Welcome to the InsideGMT blog!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to our new InsideGMT blog! The purpose of this blog is to get you guys more current information on the projects our designers are working on, and to give you more peeks “behind the curtain” at the people and products that make up GMT Games.

So, several times a week, you’ll see a mix of posts from me about various happenings InsideGMT, Guest blogs from our designers on various projects, interviews with GMT team members, and general news. We’ll also utilize this blog’s “Upcoming Events” feature to keep you guys informed about which shows and game conventions our team members will be attending. And we’re going to do our best to give you more frequent updates on progress with our P500 designs from designer and developer updates as well.

I want to invite you guys to get involved with this blog. Feel free to leave comments about things  you’d like to see in future blog posts as well as your general feedback to what we post. If there’s a feature you’d like to see us add to the blog, feel free to suggest it. And if some of you would like to send me Guest blogs to post with your perspective on GMT or one of our games or any aspect of our operations, feel free, and I’ll work them into the general posting plan.

I hope that you find this InsideGMT blog will enhance your enjoyment of GMT Games and draw you closer to the “Circle of Friends” who create and produce them. I look forward to reading your feedback. Until next time….

Enjoy the games!


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7 thoughts on “Welcome to the InsideGMT blog!

  1. I’m here and all I ask for is some good vibes as my Cubs are facing the Dodgers this weekend! Or is that in the offensive or off topic variety. As always Go GMT Games!