Meet the Statesmen of Congress of Vienna – The Russian Contingent, 2024 Edition (Part 3 of 4) with their Prussian and Swedish Allies

Introduction by Congress of Vienna (CoV)’s Assistant Designer & Editor, Fred Schachter – To familiarize the InsideGMT audience of what designer Frank Esparrago created with his fun and exciting Congress of Vienna game, which is now a GMT P-500 offering; InsideGMT presented articles of “Designer’s Notes” and a “Game as History” series entitled “A Historical Introduction to the Congress of Vienna Period (CoV).” Use this link to access copies of these articles and much more:

Since this is the fifth game of GMT’s “Great Statesmen” series, it seems appropriate to focus on those very Statesmen who make the Napoleonic Wars historical period so captivating and compelling to our hobby from the perspective of the game Frank designed.

Consequently, following Part One’s “British Contingent” and Part Two’s “Austrian Contingent” (with its bonus of CoV’s Bibliography), here’s part three of a four part series: “Meet the Statesmen of Congress of Vienna – The Russian Contingent, with their Prussian and Swedish Allies.” For the Russian CoV player controls cards and military forces representing Prussian and Swedish game Characters and together what a fascinating group they comprise!

The next and final increment of this series will address the French with their USA Allies for the War of 1812 and other non-aligned personages. It should be noted this piece was originally InsideGMT published during early 2020. This is the 2024 edition…which is an update including Terry Leeds’ gorgeous graphics of Congress of Vienna’s cards.

In italics we include a brief description of the cards with their CoV opportunities and weaknesses. However, before commencing this article’s main text, below is an aside regarding Leader Cards, a type of distinct card unique for each Major Power. Here’s the relevant Rulebook extract with an associated illustration:

I enjoyed learning more of the Historical Personages behind the game’s cards and hope you do as well. Now to meet the Great Statesmen (and military leaders) of Congress of Vienna’s Russian player…

Meet the Statesmen of Congress of Vienna – The Austrian Contingent, 2024 Edition (Part 2 of 4) with CoV’s Bibliography as a Bonus

Introduction by Congress of Vienna (CoV)’s Assistant Designer & Editor, Fred Schachter – To familiarize the InsideGMT audience of what designer Frank Esparrago created with his fun and exciting Congress of Vienna game, now a GMT P-500 offering; InsideGMT presented articles of “Designer’s Notes” and a “Game as History” series entitled “An Historical Introduction to the Congress of Vienna Period (CoV)”.  Use this link to access copies of these articles and more: .

Since this is the fifth game of GMT’s “Great Statesmen” series, it seems appropriate to focus on those very Statesmen who make this Napoleonic Wars historical period so captivating to our hobby from perspective of the game Frank designed.

Consequently, following Part One’s “British Contingent,” here’s part two of a four-part series: “Meet the Statesmen of Congress of Vienna – The Austrian Contingent.”  The next article increments will address the Russians-Prussians (a single player controls them both) and finally the French with their USA Allies for the War of 1812. It should be noted this piece was originally InsideGMT published during early 2020.  This is the 2024 edition… which is an update including Terry Leeds’ gorgeous graphics of Congress of Vienna’s cards.

This piece includes bonuses!  #1: The Military & Diplomacy Cards of Congress of Vienna and #2: a Bibliography, whose works lay behind the game’s design.  Alas, as previously explained, this material could not be accommodated within CoV’s Playbook due to space limitations and is consequently here presented.

I enjoyed learning more of the personages behind the game’s cards and hope you do as well. Now to meet the Great Austrian Statesmen (and military leaders) of Congress of Vienna

In italics we include a description of the cards’ historical background, and their CoV opportunities and weaknesses:

Meet the Statesmen of Congress of Vienna – The British Contingent, 2024 Edition (Part 1 of 4)

Introduction by Congress of Vienna (CoV)’s Assistant Designer & Editor, Fred Schachter – To familiarize the InsideGMT audience of what designer Frank Esparrago created with his fun and exciting Congress of Vienna game, now a GMT P-500 offering; InsideGMT presented articles of “Designer’s Notes”and a “Game as History” series entitled “An Historical Introduction to the Congress of Vienna Period (CoV)”.  Use this link to access copies of these articles and more: .

