Frank Esparrago and Fred Schachter

Congress of Vienna Standard Game After-Action-Report: “The Clash of Armies” Scenario (Turn 1 of 4 – Aug. 1813)
Introduction by Congress of Vienna Assistant Designer & Editor – Fred Schachter: This is the first STANDARD GAME Congress of Vienna Replay Article to grace the pages...

Congress of Vienna Feb. 2021 Gameboard Update
The changes made to the Feb. 2021 Congress of Vienna (CoV) Production Gameboard, which replaces the Nov. 2020 edition previously posted on GMT’s site for...

Congress of Vienna: Update and Look Back at an Exciting Year
Introduction by Congress of Vienna (CoV)’s Assistant Designer & Editor, Fred Schachter: December 2020 marks the one year anniversary of Congress of Vienna becoming a...

The Battle & Diplomacy Cards of Congress of Vienna
Introduction by Congress of Vienna (CoV)’s Assistant Designer & Editor, Fred Schachter – To familiarize the InsideGMT audience of what designer Frank Esparrago accomplished with...

GMT November Update: Congress of Vienna in Final Development
Introduction by Fred Schachter, CoV Editor: This article is meant to inform readers of designer Frank Esparrago and team’s efforts to date regarding Congress of...

Strategies for Russian in Congress of Vienna: “We are Russians… God is with us!![1]”
Introduction by Congress of Vienna (CoV)’s Editor, Fred Schachter – To familiarize the InsideGMT audience of what designer Frank Esparrago accomplished with his fun and...

Congress of Vienna July 2020 Development Update
The Congress of Vienna (CoV) Design and Development Team is ever so appreciative of the fine support and enthusiasm being shown this upcoming P500 “Great Statesmen” GMT...

Strategies for Britain in Congress of Vienna: “Rule Britannia! Britannia, Rule the Waves!” [1]
Introduction by Congress of Vienna (CoV)’s Editor, Fred Schachter – To familiarize the InsideGMT audience of what designer Frank Esparrago accomplished with his fun and...

Strategies for Austria in Congress of Vienna: “Bella Gerant Alii Tu Felix Austria Nube [1]”
Introduction by Congress of Vienna (CoV)’s Editor, Fred Schachter – To familiarize the InsideGMT audience of what designer Frank Esparrago accomplished with his fun and...

Strategies for France in Congress of Vienna (Game Opening Considerations)
Introduction by Congress of Vienna (CoV)’s Editor, Fred Schachter – To familiarize the InsideGMT audience of what designer Frank Esparrago accomplished with his fun and...