James Vitti

Struggle for Power in The Weimar Republic: KPD Play by Play, 1919 to 1921 (Part 2)
This article continues the account of how the German Communist Party (KPD) attempts to launch a revolution during the early years of the Weimar Republic....

Struggle for Power in The Weimar Republic: KPD Play by Play, 1919 to 1921 (Part 1)
Introduction I came to designer Gunnar Holmbäckâs The Weimar Republic with the resolve of a time traveller determined to change History, a resolve nurtured by...

Tank Duel’s “Hungary for Oil” Historical Scenario: A Mud-Soaked Reality Check
Black and white picture. Murky and faded. In the background, a Pz VI Tiger tips precariously backwards into a flooded ditch. Its 88m canon points...