Seas of Thunder: The Banana Boat Song

This is the third part in Chuck’s ongoing series of articles discussing some of the lesser known ships you will command and fight against in Seas of Thunder. (You can read the first two articles here.)

When Italy was getting ready to enter World War II on the side of the Axis they requisitioned four “Banana Boats” that shipped bananas from Mogadishu in Italian Somaliland to Naples or other Italian ports. They needed to have large cargo capacity and the ability to travel vast distances without having to make stops for refueling and these boats suited these raider requirements perfectly.

One of these ships was Ramb I which was converted to a Raider by adding four 120mm (4.7 in) guns along with at least two 13.2mm Breda anti-aircraft guns. She operated out of Massawa in Eritrea as part of the Red Seas Fleet, She only did one sortie prior to her attempt to escape to Japan.

In August 1940 the ship left port and headed for a merchant vessel that was reported in the area. It was not a successful trip. After that she spent most of her remaining days in Africa as an anti-aircraft battery. As the situation became dire in Italian East Africa and the collapse of the colony became imminent, Ramb I and a few other ships were ordered to Japan to continue the war.

On February 20, 1940; Ramb I and two other ships (Ramb II & Eritrea) left for Nagasaki and Kobe. On February 27, 1940, the light cruiser Leander of the Royal New Zealand Navy was patrolling west of the Laccadive and Maldives islands when she spotted a freighter running without a flag.  After being challenged she raised a British merchant flag but when requested for signal flags she give a reply that was (unsurprisingly) not correct response.

Captain Bonezzi of the Ramb I, realizing the jig was up, raised the Italian Merchant Flag and trained her guns on the Leander. It was a mismatch of ships. The few shots the Ramb I fired were not well aimed but the British fared better and within a short period of time the Ramb I slowed to a stop on fire and with men abandoning ship. The British started to send over a boarding but were warned off by an Italian sailor in the water. Not too long after that an explosion hastened the demise of the Italian Raider.

She sank with the loss of life of just one sailor killed on the ship during the battle and one succumbed to his words after being saved.

Of the three other Ramb ships: One was given to the Japanese but only survived for another four years before being sunk in January 1945. Another was converted to an escort vessel and did manage to be a part of the Battle of Otranto. The final ship was never converted but instead fitted out as a hospital ship.

Are you still hearing the song in your head still? Day-o… Day-o Daylight come and me wan’ go home……

Chuck Maher
Author: Chuck Maher

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One thought on “Seas of Thunder: The Banana Boat Song

  1. I am interested in Seas of Thunder and put in a bid on it during the P500 phase. If I gave you a debit card number it’s not out of date. And when will this be available?