Bob Heinzmann

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  • Bob Heinzmann


Defiance Design Happy Hour: A Developer’s Perspective

We intend to offer up our design notes regarding our simulation of the 2nd Russo-Ukrainian War, Defiance, beginning with Volume 1: Miracle on Dnipro: Kyiv...

Downfall: Conquest of the Third Reich Preview 4 — Action Rounds Continue

In this article in our series previewing Downfall, we continue our typical game to show a range of orders and activities that might occur, such...

Downfall: Conquest of the Third Reich Preview 3 — The Soviet Offensive Continues

In Downfall Preview 2 the Soviet faction began the game by playing their “Operation Uranus” action card to resolve a free attack order. Since doing...

Downfall: Conquest of the Third Reich Preview 2 — The Soviets Attack

In our first article we introduced the design features of Chad Jensen’s strategic game on the three years that ended World War II in Europe....
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