Gene Billingsley

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  • Gene Billingsley


Farewell, My Friend. R.I.P Richard H. Berg

“Bear with me; My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, And I must pause till it come back to me.” – Mark Antony,...

Welcome to Frank Chadwick’s ETO Series Team!

Sometimes you just get lucky. Or maybe you’re just in the right place at the right time. Such was the case this past month when...

GMT Website Update

[avatar user=”” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” /] Hi everyone! In this article, I want to give you guys a quick update on the website transition, let you...

Domestic Tranquility (or not!) in Mr. President

I’ve had several requests of late for more information about the domestic side of Mr. President. In the recent replay articles I’ve shared, we downplayed the...

Three Presidents For the Price of One: Inside Mr. President (Pt 3)

In our last article, our Presidential Triumvirate walked you through our game’s 1st Activation Phase, representing about six weeks of real time. In this article,...

Three Presidents for the Price of One: Inside Mr. President (Pt 2)

Welcome back to this series of peeks inside Mr. President! When last we left our intrepid Tri-Presidents, we had finished the game setup and were...

Three Presidents for the Price of One: A Look Inside the New Version of Mr. President (Pt 1)

As many of you have read in my most recent monthly customer updates, I’ve been back working on the new version of Mr. President weekly,...

GMT Games: State of the Union (Summer 2016)

As I mentioned in last month’s Customer Update, GMT is now growing at a pace that is significantly faster than ever before in our history....

Congratulations! You’re the New American President (Part 4)

Note: Here are links to Part 1,  Part 2, and Part 3 of this ongoing article. Also, please note that all of the pictures and graphics herein...

Congratulations! You’re the New American President (Part 3)

Note: Here are links to Part 1 and Part 2 of this ongoing article. We’re picking up the action as you enter the 2nd month...
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