Since this game is a proud member of GMT’s “Great Statesmen” series, it seems appropriate to now focus on those Statesmen who made this Napoleonic Wars historical period so fascinating and compelling to our hobby from perspective of the game Frank designed.

Consequently, here’s part one of a four-part series: “Meet the Statesmen of Congress of Vienna – The British Contingent”. The next article increments will address the Austrians, Russians, and finally the French.  It should be noted this piece was originally InsideGMT published during early 2020.  This is the 2024 edition… which is an update including Terry Leeds’ gorgeous graphics of Congress of Vienna’s cards.

I enjoyed learning more of the personages behind the game’s cards and hope you do as well. Now to meet the Great British Statesmen (and military leaders) of Congress of Vienna

Congress of Vienna’s Optional Historical Rules 15.7 – 15.17

Introduction by Fred Schachter, CoV Assistant Designer & Editor: Within the Congress of Vienna InsideGMT article, A “Congress of Vienna” GMT Production Process Status Report | Inside GMT blog, it was shared that due to space limitations, it would not be possible to include in the published game all Optional Rules, called OHR’s for “Optional Historical Rules”. 

That’s sadly understandable, but it’s like asking in optional game rule terms “Which of your children do you want to abandon?”  Fortunately, due to InsideGMT and the ability to post additional content such as Optional Rules on the GMT games website, where a host of material concerning CoV already resides: GMT Games – Congress of Vienna it doesn’t have to be! 

The published Congress of Vienna Rulebook will contain OHRs 15.1 through 15.5. Consequently, the other Optional Historical Rules, which limited Rulebook and Playbook space compelled exclusion from the printed game, are provided via InsideGMT.  This is the second installment.  It concludes this presentation.

But first, here’s an introduction to all Congress of Vienna Optional Historical Rules (OHRs):

Congress of Vienna’s Optional Rule 15.6 for the Congress of Peace Issue

Introduction by Fred Schacher, CoV Assistant Designer & Editor: Within the Congress of Vienna InsideGMT article, A “Congress of Vienna” GMT Production Process Status Report | Inside GMT blog, it was shared that due to Playbook space limitations it would not be possible to include in the published game all Optional Rules, called OHR’s for “Optional Historical Rules”. 

That’s sadly understandable, but it’s like asking in game rule terms “Which of your children do you want to abandon?”  Fortunately, due to InsideGMT and the ability to post additional content such as Optional Rules in the GMT game site, where a host of material concerning CoV already resides: GMT Games – Congress of Vienna it doesn’t have to be! 

A “Congress of Vienna” GMT Production Process Status Report

Introduction by Fred Schachter – Congress of Vienna (CoV), Assistant Designer & Editor: What a wonderful and pleasurable journey it’s been in this “labor of love” regarding Designer Frank Esparrago’s Congress of Vienna game. Previous InsideGMT articles were devoted to various aspects of the game (see: GMT Games – Congress of Vienna); but with this piece Frank focuses on the game’s production status as of January 2024 in elaboration of what was shared by the 1/18/24 GMT January Monthly Update: January 18, 2024 Update from GMT: New P500s, Art Samples, Production Update, a Free Download, and More!! ( So, take it away Frank!

Congress of Vienna Detailed Example of Play– Part 2 of 2: The Government Phase, War Phase through End of Turn

Introduction by Fred Schachter, Assistant Designer & Editor: As this article’s preceding Part 1 of 2 explained, what you have here is an excerpt from Congress of Vienna’s Playbook, it’s Section 16, which provides a detailed example of a turn’s play from the “Clash of Armies” scenario. It features Terry Leeds’ beautiful graphics for this upcoming P-500 game’s components.

