Chris Janiec

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  • Chris Janiec


Imperial Eagles: Recreating Carrier Battles

As a designer, I like to focus on why things happen in campaigns, operations, and battles.  In old school terms, I “design for cause.”  This...

Imperial Eagles: Air War in the Pacific 1941-43 — Allied Aircraft

Since the Japanese need someone to fight, this second article for Inside GMT will describe the planes with which the Allies oppose them in Imperial...

Imperial Eagles: Air War in the Pacific 1941-43 — Japanese Aircraft

For anyone who’s ever played Down in Flames, their first question is probably, “what aircraft do we get in Imperial Eagles?”You’ll be getting a mix...

Norway 1940 Development Update: Final Counters

Charlie Kibler has just completed the counters for the game, and they are superb! His silhouettes for the ships are particularly noteworthy, and it’s a shame...

Norway 1940 Campaign: Amongst Our Weaponry

Many naval units that participated in the Norwegian campaign did not survive it. Others were lost in the eighteen months between the end of the campaign...

Norway 1940 Campaign: Nobody Expects…

The three Operational scenarios, WESERÃœBUNG (the initial invasion), SICKLE (Allied counter-landings and evacuation), and JUNO (the final Allied evacuation), allow players to refight three key...

Norway 1940 Rules Changes: Such Diverse Elements As…

A realistic portrayal of the Norwegian campaign includes a number of facets that were not needed in the original PQ-17 design. The German invasion and the...

Norway 1940: Our Chief Weapon is Surprise

At long last, this project is complete. Protracted testing (and family health issues for me) led to seemingly interminable delays, and getting the semi-abstract land...

Into the Wild Blue Yonder (Part Six): Operations and Progressive Campaigns

Besides the seven Land campaigns described last time, Wild Blue Yonder includes two Operations, three Progressive campaigns, and a solitaire campaign. Operations include one or...

Into the Wild Blue Yonder (Part Five): Land Campaigns

In order to distinguish the traditional Down in Flames campaigns that first appeared in Rise of the Luftwaffe from later systems such as the Operations...
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