The Last Hundred Yards Example of Play – Part 2


This is the final installment of the Extended Example of Play for the Last Hundred Yards Mission #2 “Flushing Quail”. The first installment, The Last Hundred Yards Example of Play – Part 1, can be found on InsideGMT.

In continuation of this mission, two American platoons had been tasked with driving a German outpost from Hill 192. To win, the American player must complete the mission with a final score < 20.

As we left it, the American 1st squad, of the 1st platoon had just taken one of the positions on the left side of Hill 192. Lt. Murphy was maneuvering swiftly to support the 1st squad’s gain with the balance of his platoon.. Meanwhile, Lt. Cherry was maneuvering his 1st and 2nd squads through the farm complex to attack the German left.

The German commander, Lt. Lang, realized that he must immediately counter-attack to regain the position now occupied by the American 1st squad before it could be reinforced. He continued to request the much needed mortar support for the defense of Hill 192.

Read on to see whether the Americans get the job done.

Game Turn 3

Initiative Phase – Both players make Initiative die rolls. The American player no longer has the +2 Initiative DRM because the German player had the Initiative in the previous Game Turn. The American player’s die roll is 6, and German player’s die roll [The German player has no Initiative DRM as stated in the Mission setup]. is “5”. The American player wins the Initiative 6 to 5.

Turn 3 Activation Phase

Turn 3 Activation Phase

Activation Phase – The American player’s attempt to conduct a Combined Activation (coordinated attack), allowing him to activate two platoons together, was successful this time as his Combined Activation die roll > 8. The American player conducts a fire action with his MG section against the German section “a” and places a -2 SADRM [+1 Firing unit SADRM, -1 for mid-range, and -2 for the improved position] on the German section. The American 1st squad, 1st platoon attempts to re-group but fails. The American 2nd squad, 1st platoon maneuvers to a position behind the 1st squad, and Lt. Murphy with the 3rd squad maneuvers to the left of 1st squad. The American player now maneuvers the 3rd squad, 2nd platoon into a position along the stone wall, and Lt. Cherry with his 1st squad maneuvers to the right around the farmhouse. Having completed all of his actions, the American player Calls for Reaction from the German player.

The German player reacts by conducting a fire action with the German section “a”, currently under fire against the American 1st squad, 1st platoon as it attempts to recover and places a -3 SADRM [“0” for the firing units SADRM, -1 because it is under fire and -2 for the improved position] marker on the American squad. The German section “c” fires at the American 3rd squad, 2nd platoon as it maneuvers along the wall. Finally, Lt. Lang, along with section ”c”, assaults the American 1st squad, 1st platoon’s to drive him from the hill. Note: The German section “b” cannot react because it did not see an enemy unit conduct an action in its LOS. The German Player now Calls for Reaction from the American Player. The American player has no reactions or units left to activate; therefore, the Activation Cycle ends.

Turn 3 Fire Resolution Phase

Turn 3 Fire Resolution Phase

Fire Resolution Phase – The result of the fire attacks are as follows:

  1. The American 1st squad, 1st platoon. The die roll is “10”, -3 for the green SADRM marker = 7 which is > the 1st squads cohesion, causing it to Disrupt.
  2. The American 3rd squad, 2nd platoon. The die roll is “6”, -1 for the green SADRM marker = 5 which is < the squads cohesion, resulting in no effect.
  3. The German section “a”. The die roll is “9”, -2 for the green SADRM marker = 7 which is > the section’s cohesion, causing it to Disrupt. This ends the Fire Resolution Phase.

Close Combat Phase –Lt. Lang, and the German section “d”, are the attacker in the Close Combat against the disrupted American 1st squad, 1st platoon.

End of Turn 3 Close Combat Phase

End of Turn 3 Close Combat Phase

The German net Close Combat value is +1 [+1 Close Combat Value, -1 (5 – 6) for the cohesion differential, and +1 for the Leader (Lt. Lang)]. The American 1st squad’s net Close Combat Value is +1 [+1 Close Combat Value, +1 for the improved position and -1 due to its Regrouping marker]. In this case, there is no Final Close Combat DRM as the net Close Combat Values of both players are the same and offset each other.

