Twilight Struggle Play the Experts #6: How Do You Say Zugzwang?

Below is Part 2 of Game 2 in Brian’s Twilight Struggle Play the Experts video series. The articles covering Game 1 can be found here. Enjoy!

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The overarching theme for this episode is the value of hand knowledge – how knowing what some of our opponent’s cards are after the turn 3 reshuffle can strongly inform our headline and play. We talk more about how to do back-of-the-envelope math to figure out likely outcomes of various plays. Also, even though the Soviets have the initiative (as they so often do in the Early War), we look at how making aggressive countermoves that at least “put a little bit of pressure” on the Soviets can lead to better outcomes than conservative plays that give your opponent breathing space. Meanwhile turn 4 again features the use of information about the opponent’s hand against him, even in a situation where he has better board position in the key continents.

Previous Article in this Series: Twilight Struggle Play the Experts #5: A Land War in Asia

Next Article in this Series: Twilight Struggle Play the Experts #7: With Me or Against Me?

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Brian Reynolds
Author: Brian Reynolds

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