Below is Part 2 (and Final) of The Last Hundred Yards Armor Example of Play. Part 1 can be found here.
Turn 3
Initiative: The American player wins the Initiative.
Activation: Regaining the Initiative, Lt. Stephens instructs Sher-mans #1 and #2 to suppress the two German tanks while he and Shermans #3 and #4 maneuver to turn the enemy’s flank. Sherman #1 fires at Pz IV #4 on the hill to his front and a 2 ATDRM [3 ATV, –1 for firing against a target at a higher level] marker is placed on Pz IV #4. Sherman #2 fires at Pz IV #3 on the hill to his right and a 1 ATDRM [3 ATV, and –1 for firing against a target at a higher level, or –1 for the rural building; the TEMs are not cumulative] marker is placed on Pz IV #3. Shermans #3 and #4 maneuver left to a position on the hill in an attempt to flank Pz IV #4 and the American player calls for Reaction.

The German Pz IV #4, in an attempt to avoid Lt. Stephens’ flanking maneuver and the fire from Sherman #1 to his front, reacts, con-ducting a Shoot & Scoot action against the maneuvering Sherman #3 as it crests the hill and simultaneously reverses off the backside of the hill. A 2 ATDRM [5 ATV, –2 for the Shoot & Scoot to an adjacent hex, –1 for a motion target] marker is placed on Sherman #3. German Pz IV #3 reacts and fires against Sherman #1 and a 3 ATDRM [4 ATV, –1 for Suppression] marker is placed on Sherman #1. The German player now calls for Reaction. Both players pass and play moves to the Fire Resolution Phase.

Fire Resolution
Sherman #1: The die roll is 8, +3 for the ATDRM marker for a Final Fire Attack Result of 11. The Sherman is destroyed because the result is greater than the Sherman’s AV of 10.
Sherman #3: The die roll is 3, +2 for the ATDRM marker for a Final Fire Attack Result of 5. There is no effect because the result is less than or equal to Sherman’s AV of 10.
Pz IV #4: The die roll is 9, +2 for the ATDRM marker for a Final Fire Attack Result of 11. The Pz IV is destroyed because result is greater than the Pz IVs AV of 9, and therefore destroyed.
Pz IV #3: The die roll is 7, +1 for the ATDRM marker for a Final Fire Attack Result of 8. There is no effect because the result is less than or equal to the Pz IVs AV of 9.
Time Lapse: The American player’s die roll is 9, resulting in a Time Lapse of 5 minutes for a total Time Lapse of 12 minutes through game turn 3.

Turn 4
Initiative: The American player wins the Initiative.
Activation: Lt. Stephens, in an attempt to keep the remaining German tank from escaping, calls for all units to fire at Pz IV #3. Sherman #2 fires and a 2 ATDRM [3 ATV, –1 for the cover of the rural building] marker is placed on Pz IV #3. Sherman #4 also fires and a 1 ATDRM [2 ATV, –1 for the cover of the rural building] marker is placed on the tank and Sherman #2 fires and a 1 ATDRM [3 ATV, and –1 for medium range, and –1 for firing against, firing against a target at a higher level or the cover of the rural building; the TEMS are not cumulative] marker is placed on the Pz IV. The American player then calls for Reaction from the German player.

Pz IV #3, in desperate straits, conducts a Shoot & Scoot action, splitting his fire, against Sherman #3 and #4 as it simultaneously reverses off the hill. A –2 ATDRM [4 ATV, –2 for the Shoot & Scoot to an adjacent hex, –2 for the Split Fire, –2 for being Suppressed (–1 for every two DRM markers rounded up)] marker is placed on both American tanks.

Fire Resolution
Sherman #3: The die roll is 6, –2 for the ATDRM marker for a Final Fire Attack Result of 4. There is no effect because the result is less than or equal to the Sherman’s AV of 10.
Sherman #4: The die roll is 10, –2 for the ATDRM marker for a Final Fire Attack Result of 8. There is no effect because the result is less than or equal to the Sherman’s AV of 10.
Pz IV #3: A die roll is made for each ATDRM marker. The first die roll is 8 +2 for its corresponding ATDRM marker for a Final Fire Attack Result of 10; the second die roll is 10 +1 for its corresponding ATDRM marker for a Final Fire Attack Result of 11; and the third die roll is 3 +1 for its corresponding ATDRM for a Final Fire Attack Result of 4. The single best most detrimental result, 11 in this case, is considered and all other results are ignored. The German Pz IV #3 is destroyed because the result was greater than its AV of 9.
Time Lapse: The American player’s die roll is 5 resulting in a Time Lapse of 4 minutes for a total Time Lapse of 16 minutes through game turn 4.

Articles in this Series: Part 1 Part 2