The Campaign of 1777 – Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection

We’ve just added Liberty or Death to our P500 list today, so order away! 🙂 Liberty or Death P500 Page. Enjoy! – Gene


Below is a narrative from a recent playtest of Liberty or Death at the Camp Pendleton Conflict Simulations Club here in San Diego.  I am indebted to my friends for taking the time on a Saturday to play the 1776 scenario (four Campaigns) and for giving me such great feedback (except for Tim, who kept prodding me about certain one sided markers in my prototype!)  Don’t worry, “Gentleman” Tim – they will be two sided after we are finished with production!

1777 Pic 1
The game features Trevor “Swamp Fox” Wilcox as the Patriots, Trevor’s father “Gentleman” Tim Wilcox as the British, Pete “Cornplanter” Martin as the Indians, and Ken “The Comte” McMillan as the French.

It is the start of the 1777 Campaign; this is the second Campaign of the Medium Scenario.  The Patriots have done well building Opposition to the British government in the population.  They have been active in the Colonies Rabble-Rousing and building forts.  The forts will improve their ability to Rally Militia and Continentals.

The British have gotten off to a slow start with limited forces in North America.  This restricted operational capacity and limited control of major cities have cost the British both Resources and Support for the British government amongst the colonists.  The King’s troops didn’t have enough population under the control of Regulars and Tories to enable them to Reward Loyalty and increase Support for the King.

The good news for the British is that the margin of Opposition over Support was not great enough to end the game in favor of the Rebellion at the Winter Quarters Victory Check.  It will be necessary for the British and Indian players (The Royalists) to work well together to degrade Opposition and build Support.  The bad news for the British is that a rift has developed between them and the Indians.  “Cornplanter” asked several times for Resources to fund Indian efforts but the British said the King simply could not afford it.  At least one observer heard “Cornplanter” say under his breath – “You will need me someday Lobsterback – you will need me…..”  The French have been funneling Resources to the Patriots utilizing the Roderigue Hortalez et Cie Command (which represents a historical Spanish trading company formed for just that purpose.)  They also facilitated Patriot Letters of Marque through their ports and using their supplies to get closer to England.  All the ambitious leaders at the table know the French will soon sign the Treaty of Alliance and start the deployment of French Regulars into North America.

CARDS IN PLAY:1777 Pic 2
George Rogers Clark Illinois Campaign NEXTJosiah Martin NC Royal Governor Plots

The first card is potentially bad news for the Indians.  George Rogers Clark is commencing raids against Indians on the Frontier.  Given that the Patriots are competing with the Indians for their Secondary Victory Condition it may be a good time to put pressure on the Frontier.  The Patriots decide instead to turn away from the Frontier and spend some of that new Resource wealth to Rally Militia and build a Continental Army.  First they select three Colonies for Persuasion (spreading the word and raising money), generating three additional Resources.  Next they select four Colonies, including Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, in which to Rally Militia.  Then, in Pennsylvania, they use a fort built during the 1776 Campaign (Fort Mifflin?) to convert all five Militia there to Continentals.  The presence of George Washington presents a potent threat to Royalists in the region.

The British pass, looking forward to the next card.  The French take the opportunity to use a Limited Command to have French Agents Rally some Patriot Militia in Massachusetts (clearly building a critical mass for the Patriot player to train to Continentals.)  Tim complains because the prototype game markers are one sided, but we all know the growing Patriot army is giving him a case of the vapors!

[Patriots Rally Command and Special Activity.  Persuade for three Resources.  Rally in four Colonies and train Continentals in PA.  French use French Agent Rally to place two Militia in MA.]

1777 Pic 3CARDS IN PLAY:
Josiah Martin NC Royal Governor Plots NEXTTreaty of Alliance

As the cards advance, the Royalists are unhappy to see the Treaty of Alliance card, knowing it means French boots on the North American continent.  Rather than worry, the British decide to land troops in Virginia, raise Loyalists and use both to Reward Loyalty and sway the population to Support the British government.  The two Continental units standing watch in Virginia are destroyed by a British Skirmish Special Activity at the costs of one British Regular casualty.  (Still a little early for the Battle of Blandford!)  Losses are placed in the Casualties box.  The British gain one Victory point over the French for their Secondary Victory Condition.

Indians are the only eligible Faction remaining.  Since all Factions will be eligible after the French enter, the Indians have nothing to lose by taking an action.  The Indians take the shaded event and, benefitting from the Royal Governor’s plot, March one War Party from the Southwest into North Carolina to Attack and Ambush the Patriot Militia there.  The War Party is activated but both Militia are eliminated (and returned to the Available box.)  An underground War Party is added and the Patriots lose control of North Carolina.  This control shift has the added benefit of blocking the French from landing in North Carolina on the next card, as they may only land in spaces that are occupied by Patriot pieces.

