Mark Herman

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  • Mark Herman


Empire of the Sun: Erasmus Version 2.0 Goes to War

Introduction When I was working on Empire of the Sun 2nd edition, Gene Billingsley convinced me to create a new solo system for the game....

JUST ASK PHORMIO (or “how to teach Pericles”)

Introduction Back when I was young and I could count the number of games I owned on one hand with fingers left over, we all...

The Shot Heard Round Charleston Harbor…Fort Sumter Design Notes and AAR (Part 4)

We now continue with Round 3 of Mark’s AAR of Fort Sumter. If you missed the first three articles in this series, click on the following...

The Shot Heard Round Charleston Harbor…Fort Sumter Design Notes and AAR (Part 3)

We now continue with Round 2 of Mark’s AAR of Fort Sumter. If you missed the first two articles in this series, click on the following...

The Shot Heard Round Charleston Harbor…Fort Sumter Design Notes and AAR (Part 2)

As promised in Part 1 of this article last week, what follows next is my Twitter game of July 1st, with accompanying photos and my original...

The Shot Heard Round Charleston Harbor…Fort Sumter Design Notes and AAR (Part 1)

On July 1st, I did something that I have never done before. I sat outside and I played a solo game of Fort Sumter while...

Unleashing Hell: Redeployment Rules in Pericles

“At my signal…unleash Hell…” One of the interesting things that occurs when a new game is released is that members of our tribe try to...

Pericles: Strategy in the Archidamian War

For me having a new design enter the gaming fray is like XMAS where everyone else gets to open the present. I opened a new...

Delian League Diaries #6

Pericles’ ‘Bots at War In my first Peloponnesian War design, circa 1991, I had a mechanic for an Auguries die roll. In this regard it...

Delian League Diaries #5

Pericles Strategy Guide This installment of my Delian League Diaries is intended offer deeper insight on how Pericles lets you experience Thucydides’ epic history of...
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