Rebellion: Britannia Playthrough with Daniel Burt (Video)

In this week’s blog, we take a step away from the history and dive right into the game itself. Daniel Burt takes us through a playthrough of Rebellion: Britannia in its prototype form on Tabletop Simulator, walking us through the sequence of play, key concepts, and some of the strategies the different factions may explore.

Previous Articles:

Crisis: Britannia — Nero and Britain

Conquest: Britannia – Claudius and the Establishment of Roman Britain

The First Stirrings of Rebellion: Britannia

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One thought on “Rebellion: Britannia Playthrough with Daniel Burt (Video)

  1. I love the idea of sharing videos of gameplay, but the sound quality could be much better. It’s hard to make out what the players are saying. Captions would certainly help.