Robert Baynosa

A Hannibal’s Revenge “After Action Report”: Sea Battles and the End of a Sexenium
Introduction by Hannibal’s Revenge Co-Designer, Fred Schachter: While the GMT Team continues its efforts to make production-ready Hannibal’s Revenge, the next game of the Card...

A Play Session of Hannibal’s Revenge
Introduction by Hannibal’s Revenge: A Card Conquest System Game Co-Designer, Fred Schachter: To begin, readers have hopefully, by now, checked out the tantalizing glimpse of this game’s graphics...

Filipinos Play People Power
I was 15 and in the middle of junior high when the titular People Power EDSA revolution took place. As such, the events surrounding People...

Playing Hitler’s Reich Solo: A Suggested Variant
Introduction by Hitler’s Reich Co-Designer Fred Schachter: An admonition of my fellow Hitler’s Reich design partner Mark McLaughlin and myself, for every GMT game we’ve...