Twilight Struggle Play the Experts #3: No More Mr. Nice Defcon

Here is Part 3 of Game 1 in Brian’s Twilight Struggle Play the Experts video series. Parts 1 and 2 can be found here and here. Enjoy!

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In the third installment, covering turns 5 and 6, we look at some of the issues that come up with the Defcon starts at 4 or 5 instead of the usual 3. We learn “how to run a good Quagmire” to suck extra victory points out of the double (or more) move it can provide us. This is also a “Momentum Episode” – we will also look at ways to use a lead on the scoreboard to force the opponent to make sub-optimal use of his cards. In turn 6 I overlook an “instant checkmate” opportunity – see if YOU can find what I missed!

Previous Article in this Series: Twilight Struggle Play the Experts #2: Create a Little Chaos Here

Next Article in this Series: Twilight Struggle Play the Experts #4: Whither the Soviet Tide

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Brian Reynolds
Author: Brian Reynolds

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