For more, much more, regarding Congress of Vienna, see GMT’s site for the game at: GMT Games – Congress of Vienna. This includes a four turn After-Action Report of a full “Clash of Armies” scenario (albeit using an early CoV Vassal Module lacking Terry’s eye-catching game board graphics).

Now, without further ado, let’s resume the action with this Detailed Example of Play’s CoV Government Phase…

Congress of Vienna Detailed Example of Play Part 1 of 2 – The Initial through Diplomacy Phase

Introduction by Fred Schachter, Assistant Designer & Editor: What you have here is an excerpt from Congress of Vienna’s Playbook, it’s Section 16, which provides a detailed example of a turn’s play.  It features Terry Leeds’ beautiful graphics for this upcoming P-500 game’s components.

Since readers don’t have the game’s related Playbook content as background, a description of the overall scenario is provided below.  It should explain players respective motivations in the ensuing piece…

Designing Congress of Vienna’s Solitaire Game, Part 2 of 2: The French Bot During the Government & War Phases

Introduction: We explained in the previous article how CoV’s Solitaire Game’s Initial and Diplomacy Phases utilize Stuka Joe’s marvelous Card Driven Games’ Solo Method (CDGSM) adapted for Congress of Vienna: Designing the Congress of Vienna Solitaire Game, Part 1of 2: Diplomacy and The French Bot | Inside GMT blogIn this article we continue this exposition with the Government and War Phases.

For a wealth of information and wide-range of InsideGMT articles, including the latest status of this game’s graphics development at the talented hands of Terry Leeds, see: GMT Games – Congress of Vienna     

Designing the Congress of Vienna Solitaire Game, Part 1of 2: Diplomacy and The French Bot

Introduction #1 from Congress of Vienna Assistant Designer & Editor Fred Schachter: I’ve had the fun and pleasure of helping Designer Frank Esparrago on his journey, now our journey, to bringing his labor of love CoV game vision from dream into reality.

This GMT P-500 game is now undergoing a wonderful transformation from playtest into production graphics thanks to the talents of Terry Leeds.  For the latest status of Terry’s efforts and a host of Congress of Vienna game material see: GMT Games – Congress of Vienna .

But for all the content readers will find within GMT’s site for the game; there’ll be a dearth of current material relevant to Congress of Vienna’s Solitaire Version and Bots.  Those rules and Bots are to the credit of CoV Team members: initially Jim Gutt and David Illanes and more recently David Schoellhamer, who is architect of those Bots’ latest rendition.  Well done guys!

With that, I’ll turn further introductory honors to Frank…

Introduction #2 From Congress of Vienna designer Frank Esparrago: Previous InsideGMT articles explain how the CoV Team agreed to offer a version for solitaire play. However, Developer Dick Sauer and I did not have sufficient experience to address this creative task fully and properly. Our first approach was to consider emulating the Churchill game’s Bots. Alas, they were too simplistic for a CoV solitaire game which needed to deliver the kind of interesting, uncertain, fun to play gaming elements we sought and, above all, to put pressure on a human player and make attaining victory an entertaining challenge.

Consequently, we increased our development team with new members having experience in designing a solitaire game. As Fred mentioned, these CoV solo game developers were Jim Gutt and David Illanes.  They created the game’s inaugural French Bot. Their tenacity, highly critical minds, detailed knowledge of the Congress of Vienna  game system, as well as game design orthodoxy in general; allowed them to build a series of summary tables (in Excel or Word). This enabled me to convert those guidelines into suitable Flowcharts or rules which can be easily understood by future players.

In Spain, both myself and Ignacio Badal commenced efforts to create a 2-player CoV version. This would have similar concepts to what Jim and his United States team derived. We had to change a few game mechanics of this highly interactive multiplayer game to make it into a viable 2-player contest!

Once those design concepts were fixed; we realized if we created a good 2-player Congress of Vienna game; designing a derivative solo game could be easier than by advancing directly from 4-players to just a single “human” player! That worked out to be a good intermediary step.  Serendipity!