Doug Bush

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  • Doug Bush


Next War: India-Pakistan – Strategic Choices, Part 4 (and final)

Doug Bush finishes his Next War: India-Pakistan strategy series with this look at the India player’s strategic options. See Part 1 and Part 2 for...

Next War: India-Pakistan – Strategic Choices, Part 3

Doug Bush continues his Next War: India-Pakistan strategy series with this look at the India player’s strategic options. See Part 1 and Part 2 for...

Next War: India-Pakistan – Pakistani Strategic Choices, Part 2

Doug Bush continues his Next War: India-Pakistan strategy series with this examination of the Pakistani Order of Battle and the various options they provide. See...

Next War: India-Pakistan – Pakistani Strategic Choices, Part 1

Next War: India-Pakistan (NWIP) is unusual in the Next War series in that it involves scenarios where both of the main nations (India and Pakistan)...

Next War: India-Pakistan Design Notes – Air Forces, Part 2

In this article, Doug continues the air force orders of battle discussion by focusing on the air forces for the secondary or intervention nations and discusses the why of...

Next War: India-Pakistan Design Notes – Air Forces, Part 1

In this article, Doug continues the orders of battle discussion by focusing on the air forces for the primary opponents and discusses the why of...

Next War: India-Pakistan Design Notes – The Armies

As a developer and co-designer, Doug’s been a tremendous help and force behind getting NWIP published. In this article, he profiles the orders of battle...

Series Replay – Next War: India-Pakistan, Part 4 (final)

“Kashmir”, Game Turn 4 Game Turn 4 in this scenario is an “Initiative” turn for the Indians. At this point both sides are quickly running...

Series Replay – Next War: India-Pakistan, Part 3

“Kashmir”, Game Turn 3 Game Turn 3 in this scenario is a “contested” turn; with much more limited movement/combat segments. In the Next War series...

Series Replay – Next War: India-Pakistan, Part 2

“Kashmir”, Game Turn 2 GT2 is another Initiative turn for the Pakistan/Chinese side in this scenario. GT3 is a Contested turn by SSR, and the...