Congress of Vienna: Designing Its Solitaire Game

Introduction by Congress of Vienna (CoV)’s Assistant Designer & Editor, Fred Schachter: This article is a description of efforts made by one of the CoV Teams making fine and appreciated contributions to the game… “Gutt’s Guys”… who’ve come up with a set of rules converting CoV’s 4-player game into 3 and 2-player versions. Furthermore, they’ve created a fun, exciting, and engaging solitaire game for it!

In this first article, designer Frank Esparrago describes, the efforts made to make Congress of Vienna into a completely competitive solitaire game with all the intensity and competitiveness of its Standard multi-player versions. The focus is on the game’s cards and how their ratings influence solitaire play. Later articles will describe CoV’s Two Player version and how CoV’s Bots were created for solo play enjoyment. These articles shall provide descriptions, with examples, of how they work.

Understanding Congress of Vienna’s basic game system(s) should enhance readers’ appreciation of this article and its ensuing follow-ups. To that end, GMT’s site for the game contains a wealth of material: GMT Games – Congress of Vienna 

Enjoy and take it away Frank!

Congress of Vienna’s Spring Campaign of 1813 AAR from the Transatlantic Team — Introductory/“Short” Scenario

Introduction by CoV Assistant Designer & Editor, Fred Schachter: Designer Frank Esparrago, Developer Dick Sauer, and I are grateful for the Transatlantic Team’s Congress of Vienna play test contributions. They’re quite the group of sharp, excellent, veteran grognard play testers! What a grand, fun, game the below-described AAR was for the three turn Spring Campaign of 1813 – Introductory /”Short” Scenario with Wargame Flavor Rules: a true “nail biter” to the end, eh? Thanks guys!

To best appreciate this After-Action-Report, a composite of AAR emails I issued the team after each session of play; a background concerning the Congress of Vienna game’s mechanics is helpful (and if this is the first article you’ve ever read regarding this pending GMT P-500 game; it is strongly urged you consult this repository since this article presumes knowledge of what CoV is about). This can be obtained through material found within GMT’s site for the game: GMT Games – Congress of Vienna .

Hopefully, the below AAR provides readers an idea, not only of Congress of Vienna‘s game system, but how players seek applying those mechanics towards achieving victory in their play of this wonderful game by designer Frank Esparrago. Enjoy!

Congress of Vienna Feb. 2021 Gameboard Update

The changes made to the Feb. 2021 Congress of Vienna (CoV) Production Gameboard, which replaces the Nov. 2020 edition previously posted on GMT’s site for the game, are based on Vassal play tests conducted by gamers (both veteran grognards and Eurogamers) located in both Europe and the United States. Their diligent contributions while enjoying play of fun and exciting CoV games are most appreciated!

For images of the CoV Vassal gameboard, as well as a wide range of game-related material, including how to play videos and After Action Reports by one of our play test teams (what a game that was!), see GMT’s site: GMT Games – Congress of Vienna .

Congress of Vienna (with Wargame Flavor Rules) After Action Report Turns 6-8: “Austria at War”

Introduction by Congress of Vienna (CoV)’s Assistant Designer & Editor, Fred Schachter: The below is an After-Action-Report (AAR) of a CoV Campaign VASSAL game whose core players were located in the USA and Europe. It is a compilation of emails I provided the team between gaming sessions. I served as the game’s chronicler as well as an observer and kind of “living rulebook” should a question arise. A CoV Campaign Game comprises ten turns and a one turn session was conducted each Saturday.

The first five turn’s of this AAR, encompassing the period of Austria’s neutrality, before it joined the fray against that “Corsican Ogre”, Napoleon I, emperor of the French, are covered by this piece’s initial segment: Congress of Vienna (with Wargame Flavor Rules) After Action Reports Turns 1-5 “Austria’s Neutrality”. Inside GMT blog readers are encouraged to reference this for background as to how our AAR’s players came to the juncture this article encompasses.

During each one turn session the players were not rushed and could take as much time as desired to negotiate with one another and deliberate a play. No one minded each turn taking 1-2 hours to complete for everyone was having a joyously fun time (which, of course, is why we game)! It should be noted that experienced Congress of Vienna players, who agree to limit “table talk” or simply progress at a brisk pace, can get through a Campaign Game in 5-6 hours with the shorter scenarios being much quicker to complete.

To best appreciate this AAR, a general background regarding CoV will assuredly help. This can be gained by referencing GMT’s site for the game which is replete with a variety of material. See: GMT Games – Congress of Vienna

With that, enjoy this Congress of Vienna Campaign Game After-Action-Report for its turns 6-8, the period before Austria abandons neutrality and enters the war! At the conclusion of this history the four players share their musings about this particular contest and the Congress of Vienna game overall. The CoV VASSAL map saw a few improvements during this game’s conduct as Frank, myself, and the players noticed need for a clarifying “tweak” here and there as well as for a few rule improvements…

Congress of Vienna (with Wargame Flavor Rules) After Action Report Turns 1-5: “Austria’s Neutrality”

Introduction by Congress of Vienna (CoV)s Assistant Designer & Editor, Fred Schachter: 2020 marked one year of Congress of Vienna being a GMT P-500 listed game and we once again thank all who’ve placed much appreciated orders for it. What a year 2020 was; not only for us all due to the Pandemic, but for our beloved gaming hobby and the development of CoV. May the year 2021 be a better experience!

The below is an After-Action-Report (AAR) of a CoV Campaign VASSAL game whose core players were located in the USA and Europe. It is a compilation of emails I provided the team between gaming sessions. I served as the game’s chronicler as well as an observer and kind of “living rulebook” should a question arise. A CoV Campaign Game comprises ten turns and a one turn session was conducted each Saturday. When a player was on holiday/vacation, either designer Frank Esparrago or developer Dick Sauer would substitute for him.

