
Kittyhawk D will use Speed. Kittyhawk D has a Speed value of 5. The following will affect its combat value.
MC.202 H has a Speed value of 5. The following will affect its combat value.
Kittyhawk D will fire on the 7-6= +1 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
MC.202 H will fire on the 6-7= -1 column with the following Die roll modifiers.
Kittyhawk D rolls a 7+1=8. Result – 1 Hit. MC.202 H rolls a 4. Result – Nothing.
Kittyhawk D rolls for Losses against the SM.79 X. He gets to add the following:
He rolls once for each hit.
Now for the Cohesion Rolls.
Die Roll Modifiers for Kittyhawk D:
Kittyhawk D rolls a 6+2=8. Result – Nothing. Die Roll Modifiers for MC.202 H:
MC.202 H rolls a 3. Result – Broken. Die Roll Modifiers for SM.79 ZX
SM.79 X rolls a 7-1=6. Result – Nothing.
A -1 Ammo is put on Kittyhawk D and MC.202 H.
Italian Post Combat Thoughts
<Translated from the original Italian> crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap.
It’s going to be bad form here on out. When one of my two fighter squadrons Breaks, that leaves only one left and he is disrupted. This might be a long lonely flight for the bombers.
Allied Post Combat Results Thoughts:
Below is another actual radio intercept:
Wing Leader Bolton – “Well lads, that’s how you do it.”
Multiple aircraft – “Showoff.”
Turn 3 Administration Phase
End of Turn 3
To be continued….
Great AAR or greatest AAR?
Nice writeup. Hope this will help new players learn the game.
I am still learning the game. This AAR is well written but I am at the same time confused by it.
Can anyone shed some light?
Why are there “-1 Speed” label on Escort markers. Is it because of playtest version?
Turn 2:
2.5 squadron is not large formation? I am not sure about that. Maybe a rule clarification is needed.
H should be alerted when G gained a tally. This was not reflect in the associated wing display.
M engaged Z head-on. Why could G intercept? (I suppose this meant react)
Turn 3:
D dropped tally and failed to gain a new one. Was it still tallying Z?
H was switched to sweep on turn 2 to fight. It was not able to resume Escort to React because it facing was not aligned with the bomber during Admin phase.
In the Combat at M1. I do not believe E could attack as it had no tally.
Thank you.
Brett, hi!
I want to back up Erwin’s question concerning dropping the Tally by wingleader D at the start of Turn 3. Seems like a mistake, that he is still talling after unsuccessful tally roll. Seems, that subsequent example turns to “havoc” due to this.
In either case, thank you for your work, it turns me to studying the rules.
Best wishes!