Sam London

Firefight Friday #21: Countless Tales of Valor
Welcome back to Firefight Fridays. Last week we covered the game’s bot, how it works, and the design philosophy behind it. This week we are...

Firefight Friday #20: Dehumanize the Enemy
Welcome back to Firefight Fridays. Last week we wrapped up our coverage of the scenarios in the core box with “Crossing the River Styx”. We...

Firefight Friday #19: Scenario Design 12
Welcome back to Firefight Fridays. Last week we covered the paratrooper scenario “Best Laid Plans”. We also took a look at Demolition Teams. This week...

Firefight Friday #18: Scenario Design 11
Welcome back to Firefight Fridays. Last week we got back onto talking about the scenarios with scenario #10, Panzer in the Pocket. This week we...

Firefight Friday #17: Scenario Design 10
Back to the Frontlines Welcome back to Firefight Fridays. Last week I took a bit of a breather to recover from GMT’s Weekend at the...

Firefight Friday #16: A Weekend at the Warehouse
Welcome back to Firefight Fridays. This is going to be a very brief article this week, but I wanted to both give myself a moment...

Firefight Friday #15: Scenario Design 9
Welcome back to Firefight Fridays. Last week, in the fourteenth article, I talked about the eighth scenario, “Hedgerow Highway”. This scenario saw the first of...

Firefight Friday #14: Scenario Design 8
Welcome back to Firefight Fridays. Last week, in the thirteenth article, I talked about the seventh scenario, “To the Last Man, to the Last Cartridge”....

Firefight Friday #13: Scenario Design 7
Welcome back to Firefight Fridays. Last week, in the twelfth article, I talked about the sixth scenario, “Bloody Gulch”. This involved a rules dump on...

Firefight Friday #12: Scenario Design 6
Welcome back to Firefight Fridays. Last week, in the eleventh article, I talked about the fifth scenario, “Purple Heart Lane”. This got us into artillery...