Alan Emrich

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  • Alan Emrich


ETO September ’24 Project Update: The Present and Future of Frank Chadwick’s ETO

Let us set the Wayback Machine to review Frank Chadwick’s ETO’s past year of development and bring you up to the present with a look...

ETO Series: August 2021 Update

Frank Chadwick’s ETO: Gestating an Elephant For this update series, we must preface with: Our focus remains vigilantly on “the larger picture” of combined ETO...

TITE’s Interesting Turn, Part IV: A Campaign Game Spring ’43 Turn for the History Books!

Below you will find Part 4 in the “TITE’s Interesting Turn” series from Alan Emrich and Jeff Nyquist. If you would like to read Parts...

TITE’s Interesting Turn, Part III: A Campaign Game Spring ’43 Turn for the History Books!

Below you will find Part 3 in the “TITE’s Interesting Turn” series from Alan Emrich and Jeff Nyquist. If you would like to read Parts...

TITE’s Interesting Turn, Part II: A Campaign Game Spring ’43 Turn for the History Books!

Below you will find Part 2 in the “TITE’s Interesting Turn” series from Alan Emrich and Jeff Nyquist. If you would like to read Part...

May 2021 ETO Project Update and TITE’s Interesting Turn, Part I

Frank Chadwick’s ETO Project Update May 2021 From the project development team Work continues on the Extended Examples of Play for the complete series of...

November 11th Update from the ETO Development Team

Armistice, Veterans, and Grognards, On behalf of the Frank Chadwick’s ETO development team, we are happy to celebrate this day that saw the end of...

Frank Chadwick’s ETO Design Philosophy

OR: Applying Decades of Lessons since Battle for Moscow The ETO series has four major design goals: GOAL 1: A mechanically smooth system; this means...

Frank Chadwick’s ETO Series: Super-Massive-Project-Update-ex-pi-a-li-do-cious

Designer Frank Chadwick and I have crossed paths a few times in our decades as wargamers. In 1986, I wrapped the Fire & Movement Beginner’s...