Shawn Niblack

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  • Shawn Niblack


The Last Hundred Yards Vol. 4 AAR: Mission 45.0 — Tigers on the Prowl

Below is an After Action Report for The Last Hundred Yards Volume 4: The Russion Front Mission 45.0, Tigers on the Prowl. Enjoy!

The Last Hundred Yards Vol. 4 AAR: Mission 43.0 — Green Devils’ Last Stand

Below is an After Action Report for The Last Hundred Yards Volume 4: The Russion Front Mission 43.0, Green Devils’ Last Stand. Enjoy! January 5-16, 1944....

The Last Hundred Yards Mission 14.0: Another Bump in the Road — A Narrative Style AAR

September 18, 1944: On the main road to Nijmegen, north of Veghel, near a small village the locals called Voederheil, Captain Speirs lowered his binoculars...