People Power: A Brief on Elections and Personality

Below is the third in a series of People Power articles from Ken Tee. The previous two articles can be found here.

Everybody deserves a break! The first COIN games provided that, in the form of the Propaganda Cards/Rounds, which in effect interrupt the game in order to provide resources, increases in Support and/or Opposition, and could end the game if a faction fulfills its victory condition. Along the way (and more volumes), there came Coup, Winter Quarters, Winter, Propaganda again, and finally Epoch. The Election Round in People Power also provides a break in the action, but otherwise is quite different from the breaks in previous COIN series volumes, as aside from separating the cards into the 1984 and 1986 decks, the Election Cards are not seeded, but rather pre-placed in order.

The primary reason for this is that elections were not something that happened unexpectedly. There was a set date, and the people involved all prepared themselves for the eventuality for that event. Using the term “Election”  also meant that I had to reflect the historic results as close as possible, which meant that the Elections were predictable. In both the 1984 and 1986 Elections, Marcos and his party, the KBL won. Knowing that, I did not have to come up with an Election mechanic which would have added more complexity to the game (though I did have one for Iron Butterfly), so I reduced the Election interrupt to where it serves as a break in the game, but unlike Coup or other systematic ancestors, it only provides a Momentum Card for the Reformers, as they had gained more than what was expected. While the other early COIN games designed stop-gap measures such as playing Lim Ops only before the Propaganda Card, I believe that I could improve on that type of “chance-y” fortune or misfortune – by the luck of the draw circumstances that could spoil a good play. So I came up with something that may help shift that balance and give players more of a say, or improve one’s chances if the need for desperate measures came up.

People Power Election Cards (playtest art)

In that respect, in addition to the Election Round, I’ve added a new mini-hand Personality card (“Newsmakers”) mechanic that will enhance game play, as it will either serve to influence a faction’s victory conditions during the game, or at the Election Round phase (mostly the Final Election). In a standard game, each faction receives a deck of 8 Newsmakers (NMs). Twice during the game (At the beginning of each game and after the first Election Round), each faction draws 3 NMs from

Acts of Desperation” section of the Newsmaker card used in the Election Round. (playtest art)

Each card highlights a Personality or individual who made some type of historical contribution to his or her faction that was noted in the headlines of the period (thus Newsmakers). The NMs have a dual purpose to them. The top text explains how they are used during the game. Most of them are Momentum cards, meaning that their effect lasts until the arrival of the following Election Round. The grayed-out text box at the bottom of the card is used during the Election Round and are also marked “(AoD)” for “Acts of Desperation”. Each will indicate when they can be used (such as Victory phase of the Election Round, or the Game End) and are used only ONCE. These cards and this procedure were designed to add historical flavor, tension, and replayability to the game.

For the Government, I’ve chosen to use President Marcos, the First Lady, Enrile (Defense Minister), General Ver (Chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines), General Ramos (Philippine Constabulary Chief), Virata (Finance and later, Prime Minister), and Tolentino (1986 Snap Election running mate). Also included are the Marcos’ Children who are a “Non-Entity” (more on that below).

A few Government faction Newsmaker cards from People Power (playtest art)

For the Insurgency, I have the two figureheads from both movements: Jose Sison (NPA founder), Nur Misuari (MNLF founder), Marcos the Tyrant, Hashim Salamat (MNLF splinter group –MILF founder), Rachid Lucman (Moro Separatist), Rolly Kintanar (NPA Military Head in Davao), Leandro Alejandro (student left-wing nationalist). Here the Non-Entity is Bernabe Buscayno, aka Commander Dante (co-founder of the NPA).

A few Insurgents faction Newsmaker cards from People Power (playtest art)

For the Reformers, I include the widow and eventual President Corazon Aquino, her running mate and later Vice President Salvador Laurel, Marcos the Dictator, Cardinal Sin (also Archbishop of Manila), Archbishop Vidal of Cebu, Lt. Col. Honasan (founder of the Reform the Armed forces Movement or RAM), and DEFECTORS. The Non-Entity is Aquilino Pimentel Jr., a senator and replaced running mate of Aquino.

