Fire erupts from the barrels of the Panther and PZ IV nearly simultaneously as they open up on the T-34/85, which is creeping further into the building. The Commander sees one shot impact the T-34/85 in the hull between the driver and Assistant driver! No smoke or flames, but how bad is the damage? The other round just misses, the small movement throwing off the aim of the Panther.
Behind him the SU-100 fires at the Panther again – another hit but it bounces off the sloped armor again! They need to flank him!
The T-34/76 moves into another building and has a nice flanking position on the Panther – if they hurry they can get a shot in before the Panther can move! This may be our chance to take out that Panther!
A round whistles past the T-34/76 – the Stug took a shot after it had stopped but missed.
The T-34/85 just sits there, how bad is it damaged?
The Commander looks around, but the situation is dim. The end of the day is approaching, the Germans control the high ground, and his tanks have been unable to dislodge the Panzers. If we can make one last push before nightfall, we just may be able to drive them off the hills. Attack!
My Thoughts:
I am trying to go first with the SU-100 to try and kill the Panther, and then have the T-34/76 move to flank the Panther if needed – otherwise it will flank the PZ IV. I want the T-34/85 to go last due to a lack of good cards in my hand. This game is nearly over and the only chance I have is to knock out the Panther and Stug on the hills in the next couple of rounds, and hope to kill a lot of the crew. Before the Germans can kill more of mine.
Robata Peril and Initiative:
Stug: Passes Peril, chooses 45; PZ IV passes, chooses 7! Panther passes, gets a 3! Once again, Robata will have 2 tanks go before mine, then I get 2, then we alternate. Not what I was hoping for!
The Shuffle Card was drawn checking the Stug’s initiative, end of deck 4. I shuffle the game end card into the deck – no idea when it is going to show up but I hope to get another round or two before it does. Otherwise, this battle is lost.
The Panther goes first: +1 VP for hill. Tries to fire at the T-34/85 in the building. Has 1 success (barely – a 7!). Has a fire 2 card, so base to hit 67%. I play a tactics card, Robata fails to draw one so 47% chance to hit. Pulled card is 61, he misses – the Tactics card helped! Robata tries to spot the T-34/76 – succeeds. Robata does not acquire the T-34/85. End turn.
The PZ IV goes next: Has a HQ shot on the T-34/85 so chooses to fire. Has a Fire 1 card. Has 2 successes, chooses hull – 66% chance, I play another tactics card, Robata fails again, so 46% chance to hit. Hits the hull with a pulled 30! Penetration: 8 +2 APCR – 9 + 1 black = Penetration, light damage! NO critical hit, light hull damage results in Driver and AD wounded, chance for Fire – No fire. Crew does not break! PZ IV reloads APCR. Acquire at +20 now.
The SU-100 is up next. I have a fire 5 card and a leadership card, +10 acquire on the Panther. Robata counters with a successful tactics draw, so the net to hit is 80%. I pull a 49! Hit. Hull. 16-13-1 (hill) + -3 (from the pulled card) = no penetration! That Panther is tough! Flip acquire to +20. Pretty sure I just lost the game.
The T-34/76 goes next. Move to 600m, play a flank card on the Panther, and duck into a building. Robata fails tactics draw so the Panther is flanked. The T-34/76 fails to conceal.
The Stug goes next. +1 VP for hill. Robata decides to fire at the T-34/76. Has 2 successes, chooses turret. 54% chance to hit. Pulls a 73 and misses! For a secondary action, Robata attempts to go hull down and fails. Acquires the T-34/76. Due to an exposed Command card at the end of the turn, Robata chooses to have the Stug go hull down after all.
The T-34/85 goes next, but I am out of cards so he does nothing.
End of Round 9:
VPs: Robata 66, Russians 33. I really hope to have another round or two before the Game End card is drawn.

Previous Article in this Series: Tank Duel Scenario 2: Hold the High Ground – Round 8
Next Article in this Series: Tank Duel Scenario 2: Hold the High Ground – Round 10
The game sounds interesting, However the Panther feels overrated versus an SU-100.