A Mediterranean Diversion: Napoleon in Egypt – Full Turn Example of Play (Part 3)

Note: Art shown is from the game prototype and not final.

In our previous Inside GMT article, the French took Control of Cairo and started Besieging two more Mamluk Spaces. Meanwhile, the Allied Player recruited a sizable force in Thebes for a potential counterattack. Ibrahim Bey is still 8 Spaces away from Bonaparte though so the French have time to brace for impact. They will thus seize this opportunity to Assault Meniet with a low-AP card. CDG fans all know that sooner or later, we need to pick a moment to play these weak cards!

Fleeing Down the Nile: Napoleon in Egypt – Full Turn Example of Play (Part 2)

Note: Art shown is from the game prototype and not final.

In our previous Inside GMT article, the just-landed French force led by Napoleon rushed across the desert to surprise the Mamluk army. The French general eventually won the Battle of the Pyramids and sent Murad Bey reeling south of Cairo. Now, the Allied Player gets a chance to respond with their own card play.

Battle of the Pyramids: Napoleon in Egypt – Full Turn Example of Play (Part 1)

July 1st, 1798. 35,000 French soldiers landed in Alexandria. Where to next? In this series of articles, we will highlight mechanics of the Napoleon in Egypt game by simulating the first Turn of the Campaign Scenario.

The French Player is the first to go every Turn. This is especially important on that very first Turn, as they have a chance to strike hard using their overwhelming initial forces. The most classical opening is to recreate the “Battle of the Pyramids”. Cairo being four Spaces away from Alexandria, the French Player needs to play a card worth at least 4 AP to do that but they have a better idea.