When I first suggested that “Illusions of Glory” be published as a game for two to four players, I also proposed additional strategy cards. The powers-that-be objected that it would increase the game’s production costs. After the game went into production, I arrived at a solution that doesn’t require more strategy cards. Now, here is my variant for up to two players on a side:
Tag Archives: Illusions of Glory
Illusions of Glory: Developing GMT’s Latest WW1 Card-Driven Game
As with other games, playtesting has led to some re-design for Illusions of Glory: The Great War on the Eastern Front. Notwithstanding the months dedicated to research and development of IoG, this GMT P-500 game continues to be a “labor of love” for me.
The rules, strategy cards, unit counters, and map have been revised to make this WW1 Eastern Front game a better simulation—more realistic and challenging. Short scenarios have been prepared as an introduction to the game and to accommodate players lacking time to play the entire four-year campaign.
This article will highlight the latest changes inspired by playtesting, and hopefully draw your attention to other IoG material that GMT has put on its website. That material provides context for this particular article, and will hopefully convince you to place a P-500 order for the game.
Illusions of Glory: A Play Balance Challenge
Genesis of a First-Time Game Designer:
My interest in wargame design began when I was a playtester at SPI’s legendary “Skonkworks” in Manhattan. Perhaps I’m dating myself, but I recall those days with great nostalgia. I was bitten by the designer bug there, and wanted to create my own game.
Career, marriage, and raising a family caused me to shelve that desire (although it was never forgotten). I was then approached by my good friend and neighbor, Brad Stock, who designed the well-received CDG “Pursuit of Glory” with his son Brian. Brad had proposed a WW1 Eastern Front game to GMT based on the “Paths of Glory” and ”Pursuit of Glory” systems. However, he accepted a full-time college teaching job and was no longer able to design this game. Brian was also unavailable. They asked me, with GMT’s permission, to get it done.