[British Muster in VA placing six Regulars and one Tory.  Reward Loyalty three levels to Active Support.  Skirmish in VA removing 2 Continentals and 1 British Regular to Casualties.  Indians take shaded event Marching 1 War Party from SW to NC and Attack with Ambush there, removing 2 Militia, activating the War Party, and adding another underground War Party.]

CARDS IN PLAY:1777 Pic 4
Treaty of Alliance NEXTGeorge Rogers Clark Fights the British in VA and NW

The French land in North America after signing The Treaty of Alliance.  Ken “The Comte” decides to land four French Regulars and Comte Rochambeau in Pennsylvania to join General Washington and the army of Continentals.  Some British and French Regulars must move from Available to the West Indies per the Special Event where they are tied up and unavailable to move to the Colonies.  Lastly, the French increase the French Naval Intervention (FNI) level and place a Blockade marker on New York City.  In Ken’s best French accent he quotes Monty Python and the Holy Grail: “You don’t frighten us, English pig dogs! Go and boil your bottoms, you son of a silly person.”

[French SPECIAL EVENT automatically occurs.  French Muster four Regulars and Rochambeau in PA, Move two British and Two French regulars to West Indies, add three Resources, and raise FNI one level, placing a Blockade marker on New York City.  All factions to eligible.]

1777 Pic 5CARDS IN PLAY:
: George Rogers Clark Fights the British in VA and NW NEXTFriedrich Wilhelm von Steuben

The British claim to have baited a French trap with smelly cheese and are about to spring it!  Before anyone acts on the active card the British announce “General Howe will TRUMP the next card and prove once and forever that England is god’s kingdom!”  The British play their General Howe Brilliant Stroke to Trump the active card George Rogers Clark Fights the British in VA and NW.  “Gentleman” Tim sits back and crosses his arms in satisfaction.  He knows the Patriots cannot trump him.  If the French try to Trump him they will be Trumped by the Indian’s Brilliant Stroke card thus protecting British units in New York.  “The Comte” McMillan makes the Trump play with the Rochambeau Brilliant Stroke and exclaims:  “No you won’t – the French are prepared to shed British blood in the Colonies!”  He drops the Rochambeau Brilliant Stroke card on top of the General Howe Brilliant Stroke card.  All eyes turn to the Indian player who could protect the British.  “Cornplanter” has been sitting back with arms crossed in a similar fashion to “Gentleman” Tim’s.  The British sense the hesitation and lean forward with arms extended to the Indian player. “You must intervene to protect the British Army!”  “Cornplanter” knows better than anyone – you reap what you sow.  He says “The reason why the sun never sets on The British Empire is because God doesn’t trust the British in the dark!”  He does not move and does not Trump giving France the Brilliant Stroke and ”Gentleman” Tim a mini stroke!

The French use the Brilliant Stroke to move into New York from Pennsylvania, marching one by one with the American Continentals.  The resulting Battle virtually destroys the British army with limited losses to the Rebellion factions.  The resultant “Win the Day” effect provides the Rebellion with the ability to move New York to Passive Opposition.  “Gentleman” Tim can only look on and dream about what might have been.  On the positive side, both the British and the Indians have their Brilliant Stroke cards for use while the French no longer have that option.  On the negative side, it has become clear the Indians are not happy with the British and that bridge needs to be rebuilt.  The Indians gained a Secondary Victory Point edge over the British, but can they reach their Primary Victory Condition?

[British TRUMP active event, French TRUMP British.  French March with four Regulars and four Continentals into NY and Battle, removing all British cubes and losing two pieces to Attrition.  Win the Day moves NY to Passive Opposition as a result of the Battle.  All factions to eligible.]

1777 Pic 6


: Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben Trains  NEXTAdmiral Pierre Andre de Suffren

Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben Trains capability is not necessary for current Patriot strategy. Von Steuben is a nice to have but there are more important issues to address.  On the other hand if von Steuben is ignored, the British could use him against the Patriots harming them for the rest of the game.  The Patriots Rabble-Rouse in NY and other Colonies further south placing Propaganda markers and improving Opposition in four spaces.  The French Pass and the British use Muster in North Carolina.  They land another group of Regulars and raise a couple Loyalist units with the intention of Rewarding Loyalty and converting the population to Active Support.

[Patriots Command Only, Rabble-Rousing in four Colonies, placing a Propaganda marker and moving each one level toward Active Opposition.  French Pass.  British execute a limited Command and Muster in NC, placing six Regulars and two Tories.  Reward loyalty three levels to Active Support.]

1777 Pic 7CARDS IN PLAY:
: Admiral Pierre Andre de Suffren NEXTQueen’s Rangers Show for Battle

The French are not overly excited about using Admiral Pierre Andre de Suffren but cannot risk transferring the great Admiral to India and thus having to reduce French Naval Intervention.  “The Comte” Musters and lands four Regulars in Pennsylvania to join the remaining Continentals and Patriot fort.  Indians go last on the next card, so “Cornplanter” decides to act.  “Cornplanter” believes this is the time for terror in North Carolina and sends a War Party there to wreak havoc.  If not addressed by the Patriots, this havoc will later allow the Indians to build up forces there and over time develop villages.

