This AAR is from round 16 of the Last Hundred Yards Ladder playoff by Marc Rivet. The Americans were played by Marc Rivet and the Germans by Jason Martin.
Mission 5.0: Counterattack at Hatten
January 1945: By December 21st, the German High Command had realized that the Ardennes Offensive was not going to reach its objectives. A sudden attack on the southern Allied front might damage the gap Patton’s Third Army left when it shifted north into the Bulge. Part of this offensive fell on the small towns of Hatten and Rittershoffen. Colonel Hans von Luck had dispatched reduced elements of the 25th Panzer Grenadier Division to take the towns, and after several days of hard fighting, the American garrison surrendered. On January 9th, 1945, elements of the 14th Armored Division reacted quickly, with Sherman tanks equipped with the new 76mm guns, in an attempt to take it back.
Mission Objective: Mission ends if at the end of the game turn there are no German tanks in Sector 12 south of the river and no German tanks within two hexes and LOS of hexes D6 and G2, or when one side exceeds its Casualty Differential Limit, or when the Final Score is ≥ 36.
09:15 The Germans set up to maximize the effectiveness of their weapons systems from the high ground. With the American gaining coordination and maintaining it and the initiative through the first two game turns, it was not long before they came within range of the southern-most German tanks who promptly revealed themselves (to be fairly good shots) and inflicted the game’s first casualty to the lead American tank. Only four minutes had passed.
09:20 Having taken casualties, the Americans had the wherewithal to maintain the initiative, and though they lost coordination with the 2nd platoon of tanks, 3rd platoon was able to lay down withering anti-tank fire. The German tanks abandoned the high ground after losing one tank. Meanwhile, 2nd platoon was able to take a bound unhindered by fire, after the retreating Germans.
09:24 Following the initial contacts and with the Germans on the run, the Americans were unable to maintain the initiative, thus giving the Germans a chance to regroup and attempt to pick off the exposed lead American tanks. While the remaining retreating German tank stopped to fire, the American 2nd platoon quickly maneuvered to cut it off from the village and bridge. This maneuver exposed tanks of the 2nd to enfilade by a fourth German tank hidden in the village. Meanwhile on the Germans left flank, the American 3rd platoon was caught flat footed and exchanged fire with the German tank on the hill southeast of the eastern bridge. In the exchange, the 2nd American tank platoon lost their lead tank, and the German tank on the hill encountered by the American 3rd platoon was destroyed. At this juncture, both the Americans and Germans had lost two tanks.
15:29 The Germans maintained the initiative. One of their three remaining tanks was shocked after being surrounded by four Shermans. The shocked tank quickly recovered but remained surrounded. The German tank in the village engaged the stationary American tanks, hoping to relieve some of the pressure on their fellow tank which was still cut off. The surrounded German tank, being enfiladed, was quickly destroyed by the tanks of the American 2nd platoon. While the American 2nd platoon was finishing off the surrounded German tank, the 3rd platoon quickly advanced towards the village with the intent of crossing the eastmost bridge. Just as they began to approach the bridge, another hidden German tank fired on the American Command Tank but with little effect.
15:33 The German tank, holding the initiative, was able to fire before the tanks of the American 3rd platoon could respond, but its fire was off the mark. In the meantime, tanks of the American 2nd platoon destroyed the shocked German tank. The Americans now have lost two tanks to the German’s three.
15:37 The German tanks, maintaining the initiative, were able to fire first against the approaching American 2nd platoon. The remaining tanks of the American 3rd platoon maneuvered to secure the east bridge. In the exchange, the last German tank south of the river and one American tank were destroyed.
15:41 The remaining German tank, in desperation and determined to fight to the very last, again was able to fire first against the closest American tank. The returning fire from multiple American tanks made short work of the last German tank but not before losing another of their own. Total losses: Germans lost five tanks and the Americans four.
Thus, a final game score of 26 [30 minutes minus four Casualty Points] and a Draw.
This was my second opportunity to play this mission and first time as the defender. I fared somewhat better than my previous attempt as the attacker and thoroughly enjoyed the game.
Marc, thank you for the great competition. I very much enjoyed the game as well as your rules clarifications!