Paul Daniels

Bear Trap Designer Notes
The core design of Bear Trap is now done, and the two-player game is polished. So, in today’s article I thought I’d share some comments...

Bear Trap Gets Two Short Scenarios, and More!
As highlighted in a previous InsideGMT article, Bear Trap is primarily a two-player game—but one which will come with a rich solo mode developed by...

An Extended Example of Play: Or, How Insurgency and Soviet Atrocities are Represented in Bear Trap
In this InsideGMT article, we’ll play through a few turns of Bear Trap. The following playthrough is designed to demonstrate a few different aspects of...

Cards in Bear Trap (Part II of II): Historical Notes on the Strategy Cards
In this InsideGMT article, I’ll give some historical comments on a few (but not all) of the strategy cards. I want to unpack the events...

Cards in Bear Trap (Part I of II): Card Types, Force Pools, & Deck Composition
In past InsideGMT articles, we looked at the gameplay in Bear Trap and provided a simple combat example. Part of the asymmetry in Bear Trap...

Gameplay Overview—How to Play Bear Trap
In this article, I’ll provide a high-level overview of the mechanics found in Bear Trap, and an explanation of the gameplay. This example of combat...

Resolving Combat in Bear Trap
In this InsideGMT article, I’ll walk you through a simple example of combat in Bear Trap. This should give you the flavor of the combat...