Twilight Struggle Play the Experts #4: Whither the Soviet Tide

Below is Part 4 of Game 1 in Brian’s Twilight Struggle Play the Experts video series. Parts 1, 2, and 3 can be found here, here, and here. Enjoy!

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In the fourth installment, we’ll find out if our efforts have paid off or not! We explore a calculation of how many victory points we could gain/save (and when) based on our choice of two different continents to attack. We explore the possibilities and pitfalls of going to Japan as the Soviet player. Realignments come up once more when our opponent attempts to set a realignment trap for us in Venezuela – but we have a way to carefully defuse it. Finally, in perhaps our best hope for a Soviet victory, we learn how to use Five Year Plan, theoretically a US event, to “delete” a scoring card we don’t want to see. Will we be singing the Soviet National Anthem at the end?

Previous Article in this Series: Twilight Struggle Play the Experts #3: No More Mr. Nice Defcon

Next Article in this Series: Twilight Struggle Play the Experts #5: A Land War in Asia

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Brian Reynolds
Author: Brian Reynolds

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