[French Command Only Muster four Regulars to PA.  Indians Limited Command Raid into NC from SW, activate the War Party and reduce Opposition one level.]

CARDS IN PLAY:1777 Pic 8
: Queen’s Rangers Show for Battle NEXTWyoming Massacre

The British decide that they cannot allow the Patriots to “rally against the Queen’s Rangers” but do not need the Tories in spaces they control.  They use their command of the sea as an opportunity to Garrison between Cities (except New York City, which remains under Blockade) and activate Militia.  In addition, they remove two activated Militia in Charleston and gain control there.  The British now control all the Cities and would dominate the Resource Phase of the Winter Quarters Round if the Winter Quarters card surfaces!  Patriots decide to Rabble-Rouse in Connecticut placing a Propaganda marker (Patrick Henry!) and moving 1 level toward Action Opposition.

[British Command Only Redeploy across all Cities (except New York City) Activate and remove the two Militia in Charleston.  Patriots Limited Command Rabble-Rouse in CT, moving it one level toward Active Opposition and activating one Militia.]

1777 Pic 9CARDS IN PLAY:
: Wyoming Massacre NEXTBurgoyne Cracks Down

The Indians are first on the next two cards, so they have a tough choice to make.  First up is Wyoming Massacre, which intimidates the Patriots and allows the Indians to move three provinces adjacent to the Frontier one level toward neutral.  The second event, Burgoyne Cracks Down, will move three Provinces to neutral – very powerful.  The Wyoming Massacre is more powerful and Pete “Cornplanter” Martin believes he can weather the storm if the Patriots do their worst rampaging in a backlash against the Indian War parties near the Northwest Frontier.  The Indians pass for a Resource and wait, first in sequence for the next card.

Ken “The Comte” scratches his head.  More French Regulars would be useful but the Patriot player suggests the French and Patriot use the March Command to spread out in the Colonies to prepare to Rabble-Rouse during the Winter Quarters Round.  If the Swamp Fox’s intuition is correct and the Winter Quarters card is next, Fall Mud will be in effect and Marching will be prohibited.  The French decide to do something a little different (to the frustration of the Swamp Fox) and March Regulars with Patriot Continentals into New York City.  The Blockade makes it harder for the British to reinforce there.  The Rebellion now controls New York City and expands their Blockade to Philadelphia.  No other factions are eligible.

[Indians pass.  French Command and Special Activity – March to New York City, Increase French Naval Intervention place Blockade on PA.]

: Burgoyne Cracks Down NEXTCulper Spy Ring

Indians go first and clearly benefit from the discipline of Burgoyne’s Crack Down.  They Gather in three Colonies per the event (including North Carolina).  They then build two villages and move three Colonies to Neutral reducing Opposition.    Patriots pass to wait for the Culper Spy Ring card.  British Battle in New York eliminating some of the French and Patriot units and then use the Royal Navy to decrease French Naval Intervention and remove the Blockade from New York City.

[Indians take the Event.  Patriots pass.  British Command and Special Activity – Battle in NY removing 1 French Regular and 1 Continental, decrease French Naval Intervention and remove Blockade from New York City.]

CARDS IN PLAY:1777 Pic 10
: Culper Spy Ring NEXTWinter Quarters

The second event card is Winter Quarters putting Fall Mud into effect, mucking up the roads, preventing March Commands!  Patriots use Culper Spy Ring to skillfully weaken critical groups of Tories in New York City and South Carolina stealing from the British the ability to Reward Loyalty during the Winter Quarters round.  The French Muster to land a few more troops in the Colonies and rebuild the joint French/Patriot army in Pennsylvania.  They then increase the size of the Fleet in North America, barrowing from Europe and the West Indies to increase French Naval Intervention and put a new Blockade on New York City.

[Patriots execute the event and remove three Tories in two spaces.  French Command and Special Activity Mustering four Regulars in PA and increasing FNI one level and placing the Blockade on New York City.]

That takes us to the end of the Campaign of 1777.  The Primary Victory Condition is based on Support versus Opposition and, while the Rebellion has inspired more Opposition than Support, the margin isn’t high enough to end the game, so the war will continue with the Campaign of 1778…

Harold Buchanan
Author: Harold Buchanan

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6 thoughts on “The Campaign of 1777 – Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection

    • Thanks Marc

      Great photos from TableFlip – Hope you guys taped the Volko/Brian presentation.

      I will be at GMT Friday AM and look forward to a Campaign!


  1. Just played my second game of L or D as the Indians. We did a 20 card short 1778 scenario. Lots of fun. It seemed like anyone could have won at sometime during the game. Can’t wait to see more!

  2. Oh, Was I supposed to respond to classless comment.

    Gentlemen do not engage in that type of exchange.
    However, Pistols at 20 paces is another thing.

    I did take a quick look at the markers that came to GMT West.
    Much improved. I must say.

    Great Game!