The National Will Death Spiral in Illusions of Glory

The second edition of Illusions of Glory: The Great War on the Eastern Front (“IoG”) is currently on the P-500 list. 

Links to prototype unit counters, player aid cards, mapboard, and playbook can be found on the IoG webpage. 

The following discussion includes rule references in parentheses. The rulebook can also be found on the IoG webpage. 

One big difference between IoG and the CDGs “Pursuit of Glory” or “Paths of Glory” is the operation of National Will (“NW”). This is a measure of popular support for the war effort, as shown by the upward (positive) or downward (negative) movement of Russian (“RU”), German (“GE”), and Austro-Hungarian (“AH”) National Will markers on the General Records Track. National Will is reduced by Victory Point (“VP”) space losses and by playing Event cards (23.2). 

There are 10 National Will spaces on the General Records Track. RU, GE, and AH National Will markers move down 2 spaces when its Nation loses control of a home VP space. Events will also reduce National Will by the number of spaces indicated on the card. Also, RU, GE, and AH National Will markers move up 2 spaces when its Nation or an ally retakes control of that Nation’s lost home VP space. 

If downward movement of the RU, GE, or AH National Will markers reaches the National Demoralization space, then Rebellion can break out in that Nation. Rebellion is represented by the opposing player putting Uprising Units in that Nation (23.3). An Uprising Unit can be placed in a VP space. It takes control of that space and the player who lost control of the space to the Uprising Unit loses 1 VP (23.3.2). Supply lines cannot be traced through a space occupied by an Uprising Unit (14.1.2). This can cause a Combat Unit to lose supply. 

If the AH or GE National Will marker has reached National Demoralization by Step 1 of the Rebellion/Revolution Phase, the AP player can immediately place 2 AH or GE Uprising Units in separate spaces and/or regions of those Nations. If the RU National Will marker has reached National Demoralization by Step 1 of the Rebellion/Revolution Phase, the CP player can immediately place 2 RU Uprising Units in separate RU spaces and/or regions. If the RU, GE, or AH National Will marker advances above National Demoralization, no more Uprising Units can be placed in that Nation until its National Will marker re-enters National Demoralization (23.3.1). 

An Uprising Unit remains on the mapboard until it is destroyed by Combat. Combat Units can attack an Uprising Unit of any Nation, since no Uprising Unit is friendly to them (23.3.3). 

If all VP spaces in Austria-Hungary are occupied by Uprising Units in Step 4 of the War Status Phase, Austria-Hungary collapses and is out of the war (23.5). Germany does not collapse, but it gets no reinforcements if Uprising Units control Berlin and all other German VP spaces. 

When there is an Uprising Unit in Russia, the RUSSIAN REVOLUTION card can be played. After RUSSIAN REVOLUTION is played, the Revolution marker is placed on the Turn Record Track one space ahead of the current turn. When the Turn marker enters the same turn space as the Revolution marker, the Revolution marker is transferred to the red “RU Revolution” space on the Russian Revolution Track. This begins the Russian Revolution (23.4.2). 

In each following Rebellion/Revolution Phase, the Revolution marker is moved ahead one Stage on the Russian Revolution Track. As the Russian Revolution enters each Stage, escalating negative effects apply. In Revolution Stage 1, Cards can no longer be played to get RU Reinforcements. In Revolution Stage 2, RU Replacement Points cannot be accumulated. In Revolution Stage 3, all full-strength RU corps on the mapboard are reduced by one step. In Revolution Stage 4, each RU corps is replaced by a full strength RU division of any type. If no RU divisions are available, the RU corps is removed from the mapboard without replacement (23.4.3). 

National Will is a simple system, not found elsewhere, that introduces political volatility affecting Germany and Austria-Hungary. It also creates a reasonable chance of revolution in Russia that seems hard to reach in similar games. 

Previous Illusions of Glory 2nd Edition InsideGMT Articles

Perry Silverman
Author: Perry Silverman

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