Below you will find the tenth in a series of designer’s notes articles from The Last Hundred Yards series designer Mike Denson. In this segment he will discuss defensive tactics in LHY. You can also find this article on his ConsimWorld Community page. Enjoy! -Rachel
Defending Principles: When on the defensive, consider what you might do if you were the attacker. Study the terrain to identify his most likely avenue of approach and how to best defend against it. Place defending units in positions so that they have interlocking fields of fire. If possible, defend in depth with a screening force, a main line of resistance, and a reserve. The outpost, or screening force, should be occupied by a minimum number of troops required to maintain constant observation, combat enemy reconnaissance, and harass and delay the enemy. Mortar fire is especially suited for harassing and delaying tasks. These units should withdraw to the main line of resistance once the enemy threatens their position.
The main line of resistance is where the enemy is to be worn down over time. The defender should deploy his squads to cover the front of the platoon area and the intervals on the flanks and to furnish mutually supporting fires with adjacent platoons. This works well when the assigned frontage is narrow and there are few or no gaps between platoons. When occupying an area with a wider frontage though, the attacker must protect his flank, and any mutual fire support from adjacent platoons is obtained by drawing back the flanks. Small arms and mortar fire should be concentrated on the greatest threat, and situations allowing the enemy the ability to isolate and gain fire superiority against a single defending position should be avoided. Employ enfilade fire whenever possible. Anti-tank units should be deployed to cover approaches best suited for vehicles, defend your infantry, and ambush enemy armor. The defender must be flexible and adapt. Platoon dispositions should be coordinated with supporting weapons in the area.
The attacker will need to concentrate his forces to gain superiority at the point of attack. If mortars are available, this is an excellent opportunity to disrupt and disperse enemy units before a pending attack. Also, when enemy units are assaulting from a non-adjacent hex, they must stop temporarily in a hex adjacent to the hex being assaulted. In this case, mortar fire can be extremely effective against the assaulting units, penning them in place and increasing the risk of casualties.
A reserve force, whenever possible, should be established behind the main line of resistance in areas from which they can limit enemy penetrations, execute local counterattacks, and protect the flanks. Armor and motorized infantry are especially suited for this role. Infantry reserves, if possible, should be placed within at least 2 MP of friendly front-line units so that, when they are assaulted, the reserves can reinforce friendly units in reaction. Wherever possible, place a platoon leader with reserve units so they are ensured the capability to react. Position reserves so that their route of advance affords cover and concealment. Areas in which hostile tanks are likely to operate are undesirable as reserve assembly areas.
The burden of advance is on the attacker and time is major factor in determining the level of victory for him. Therefore, the defender should attempt to delay the advance of the attacker, inflicting additional casualties when able, rather than attempting to defeat him with a single, strong defensive line. The defender should be flexible and prepared to give ground if needed; thus, determine in advance the best place for a second line of resistance. Remember, you can withdraw faster than the enemy can advance.
Previous Articles:
The Last Hundred Yards Designer’s Notes: Intro & Time Lapse System
The Last Hundred Yards Designer’s Notes: Initiative & Activation Cycle
The Last Hundred Yards Designer’s Notes: Maneuver & Fire Mechanics
The Last Hundred Yards Designer’s Notes: Armor
The Last Hundred Yards Designer’s Notes: Mortars
The Last Hundred Yards Designer’s Notes: Platoon Leaders
The Last Hundred Yards Designer’s Notes: The Imperial Japanese Army
The Last Hundred Yards Designer’s Notes: Offensive Tactics