Tanto Monta Design Diary #4: The Muslim Player

On August 21, 1415, the Portuguese seize the North African city of Ceuta in a surprise attack. Many now consider this conquest as the opening salvo in the European era of colonialism. For the Muslim world, the loss of this crucial port city clearly represents a turning point: prior to this time, it had always been the Muslim kingdoms from Africa who had invaded European lands. Over the next fifty years the Marinid Sultanate dissolves and no new Arab power can assert itself in the Maghreb. Wars arise between the splintered clans and tribes. Although nominally the Sultanates of Fez and Tremencen share control of these lands, in practice the power of these sultanates does not extend all the way to the Atlantic coast. Portugal is thus able to gain control of several cities along these shores. Will the Portuguese continue to dominate these port cities?  If so they will suffocate the Arab caravan trade crossing Africa and ensure the safety of their new Portuguese settlements further down the coast of west Africa.

The Alhambra palace in Granada, last refuge of the Nasrid Kingdom

An even more dire threat faces the Muslim peoples of the Iberian Peninsula. Here the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada is trying to survive despite being outnumbered by the Christian powers on the peninsula. The loss of Gibraltar to Castile in 1462 isolates the Nasrids from possible help from their sister kingdoms in Africa. And yet as Muslim player you are faced with one additional challenge. Early in the game a Mandatory Event forces the impetuous Nasrid ruler Muley Hacen to take his revenge on Castile by seizing the Andalusian fortress town of Zahara. This blatant act of war leads you into open war with Spain. Will this conflict become the final campaign leading to the conquest of the last Muslim strongholds in Iberia?

To avoid this fate, the Muslim player must find some way to reconnect his segmented lands and reassert his dominance over the commerce and seas of the western Mediterranean and northwestern Africa. On land, your strong cavalry can help you fight fierce defensive wars against the Christian attempts to drive you back into the sea. At the same time look for ways to gain VP and plunder on the seas through piracy. Finally, know that the emergence of the Ottoman Empire in the eastern Mediterranean can give you a major assist late in the game. The corsair leader Barbarossa arrives when the Regency of Algiers is established; additional Ottoman support can also arrive in southern Italy and after a successful war with Venice.

What other considerations are important to a Muslim player?

– If you can secure them, your three caravan routes guarantee you a continuous flow of resources into your hand each turn.

– You have more naval squadrons in your force pool than any other player in the game. Do not hesitate to challenge any other player for dominance on the seas.

– Remember that your most feared weapon should be Piracy. With it you can destroy rival naval squadrons, gain VPs, steal resources and draw cards. Like all powers you can obtain up to 6 VP for piracy between your naval squadrons on the Main Map and Naos on the Exploration Map. But you also possess a fleet of corsairs that allow you to pirate any power – not just those at which you are in a war. In this way you can obtain up to 12 additional VP.

– You have three powerful Home cards, two of which may be used each turn. Your Nasrid Home card can score you a VP for holding Granada or can be used to strengthen the defenses of your Nasrid kingdom. The home card of the Sultanate of Fez holds great diplomatic power: it allows you to influence minor powers or declare an unexpected war in the Action Phase. On Turn 4 you gain the final Home Card – that of the Tremencen Berbers.  This one allows various combinations of naval moves, piracy, unit construction, and transfer of caravan resources directly to your hand.

– You have the option to strike toward the Papal city of Rome. Conquest nets you 5 extra VP although it may lead to all the Christian powers in alignment against you.

– When the game moves to Turn 5, try to trigger the Turkish-Venetian foreign war. You are likely to win this struggle and victory here provides 2 more VP and up to 4 more squadrons with which to dominate the seas.

Previous Articles:

Tanto Monta Design Diary #1: The Spanish Player (Kingdoms of Castile and Aragon)

Tanto Monta Design Diary #2: The French Player

Tanto Monta Design Diary #3: The Portuguese Player

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