Seas of Thunder

Russia in Seas of Thunder: It’s All in the Setup

If I were to ask you what nation in Seas of Thunder had the most challenging setup in the game, you might be hard pressed to come up with the correct answer (unless you read the title, then have a cookie). Yes, it’s Russia. In fact, the only nation even close to having as unforgiving

Russia in Seas of Thunder: It’s All in the Setup Read Post »

Designer Blogs

Seas of Thunder: Her Netherlands Majesty’s Ship De Ruyter

HNLMS DeRuyter was a Royal Netherlands Navy light cruiser built over the period of 1933-1935 being commissioned on October 3, 1936. She was named after Admiral Michiel Adriaenszoon de Ruyter, who was one of the most skilled admirals in the Dutch Navy during the Second Anglo-Dutch War. She was set up as a flotilla leader

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Designer Blogs

Regia Marina: Italian Concerns in the Seas of Thunder Campaign Game

In a Seas of Thunder campaign game, Italy is a very enjoyable nation to play; either as part of a team or just by yourself. Italy can expect to have the upper hand in the Mediterranean from the instant that France is conquered until they leave the game in September of 1943 (Turn 17). They

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Designer Blogs

Integrating La Royale – The French Fleet in Seas of Thunder

The most challenging and I’m sure the most controversial choice in Seas of Thunder was what to do with the French Fleet. Always remember that in Seas of Thunder, our first nod was always to history, but only if it maintained an interesting game. If the history made the game bad, we worked to change

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Designer Blogs

Seas of Thunder: The Interactivity of Specialized Warships

In a previous article I discussed the power, flexibility and dominating nature of air power in a Seas of Thunder battle. As a companion to that I would like to address the counter-balance to air power, the specialists. Every ship in the game can be put on the gunnery line, from the mightiest battleship to

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Designer Blogs

Seas of Thunder: What’s a Pretty Commonwealth Line Steamer Doing in a War Like This?

This is the second part in Chuck’s ongoing series of articles discussing some of the lesser known ships you will command and fight against in Seas of Thunder. (You can read the first article here.)

Seas of Thunder: What’s a Pretty Commonwealth Line Steamer Doing in a War Like This? Read Post »

Designer Blogs

Allied Concerns in Seas of Thunder Scenario 3: Awakening the Bear

Turns 8, 9, and 10 of the campaign game make up Scenario 3 of Seas of Thunder. The scenario’s name is Drumbeat and the rhythm of the game does seem to be reaching a steady and predictable pace. The German U-Boats are overtaking the Atlantic. Italy and Great Britain are engaged in a death spiral

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Designer Blogs, Strategy Articles

Seas of Thunder: The Deadliest Penguin

In Seas of Thunder, the Auxiliary Cruisers and Armed Merchantmen serve as long range commerce disruptors. They were designed to be invisible through disguise or hidden armament and to be ignored by enemy warships. Auxiliary Cruisers and Armed Merchantmen can be incredibly effective in any sea zone on the map in Seas of Thunder. They

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