The following example of play not only demonstrates how the armor system works in the LHY but also how the system models actual armor tactics used during WW2. These include tactical concepts such as Enfilade Fire, Fire and Maneuver (i.e., leap frogging), Halt & Fire, Shoot & Scoot and Reverse maneuvers to avoid enemy fire.
Situation: January 5th, 1945. 1st Tank Platoon of CCB of the 4th Armored Division, commanded by Lt. Stephens, has paused briefly to observed two bridges over the Saar River in eastern Lorraine. After failing to see any enemy activity (the Germans set up Hidden, as indicated by the white 4-cornered boxes), Lt. Stephens formalizes his plan for the approach to the village.

Turn 1
Initiative: The American player has the Initiative at start.
Activation: Lt. Stephens sends Sherman #5 ahead to reconnoiter the village and Shermans #1 and #2 to maneuver and take up a position in the woods to their front. Stephens’ Sherman #3 and #4 hold in place, providing over-watch for the maneuvering tanks. The American player calls for Reaction.

German Pz IV #4 will lose its hidden status because Sherman #5 ended it maneuver within 3 hexes of the hex it occupies, and therefore decides to react and conduct a Shoot & Scoot action against Sherman #5 and reverse into hex I8 to avoid fire from Shermans #3 and #4. A 2 ATDRM [5 ATV, –2 for the Shoot & Scoot to an adjacent hex, –1 for the motion target] marker is placed on Sherman #5. The German player calls for reaction. Both players pass and play moves to the Fire Resolution Phase.

Fire Resolution: The German player makes a die roll to resolve the fire attack against Sherman #5.. The die roll is 6, +2 for the AT-DRM marker for a Final Fire Attack Result of 8. There is no effect, because the result is less than or equal to the Sherman’s AV of 10.
Time Lapse: The American player’s die roll is 4, resulting in a Time Lapse of 3 minutes.

Turn 2
Initiative: The German player wins the Initiative.
Activation: Because he has the Initiative, the German player decides to conduct a Halt & Fire action with Pz IV #4, in its current hex, against Sherman #2 and a 4 ATDRM [5 ATV, –1 for Halt & Fire from its current hex] marker is placed on Sherman #2. The German player calls for reaction.

Sherman #1 reacts and fires back at Pz IV #4 and a 1 ATDRM [3 ATV, –1 for firing at unit on a higher level, –1 for motion target] marker is placed on Pz IV #4. Sherman #2 reacts and also fires at Pz IV #4 and a 0 ATDRM [3 ATV, –1 for Suppression, –1 for firing at unit on a higher level, –1 for motion target] marker is placed on Pz IV #3. In addition, Sherman #5 reacts and fires at Pz IV #4 and a –1 ATDRM [2 ATV, –1 for firing at unit on a higher level, –1 for Motion firer, –1 for motion target] marker is placed on Pz IV #3. Lt. Stephens and Sherman #3 and #4 react, and instead of firing, maneuver into hex B7. The American player now calls for Reaction from the German player. The German player reacts by revealing the hidden Pz IV #3 and conducts Enfilade Fire against the Sherman #5 and a 3e ATDRM [4 ATV, –1 for motion target] marker is placed on Sherman #5.

Fire Resolution:
- Sherman #2: The die roll is 1, +4 for the ATDRM marker for a Final Fire Attack Result of 5. There is no effect, because the result of 5 is less than or equal to the Sherman’s AV of 10.
- Sherman #5: The die roll is 5, +3 for the Enfilade ATDRM marker for a Final Fire Attack Result of 8. The Sherman is destroyed because the result of 8 is greater than the Sherman’s AEV of 7.
- Pz IV #4: A single die roll is made for each ATDRM marker. The first die roll is 5, +1 for its corresponding ATDRM marker for a Final Fire Attack Result of 6; the second die roll is 8, –1 for its corresponding ATDRM marker for a Final Fire Attack Result of 7; and the third die roll is 3, +2 for its corresponding ATDRM for a Final Fire Attack Result of 5. Only the single most detrimental result, 7 in this case, is used and all other results are ignored. There is no effect because the detrimental result was less than or equal to Pz IV #4’s AV of 9.
Time Lapse: The American player’s die roll is 6, resulting in a Time Lapse of 4 minutes for a total Time Lapse of 7 minutes through game turn 2.

you forgot the wreck counter for the smoked Sherman in J5
It was not forgotten. We decided against the use of wrecked counters as they had little impact on play and therefore unnecessary.