Tank Duel

Tank Duel Print and Play Update Kit

Last year we released the first expansion for Tank Duel: Enemy in the Crosshairs, adding North Africa’s sand and sun to Tank Duel. We also incorporated feedback from hundreds of games using the Anti-Tank Gun and Infantry Rules to improve the rules for both. Those rules require some new components, so we wanted to make […]

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Tank Duel’s “Hungary for Oil” Historical Scenario: A Mud-Soaked Reality Check

Black and white picture. Murky and faded. In the background, a Pz VI Tiger tips precariously backwards into a flooded ditch. Its 88m canon points ineffectively skyward while troops of a Panzer grenadier unit either wade in water with chunks of floating ice or simply mill about, stalled, exposed, some at rest. Gaunt faces stare

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Tank Duel Scenario 2: Hold the High Ground – Round 10

Lowering his head, the Commander slumps back into the gulley – this battle is lost. He has failed to take the high ground, and worse – the Germans have a commanding view of the field of battle, and are moving up additional tanks and infantry to secure their lines. “Get ready to fall back, we

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After Action Report, Playtest Reports, Scenarios/Variants

Tank Duel Scenario 2: Hold the High Ground – Round 9

Fire erupts from the barrels of the Panther and PZ IV nearly simultaneously as they open up on the T-34/85, which is creeping further into the building. The Commander sees one shot impact the T-34/85 in the hull between the driver and Assistant driver! No smoke or flames, but how bad is the damage?  The

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After Action Report, Playtest Reports, Scenarios/Variants

Tank Duel Scenario 2: Hold the High Ground – Round 8

Coughing from the acrid smoke that envelopes his men, the Commander realizes that they are going to lose this battle unless they can kill the Panther and Stug that have captured the high ground in front of him. And they need to do it soon as German reinforcements have been spotted moving towards the hills.

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After Action Report, Playtest Reports, Scenarios/Variants

Tank Duel Scenario 2: Hold the High Ground – Round 7

The Commander can only watch as the T-34/76 comes to a sudden stop, mud spraying.  Get out of there! But it is too late – the Panther’s gun barrel settles in, aimed at the T-34/76. He isn’t sure what came first, the sound of the shot or the explosion as the T-34/76’s hatches blow clean

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After Action Report, Playtest Reports, Scenarios/Variants

Tank Duel Scenario 2: Hold the High Ground – Round 6

Smoke drifts from the hull where the round impacted, but the Commander doesn’t see any flames – hopefully they can get the fire out quickly.  Across the battlefield, the Commander sees the Stug moving into a flanking position, it won’t be long until he stops and aims at our weaker side armor! We need to

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Tank Duel Scendario 2: Hold the High Ground – Round 5

“I’ve got a clean shot on the Panther!” “Fire!” The Commander braces himself as the SU-100 cannon roars again. He watches as the shot impacts the Panther’s turret and the Panther Commander is blown out of his hatch! “Great shot! Reload!” Nearly simultaneously, the T-34/76 fires and the PZ IV erupts in a massive explosion!

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After Action Report, Playtest Reports, Scenarios/Variants

Tank Duel Scenario 2: Hold the High Ground – Round 4

The Commander’s heart rate quickens as he watches the Panther’s long gun barrel rotate past him and settle in on the T-34/85 on the hill. Unable to line up a shot on the Panther in time, he can only hope that the T-34/85 realizes the danger and moves, but they are too focused in on

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Tank Duel Scenario 2: Hold the High Ground – Round 3

Round 3 “We are too exposed! Look for cover or a place we can go hull down!” the SU-100 Commander shouts to his driver as the battle rages on. The Panther is on the move making it nearly impossible to hit. He flinches as the T-34/85 hidden in the woods on the hill opens up,

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After Action Report, Playtest Reports, Scenarios/Variants
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