During each one turn session the players were not rushed and could take as much time as desired to negotiate with one another and deliberate a play. No one minded each turn taking 1-2 hours to complete for everyone was having a joyously fun time (which, of course, is why we game)! It should be noted that experienced Congress of Vienna players, who agree to limit “table talk” or simply progress at a brisk pace, can get through a Campaign Game in 5-6 hours with the shorter scenarios being much quicker to complete.

To best appreciate this AAR, a general background regarding CoV will assuredly help. This can be gained by referencing GMT’s site for the game which is replete with a variety of material.  See: GMT Games – Congress of Vienna

With that, enjoy this Congress of Vienna Campaign Game After-Action-Report for its turns 1-5, the period before Austria abandons neutrality and enters the war! Here’s an image of the VASSAL CoV game board which was used. A more comprehensive description of changes since Nov. 2020, which this illustration incorporates, should be included within the team’s next month GMT Update:

Congress of Vienna: Update and Look Back at an Exciting Year

Introduction by Congress of Vienna (CoV)’s Assistant Designer & Editor, Fred Schachter: December 2020 marks the one year anniversary of Congress of Vienna becoming a GMT P-500 listed game and we once again thank all who’ve placed much appreciated orders for CoV. What a year it has been; not only for us all due to the Pandemic, but for our beloved gaming hobby and the development of CoV.

This monthly update is a retrospective by designer Frank Esparrago, a reminiscence going back to the game’s earliest features. Its particular focus is on the developmental progress of Congress of Vienna since it made its debut as a prospective GMT game during July 2019’s CSW Expo in Tempe, AZ… ah for those wonderful seemingly halcyon days when we could physically gather for a good old traditional gaming convention! Hopefully, those days shall soon return.

In conjunction with this article’s InsideGMT publication, the latest files of sample cards and counters are shared. These replace those posted with CoV’s P-500 listing.  For those, and a host of related Congress of Vienna material, which should provide useful and hopefully entertaining background for this article, kindly reference: GMT Games – Congress of Vienna

With that, take it away Frank!

The Battle & Diplomacy Cards of Congress of Vienna

Introduction by Congress of Vienna (CoV)’s Assistant Designer & Editor, Fred Schachter – To familiarize the InsideGMT audience of what designer Frank Esparrago accomplished with his fun and exciting Congress of Vienna game, now a GMT P-500 offering which has “Made the Cut” and then some (thank you patrons, thank you so very much!) kindly reference previous InsideGMT articles covering a wide range of CoV topics. These can serve as useful background and context for appreciating this piece. Use the following link to access this material:

This particular exposition follows an InsideGMT series describing the game’s character cards which can be found using the above-provided link.

The articles and updates provided to date, may have overly focused on Congress of Vienna’s wargame elements. These are included as play options in a single rulebook chapter entitled “Wargame Flavor”. We may have inadvertently conveyed that the CoV Design/Development/Play Test Team lost sight of the simple game originally designed. That is assuredly not the case and we regret anyone having that impression! CoV has a Standard Game which our Eurogame Team members thoroughly enjoy while the “Wargame Flavor” version has proven a delight to the most hardcore of our team’s grognards.

To support this, here’s further explanation from designer Frank Esparrago from a communication to a gamer expressing doubts about CoV’s design intent…

GMT November Update: Congress of Vienna in Final Development

Introduction by Fred Schachter, CoV Editor: This article is meant to inform readers of designer Frank Esparrago and team’s efforts to date regarding Congress of Vienna (CoV)’s development. To learn more and obtain background useful to best appreciating this article, see:  GMT Games – Congress of Vienna. There’s a host of CoV-related content available there which could be consulted since this article presumes some familiarity with prior published CoV material. Here’s Frank’s report which you’ll hopefully find of interest. Now to Frank’s latest!

Strategies for Russian in Congress of Vienna: “We are Russians… God is with us!![1]”

Introduction by Congress of Vienna (CoV)’s Editor, Fred Schachter – To familiarize the InsideGMT audience of what designer Frank Esparrago accomplished with his fun and exciting Congress of Vienna game, now a GMT P-500 offering which has “Made the Cut” and then some (thank you patrons, thank you so very much!) kindly reference previous InsideGMT articles covering a wide range of CoV topics. These can serve as useful background for appreciating this article. Use the following link to access this material:

The CoV play test team, now mostly using VASSAL due to being geographically disparate, have enjoyed many exciting Congress of Vienna games. I have become something of a “VASSAL Voyeur” observing a game from time to time with its fun, excitement, and often hilarious banter between the players (e.g. “that’s one heck of a maniacal chuckle, my friend… just what are you planning, you sly fox, you?!?”)

The team has held many an interesting debate considering how to best play each of Congress of Vienna’s Major Powers. This article wraps this “strategies” series up by reflecting on their most recent musings concerning Russia as described by game designer Frank Esparrago. It follows preceding InsideGMT articles for France, Austria, and Britain.

We have indicated in italics game Issue markers the players vie for. The terms “track” and “front” are synonymous. Game rules will unfortunately need to be implicit: a restriction an article format such as this compels which readers will hopefully appreciate. That said, take it away Frank (and readers, please appreciate Frank’s somewhat tongue in cheek humor within certain parts of this piece)!

Note: If you would like to view any of the below images in a larger size, you can click on the image and it will point you to the full image file.

Congress of Vienna July 2020 Development Update

The Congress of Vienna (CoV) Design and Development Team is ever so appreciative of the fine support and enthusiasm being shown this upcoming P500 “Great Statesmen” GMT game. To those who placed orders for CoV and helped it “make the cut” to an ever-increasing extent; thanks so much!