The German’s Close Combat die roll is “8”, resulting in the Germans re-taking the position. The German units are marked with a Regrouping marker and the American 1st squad must retreat 1 to 4 hexes and conduct a cohesion check. The American 1st squad retreats as shown and fails its cohesion check. Due to this, it is casualty reduced because it was already disrupted and remains disrupted.

Indirect Fire Adjustment Phase – The German player, desperate for help must roll < 4 to receive his mortar support. The German player’s die roll is “6”, therefore again failing to receive mortar support.

Time Lapse Phase – The American player’s Time Lapse die roll is “9”, resulting in a Time Lapse of 4 minutes. The Time Lapse marker is moved to the “9” minute box on the Time Track [3 for the first Game Turn, 2 for the second and 4 for the third].

At the end of Game Turn 3 the Attacker’s Score is 18 [9 minutes, +9 Casualty Points, due to loss of a total of 3 American Combat steps, including the reduction of 1st squad, 1st platoon this game turn]. Casualties are mounting for the American player.

Game Turn 4

Initiative Phase – Both players make Initiative die rolls. This Game Turn the American player has a +2 Initiative DRM because he had the Initiative the previous Game Turn. The American player’s die roll is “6” +2 for Initiative DRM = 8, and German player’s die roll is “7”. The American player wins the Initiative 8 to 7.

Turn 4 Activation Phase

Turn 4 Activation Phase

Activation Phase – The American player’s attempt to conduct a Combined Activation was unsuccessful this time as his Combined Activation die roll < 8. The American Player must therefore activate his platoons sequentially. The American Player chooses to activate the 1st platoon first. He maneuvers the 2nd squad, 1st platoon and assaults the position held by Lt. Lang and the German section “d” from the front. Lt. Murphy and 3rd squad assault from the rear in order encircle the German position. An Encirclement marker [the defenders suffer encirclement because the American units entered their hex from two non-adjacent hex sides] and an American Close Combat marker are placed in the hex. The American player now attempts to recover section “a”, 1st platoon. His Recovery die roll is “7” which > than the section’s cohesion (5) and therefore the attempt fails and the section remains disrupted. As there are no other 1st platoon units to activate, the American player Calls for Reaction from the German player.

The German player now reacts to the actions of the American 1st platoon first by attempting to recover the German section “a”. The recovery die roll is “6” which is > the section’s cohesion (5) and this attempt fails and the section remains disrupted. The German section “c” chooses to hold his fire until the American 2nd platoon comes closer. Note: The German section “b” still cannot react because it again did not see an enemy unit conduct an action in its LOS. As the German player has no further reaction, he now calls for reaction from the American Player. The American player reacts with his MG section firing at the German section “a” and places a -2 SADRM [+1 for firing units SADRM, -1 for mid-range and -2 for the improved position] marker on the section and then Calls for Reaction from the German player. The German player chooses not to react with section “c”, his only remaining available unit.

The American player now activates 2nd platoon. He maneuvers the 3rd squad, 2nd platoon to the base of the hill and Lt. Cherry takes the 1st squad over the wall toward the German section “c”. The American player now Calls for Reaction from the German player. The German player reacts with section ”c”, which fires at the American 3rd squad and places a +2 SADRM [+1 for the firing units SADRM and +1 for firing at unit that ended its maneuver in open terrain] marker on the American 3rd squad. As neither player has any further reactions, and the American player has activated both platoons, the Activation Phase ends.

