Silver Bayonet Update: What’s in the Box?


Here is a long overdue update for Silver Bayonet.  As you are all, no doubt, well aware, we didn’t hit our desired date for Oct-Nov last year. I decided to push production out because, quite simply, the game wasn’t ready yet.

The team has been working hard to test all of the scenarios to ensure that all of the rules changes have been thoroughly vetted. In the case of the Standard Game scenarios, this is a relatively quick process as they are range anywhere from half a turn to eight turns long using only a portion of the map, and they are easily playable in an evening. In the case of the Campaign Game scenarios, this is proving a little more involved as they range from eight to 39 turns using larger areas or the entire map, and they are far more involved in terms of additional rules such as Patrols, Hidden Movement, Helicopters, etc. We are working hard to make sure that this game exceeds expectations in all categories.

While we’re waiting, however, I thought I’d provide some more details about what you’ll be getting in the box.


As previously discussed, you’ll be getting a beautifully illustrated, full size map which depicts the terrain in as much detail as we could find. Don’t forget that this will be mounted map!



You’ll also be getting approximately 342 counters which represent the U.S. 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) including artillery and helicopters, several ARVN units including the 1st and 2nd Airborne Brigades and other II Corps forces, as well as three NVA regiments, 32nd, 33rd, and 66th, which, collectively, comprised the B-3 Front for the PAVN. In addition, there are various markers to help keep track of things like losses, air points, artillery targets, fired status, fatigue, etc. Here are reduced size versions of the counter sheets:

Sheet #1 (full)

Sheet #1 (full)

Sheet #2 (half)

Sheet #2 (half)

Player Aid Cards

As part of the 25th Anniversary Edition, we’ve gone all out in this area. As of now you will be receiving the following items:

  1. FWA Player Aid Card (8.5 x 11) – contains the Air Point track, An Khe off-map box, and Helicopter Basing display
  2. PAVN Player Aid Card (8.5 x 11) – contains Hidden Movement boxes and Cambodia off-map boxes
  3. Two Player Aid Card Screens (11 x 17) – one is FWA and one is PAVN for use in hiding the above two cards from your opponent
  4. Two Player Aid Cards (11 x 17) – contains all the tables required for play including Maneuver & Assault Combat CRTs, Bombardment Table, Air Defense Fire Table, and more
  5. Sequence of Play Player Aid Card (8.5 x 11) – contains the Standard and Campaign Game SOPs
  6. Battle Board Player Aid Card (8.5 x 11) – for use when things get tight on the map and their are multiple hexes with lots of units both maneuvering and assaulting (see the “Battle Hex” counter above)
  7. Eight Scenario Cards (8.5 x 11) – these contain all the information needed to play the scenarios including, in some cases, the map areas in play so that players don’t need to have the entire map out for just a small scenario

All told that’s eleven 8.5 x 11 PACs and four 11 x 17 PACs. Here are some samples of the cards:

11 x 17 Player Aid Card

11 x 17 Player Aid Card



Battle Board

Battle Board

Scenario Card

Scenario Card


I can’t guarantee anything, but I’m definitely aiming for the production slot that was identified in the 16 Mar GMT Customer Update: August 2016. Our current focus is to continue to refine the rules in an attempt to avoid ambiguity, and narrow in on the scenario victory conditions to ensure that both sides feel they have a chance to win.

Garry Owen!


Mitchell Land
Author: Mitchell Land

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10 thoughts on “Silver Bayonet Update: What’s in the Box?

  1. In the half sheet of counters (sheet 2) something looks off. Aircraft 1 and 2 are different to all the others, they have different front/back images (all the others have the same image on both sides). Is that supposed to be like that?

    • Good eye! Yes, those are supposed to be that way. The lower numbers show silhouettes of an A-1E Skyraider (“Sandy”) on a couple of the counters rather than an F-4 or an F-105.

      These counters are, optionally, used by the player to mark the number of air points he is allocating to a particular mission (Offensive Bombardment, Maneuver Combat Support, or Defensive Bombardment).

  2. I never played the original release but I’m very excited to see the use of scenario cards to save space! The battle board also looks great.

  3. I was disappointed when the game wasn’t released last year, as I’d hope to give one to a good friend (a 1st Cav vet) for his October 2nd birthday. Hopefully I can do so this year. Thanks for all of the hard work your team is putting into this project to “get it right”.

  4. I had the original and eventually traded it away after repeated plays. It was fun, but this looks phenomenal! Can’t wait to get my copy. Keep up the great work!