Below you will find the ninth in a series of designer’s notes articles from The Last Hundred Yards series designer Mike Denson. In this segment he will discuss offensive tactics in LHY. You can also find this article on his ConsimWorld Community page. Enjoy! -Rachel
Attacking Principles: When maneuvering to attack, it is extremely important to use the terrain tactically to get as close to the enemy as possible without being seen. Remember, if the enemy cannot see you, his reactions will be limited because if he can’t see you, he cannot react. This is a key to success in LHY. Avoid impatient and careless behavior. Be aware of how quickly things can change, especially for the attacker when he loses the Initiative. Expect the unexpected and be willing and prepared to adapt.
Prior to closing with the enemy, draw his fire to pinpoint his location and locate any hidden anti-tank units. Infantry sections are particularly suited for this. Try and get at least one section, or another combat unit within three hexes of the enemy, close enough to draw the enemy’s fire so that the defender loses his concealment and hidden units are revealed, allowing your units to react and fire against any revealed enemy unit.
Concentrate your effort and avoid wasting your strength on numerous unimportant targets. If attacking several positions at once, the enemy may easily destroy you by concentrating successively on each attacking element. Instead, select and strike a key position with all the power that can be mustered at the point of contact. If this position falls, others may then be taken. Look for isolated units to defeat with overwhelming force.
Advancing units, especially across open ground, are extremely vulnerable to enemy fire. Use small arms and mortar fire from stationary positions to suppress known enemy positions, reducing his reaction fire against your advancing units. Mortars are especially useful in suppressing enemy hard points prior to an assault. Also, consider the use of smoke to screen your advancing forces. Caution: mortar availability can vary, so plan ahead and use mortars judiciously to ensure they are available when they are needed the most. It’s difficult to force an enemy from prepared defenses by using small arms or mortar fire alone. In LHY, as in real life, prepared positions will have to be assaulted. To assault, the assaulting units must begin their action within two hexes (the last 100 yards) of the enemy. It is even better when the attacker begins his action adjacent to the enemy because the enemy will not be able to react prior to being assaulted. Once the enemy has been assaulted, other friendly units can reinforce the assault. When possible, encircle the enemy position by entering from different directions and maneuvering units into a position to block an enemy’s retreat.
Maintaining momentum can be difficult if the attacker does not have the Initiative. His maneuverability is restricted, and all fire is limited to reaction fire. Without the Initiative, the attacker must be patient, generally limiting his maneuvers and focusing more on reaction fire against key enemy positions. It is important that the attacker places himself in such a position that when he does regain the Initiative, he can aggressively resume his advance, “making hay while the sun shines.”
Previous Articles:
The Last Hundred Yards Designer’s Notes: Intro & Time Lapse System
The Last Hundred Yards Designer’s Notes: Initiative & Activation Cycle
The Last Hundred Yards Designer’s Notes: Maneuver & Fire Mechanics
The Last Hundred Yards Designer’s Notes: Armor
The Last Hundred Yards Designer’s Notes: Mortars
The Last Hundred Yards Designer’s Notes: Platoon Leaders
The Last Hundred Yards Designer’s Notes: The Imperial Japanese Army