COIN Series

Playing The British Way at the University

Several months back, when preparing for the Spring semester course on wargaming, I wrote a blog post about the plans to use Stephen Rangazas’ The British Way in the classroom. The game has now made its debut at the university, and it is interesting to look back and see what worked and how. Whenever introducing […]

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Hobby General Interest

The Guerrilla Generation: Nicaragua

In the third article in this series, I covered the first of the Central American civil wars featured in The Guerrilla Generation, El Salvador. In this article, I move on to the other Central American conflict and the last game in the pack, The Guerrilla Generation: Nicaragua. As with the game on El Salvador, the

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Designer Blogs

The Guerrilla Generation: El Salvador

In the first two InsideGMT articles on The Guerrilla Generation I covered the conflicts in South America, featuring an urban insurgency (Uruguay) and one of the most violent insurgencies in the region’s history (Peru). In this InsideGMT article we move on to the first of the two conflicts set in Central America. The Central American

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Designer Blogs

Faction Personas for The British Way

Playing COIN series games multi-handed solo By Joe Dewhurst All four games in The British Way COIN multipack are only two-player and relatively short, so we hope that finding a partner to play with won’t be too difficult. However, we understand that many COIN players enjoy playing solo, and indeed this is probably how Stephen

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Designer Blogs, Scenarios/Variants

The Guerrilla Generation: Peru

In the first InsideGMT article on The Guerrilla Generation, I covered the famous urban guerrillas known as the Tupamaros in the Uruguay game. In this article, I’ll cover the other game set in South America, The Guerrilla Generation: Peru. The Peru game depicts the Shining Path insurgency from the early 1980s to the early 1990s.

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Designer Blogs

The Guerrilla Generation: Uruguay

This is the first in a series of InsideGMT articles on the games in the second COIN Multipack by GMT Games, The Guerrilla Generation. First, I should mention that I’m very happy with the reception of the first COIN Multipack, The British Way, in terms of reception and sales. Thanks to all your support the

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Designer Blogs

Resisting Revolution: The Soviet Union

The Soviet Union was just as surprised as everyone else when the Cuban revolution succeeded, and their initial attitude towards Castro was cautious, as it was not yet clear where his sympathies lay. The Cuban communist party (the PSP, or Popular Socialist Party) had even supported Fulgencio Batista during his first presidency from 1940 to

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Designer Blogs

Resisting Revolution: The United States

At the beginning of 1959 United States companies owned about 40 percent of the Cuban sugar lands—almost all the cattle ranches—90 percent of the mines and mineral concessions—80 percent of the utilities—practically all the oil industry—and supplied two-thirds of Cuba’s imports. John F. Kennedy, October 1960

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Designer Blogs

Filipinos Play People Power

I was 15 and in the middle of junior high when the titular People Power EDSA revolution took place. As such, the events surrounding People Power stand out as a watershed historical moment during my youth. Interestingly enough, much of the same factions are still involved in Philippine politics, 37 years hence, and the son

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Hobby General Interest

Resisting Revolution: The Resistance

The new Cuban government that came to power in 1959 was initially very popular, replacing the Batista dictatorship with an apparently moderate liberal regime, and with ambitious plans to stamp out political corruption, to enact land, labor, and education reforms, and to normalize relationships with important trade partners like the United States. However, as Castro

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Designer Blogs
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