Tank Duel Print and Play Update Kit

Last year we released the first expansion for Tank Duel: Enemy in the Crosshairs, adding North Africa’s sand and sun to Tank Duel. We also incorporated feedback from hundreds of games using the Anti-Tank Gun and Infantry Rules to improve the rules for both. Those rules require some new components, so we wanted to make sure owners of the core game could use these rules as well as owners of the expansion.

So we are pleased to present the printable update kit for Tank Duel. If you own Tank Duel North Africa, you already have everything in this update kit. The update kit requires you to make the following components – details after the list:

  • 12 AT Gun cards (6 German, 6 Soviet)
  • 4 Infantry Cards (2 German City/Non-City, 2 Soviet City/Non-City)
  • 2 Anti-Infantry AFV Attack Cards (1 German, 1 Soviet)
  • 1 Minefield Scenario Card
  • Various Counters

Each of these components can be used independently, although you will need to make the counters corresponding to each card and ruleset as explained in each section.

Making Cards and Counters

To make the cards, we recommend printing on good quality paper and sleeving the cards. Clear sleeves will allow you to make double-sided Anti-Infantry AFV Attack cards, but there’s no functional reason they need to be double-sidedN so feel free to sleeve each side independently. To make counters, we recommend printing on label paper, mounting on cardstock and cutting out with scissors. Note that the counters are not double-sided in these files (but see the section on Mines for some details).

New AT Gun Cards

These replace the AT Gun cards from Enemy in the Crosshairs.

The AT Gun Cards in North Africa have a Cover, OI, and Range box, while the Guns in Enemy in the Crosshairs only have a Range box. These new boxes are used to emplace guns (Cover) and for the new rules in spending OI to fire the AT Guns. A scenario can have up to 2 of a given AT Gun in play, so for a full set you will need to print that page twice. Along with the gun cards you will need the Range counters from Enemy in the Crosshairs, the Gun Emplaced counters, the OI counters (with the number and star), the HE ammunition counters, and the hidden gun counters.

New Infantry Cards

These replace the Infantry cards from Enemy in the Crosshairs.

The Infantry and Anti-Infantry cards in North Africa are only used for reference, so print enough that everyone at the table can have one within easy reach. No additional counters are needed to use these cards.


These cards are new and do not replace components from Enemy in the Crosshairs.

The Minefield card is a Scenario card included in some scenarios (or for roll-your-own scenarios). You will also need counters for Removed Mines, Recon vehicles, and hidden minefield ranges. Note that for the hidden minefield Range counters, they should be placed front/back on 8 counters, with the side showing “Mine?” on one side, and a Range on the other. However, if you prefer to simply make single sided counters you can hide the Range of a Minefield by placing the “Mine?” counter on top of the Range for each Minefield and hiding it from the Attacking player.

Other Counters

A set of ID counters for use with Tank Pack #1 or Tanks from Enemy in the Crosshairs is included, as well as HEAT counters, and deck counters for keeping track of the number of played decks.

If you would like to download the Tank Duel Print and Play Update Kit, you can find the PDF for download on the Tank Duel game page here.

Jason Carr
Author: Jason Carr

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