Turn 4 Fire Resolution Phase

Turn 4 Fire Resolution Phase

Fire Resolution Phase – The result of the fire attacks are as follows:

  1. The American 3rd squad, 2nd platoon. The die roll is “6”, +2 for the SADRM marker = 8 which is > the squads cohesion causing it to Disrupt.
  2. The German section “a”. The die roll is “3”, -2 for the SADRM marker = 1 which is < the sections cohesion resulting in no effect. This ends the Fire Resolution Phase.
Turn 4 Close Combat Phase

Turn 4 Close Combat Phase

Close Combat Phase – The Americans are the attacker in the Close Combat against Lt. Lang and the German section “d”. The German net Close Combat value (CCV) is +2 [+1 for the section’s CCV, +1 for the Leader (Lt. Lang), +1 for the improved position and -1 for the Regrouping marker]. The American net Close Combat value is +8 [+2 for 2nd squad CCV, +3 for 3rd squad CCV, +1 for the Leader (Lt. Murphy), +2 for the Encirclement marker, +1 for Cohesion Differential (6 – 5) and -1 for crossing a major contour]. The final Close Combat DRM is “6” [American net CCV of +8 minus German net CCV of +2]. Although the Americans final CCV is +6, the maximum Close Combat DRM allowed is +4. The American Close Combat die roll is “10” +4 for the Close Combat DRM = 14. The German units must retreat 4 hexes and are Casualty Reduced. The German section “d” is eliminated because it is a single step unit and Leaders, when casualty reduced, are removed from play and placed on the Time Track in the box equal to 14 minutes [the current Time Lapse of 9 minutes and 5 minutes representing the time required to designate a new Leader]. Due to the maximum Close Combat result of “14”, the American units may advance one hex and if the hex contains enemy units may immediately enter and resolve Close Combat.

Turn 4 Close Combat Phase

Turn 4 Close Combat Phase

The American player chooses to advance and enter into Close Combat as the attacker against the disrupted German section “a”. The German net Close Combat value is +2 [0 for section “a”, +1 for the improved position and +1 because the American units crossed a major contour to enter the hex]. The American net Close Combat value is +7 [+2 for 2nd squad, +3 for 3rd squad, +1 for the Leader (Lt. Murphy) and +1 for Cohesion Differential (6 – 5)]. The American’s final Close Combat DRM is +5, again reduced to the maximum Close Combat DRM of +4. The American Close Combat die roll is “4”, +4 for the Close Combat DRM = 8. The German section must retreat 4 hexes and conduct a cohesion check, which it fails and is therefore eliminated because it was already disrupted. This ends the Close Combat Phase.

Turn 4 End of Close Combat

Turn 4 End of Close Combat

Indirect Fire Adjustment Phase – The German player makes one last attempt for mortar support. His die roll must be < 4 to be successful. Unfortunately the German player’s die roll is “9”, therefore failing to receive mortar support once again.

Time Lapse Phase – The American player’s Time Lapse die roll is “7”, resulting in a Time Lapse of 3 minutes. The Time Lapse marker is moved to the “11” minute box on the Time Track [3 for the first Game Turn, 2 for the second, 4 for the third and now 3 for the fourth].

At the end of Game Turn 4 the American’s score is 14 [11 minutes, +9 American Casualty Points, -6 German Casualty Points]. Things are looking dire for the Germans.

Game Turn 5

Initiative Phase – Both players make Initiative die rolls. The American player still has a +2 Initiative DRM because the he had the Initiative the previous Game Turn. The American player’s die roll is “2”, +2 Initiative DRM = 4, and German player’s die roll is “8”. The German player wins and has the Initiative for Game Turn 5.

Activation Phase – The German section “d” realizes that without Lt. Lang and any mortar support, Hill 192 cannot be held any longer and therefore elects to withdraw 4 hexes. The German section “b” also chooses to withdraw to avoid any further losses. As there are longer any German forces on the Hill 192, the Mission ends at the end of the Game Turn 5.

Time Lapse Phase – The American player’s final Time Lapse die roll is “10” resulting in a Time Lapse of another 4 minutes. The Time Lapse marker is now moved to the “15” minute box on the Time Track.

At Mission end the American’s final score is 18 [15 minutes, +9 American Casualty Points, -6 German Casualty Points] resulting in an American Victory as his final score was < 20.

Summary – The German’s put up a stubborn defense, but without mortar support and the loss of Lt. Lang they had little chance of holding off the superior American force. The Americans were successful in the execution of their initial plan and were rewarded with a victory, but suffered more casualties than expected.

Articles in this Series: Part 1  Part 2


Mike Denson
Author: Mike Denson

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