Mitchell Land

Next War: Poland Progress Update
I think that I’ve mentioned this before, but I was a little surprised by just how quickly Next War: Poland (NWP) vaulted up the P500 ladder....

Silver Bayonet Example of Play
The following example of play is not based on any particular scenario. This is the same example which is available in the rules for Silver...

A Walk in the Sun: Scenario #5 After Action Review from Silver Bayonet
Once again we find ourselves deep in the jungle basking in the sunshine and tropical weather. This scenario, #5, depicts the ill-fated journey of the...

The Drang River Valley (LZ MARY): Scenario #3 After Action Review from Silver Bayonet
Following the recommended order of scenario play, the first is #6 Tea Time, we come to scenario #3 LZ Mary. This scenario depicts the night...

Tea Time: Scenario #6 After Action Review from Silver Bayonet
Here’s an AAR of the shortest scenario in the game: #6 “Tea Time”. This scenario simulates the night attack by the VC on the Brigade...

Silver Bayonet Update: What’s in the Box?
Here is a long overdue update for Silver Bayonet. As you are all, no doubt, well aware, we didn’t hit our desired date for Oct-Nov...

Sharpening the Bayonet: Silver Bayonet 25th Anniversary Ed. Update
In Gene’s last article, he said: “We’re now using Charlie’s most recent map version to create a Vassal Module so we can test the scenarios...

Silver Bayonet: The Game as History
Here’s a look at the scenarios in Silver Bayonet, and some of the history behind them. There are two kinds of scenarios in the game:...

Next War Series Supplement #1
I’d like to announce the availability of the first supplement for the Next War Series. This supplement will contain the following items: Cyber Warfare Capabilities...

Next War Series Design Notes
This article started as an attempt at some design notes for Next War: Taiwan (NWT), but it quickly also became somewhat of an essay on...