Tank Duel

Tank Duel Scenario 2: Hold the High Ground – Round 2

Situation Map at start of Round 2: Round 2 As the SU-100 Commander looks around the battlefield, trying to spot other enemy units, the roar of the T-34/76’s cannon makes him flinch – the first shot of the battle has been fired! Looking at the Stug in the distance, the SU-100 Commander sees the shell […]

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After Action Report, Playtest Reports, Scenarios/Variants

Tank Duel Scenario 2: Hold the High Ground – Round 1

As the Russian Commander prepares his crew to move out, his German counterpart already has tanks on the move. It comes as a shock when the Russian commander spots what looks like a Stug moving to his right in order to capture a hill, but it suddenly lurches to a halt before reaching it. Probably hit a patch

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After Action Report, Playtest Reports, Scenarios/Variants

Tank Duel Scenario 2: Hold the High Ground – Setup and Introduction

The Russian commander looks out from the cupola of his SU-100, surveying the ground before him. His orders are to advance to the low hills approximately 400m away and hold them against a suspected German tank force in the area until reinforcements arrive. An uneasiness grips him, for he knows the Germans also want to capture the

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After Action Report, Playtest Reports, Scenarios/Variants

Tank Tales #4: Building a Solitaire Bot for a Fast Action Card Game

As recently announced, Tank Duel: Enemy in the Crosshairs has a full Solitaire play system included. I have been working closely with Designer Mike Bertucelli to develop this system, and I’m excited to share a little bit more information about the design and how the Solitaire “Bot” works.

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Designer Blogs

Tank Tales #3: Advanced Command Pt. 1

In our last post, we discussed the detailed Fire Action Resolution Procedure in Tank Duel: Enemy in the Crosshairs. While that example is typical of normal play, there are many different options available to Commanders who wish to outwit the enemy. In the next two articles, we will use a series of examples, each building

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Designer Blogs

Tank Tales #2: Ready, Aim, Fire!

As we have been playtesting Tank Duel: Enemy in the Crosshairs, the number one thing that players want to learn about is how the game works once the shells start flying. Tank Duel draws inspiration from games like Up Front, Panzer and Combat Commander, with an abstract movement system but detailed fire action resolution procedure

Tank Tales #2: Ready, Aim, Fire! Read Post »

Designer Blogs

Tank Duel: Enemy in the Crosshairs – A Grudge Match

NOTE: All photos and art are play test versions. GMT Weekend at the Warehouse, October 2016. Across the table from me is Mike Bertucelli. Mike has become a close friend, tested through the wars developing Liberty or Death. We have been gaming together since we met 4 years ago and he is a great guy

Tank Duel: Enemy in the Crosshairs – A Grudge Match Read Post »

Designer Blogs

Tank Tales #1: A First Look at Tank Duel: Enemy in the Crosshairs

Jason Carr is a member of the Tank Duel design team and will be writing a series of articles describing the concepts, gameplay, strategies, and history behind Tank Duel: Enemy in the Crosshairs. Each article will focus on a different part of the game through an extended example of play. The focus of this first

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Designer Blogs