Dan Bullock, Chris Bennett, and Joe Schmidt

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  • Dan Bullock, Chris Bennett, and Joe Schmidt


In The Shadows: Playing the Occupation

I. Within the occupied territories, the adequate punishment for offences committed against the German State or the occupying power which endanger their security or a...

Why Cards? Resolving Outcomes for In the Shadows

Early in the design process for In the Shadows, we (Chris, Joe and I) had used dice to determine success or failure for most of...

Designing a Narrative Solitaire Experience for In the Shadows

From the very start of the Consim Game Jam we (Chris, Dan, and I) wanted to make sure that our design offered both an excellent...

A Desperate Struggle: Event Cards and Suits in In the Shadows

In the Shadows was born in a whirlwind. We (Chris, Dan, and Joe) created the game for the inaugural Consim Game Jam in October 2020....
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