A few Reformers faction Newsmaker cards from People Power (playtest art)

Some explanation is in order before I go into more detail as to the Newsmaker choices. First off, regarding the “Non-Entity” cards; each faction has one and this is my attempt to create some additional tension to the draw. They provide no advantage to the player but he/she can use them to be a bit creative or bluff, as one can either, 1) toss it back – although if done at the start of the game, it may come back, 2) have it revealed right away – this way, the hidden face down card remains concealed, and 3) hide it and make the other players think that you may have something of value. The reason I chose to have the Non-entity persona represent the faction is summed up in one word: Ineffectiveness. At that time, the Marcos children were purposed to serve as mere window-dressing, with nothing to contribute to the larger picture. Buscayno or Dante was languishing in prison. I found it ironic that he was sentenced in the same trial in which Benigno Aquino Jr. was also found guilty or crimes against the nation and was given a death sentence. So the paths of both men and their legacy went in opposite directions, with one man achieving immortality through heroic martyrdom while the other could not even win an election after Corazon Aquino freed him from prison. Finally, I chose Aquilino Pimentel, Jr. for the obvious reason stated earlier that he was not to be Corazon Aquino’s running mate. He was her first choice but due to Cardinal Sin’s brokering a deal to unite the opposing parties with Salvador Laurel as her running mate, Pimentel to his credit acquiesced, but that was the extent of his impact.

Non-Entity Newsmaker cards from People Power (playtest art)

Here is some additional background on a couple of key Newsmaker cards and card decisions:

Defectors. This is a Reformer NM that allows that faction to obtain two NMs from the Government. This actually happened historically. After the 1986 Election when Marcos was declared the winner, his Defense Minister and Chief of Philippine Constabulary both defected and barricaded themselves in two army camps (not too far from where I used to live), awaiting confrontation with military loyalists. Initially, they did not seek protection or even an alliance with the Aquino-Laurel camp, but their followers then flocked to the base and became human shields. The nation saw images of nuns praying with rosaries and kids playing on top of tanks as this tense situation, which may have ended differently and tragically, played out. In the game, when this card is played by the Reformers, it allows the faction to use the benefits of both the Enrile and General Ramos NMs, regardless of whether they have been played, or even if one or both cards are in the hand of the Government player. This is the only time one faction can play more than the two cards allotted normally to that faction.

Three Marcos Cards?  Thinking back on my life in the Philippines at that time, and even still today discussing it with family and friends, I am a little surprised at the wide variety of  perspectives and views regarding President Marcos. That diversity of views gave me the inspiration to allow the game to include a Marcos NM for each faction. These cards reflect the varying views of Marcos, and include six different historical texts that both define him by himself and those who both supported him and opposed him, even vilified him. And just as a caveat, for the artwork on those specific cards, instead of a photographic image of the man, I stuck to renditions from other sources. So we have an idealized painting of him, his likeness on paper currency, and his famous (or maybe infamous) “Mount Rushmore” statue. It does allow me to reflect a variety of perspectives, and from a game standpoint,  suits the goals of each faction quite well.

With that in mind, choosing the rest of each Newsmaker “pack” became easy, as soon as I decided that I wanted the personalities separated from the rest of the Event Cards. The Government was the easiest to figure out, as I literally saw these personalities on my TV screen constantly, as well as hearing their names as the subject of rumors or conjecture. The Reformers were a little more difficult, as a lot of them just crawled out of the woodwork after the assassination, and it took more research to actually discern who really carried more weight ( I am sure those more familiar with the experience back then will probably notice why personalities like Butz Aquino, Senators Diokno and Tanada didn’t “make the cut” so I hope mentioning them here, along with their countless allies, does justice to their lasting efforts and contributions.) The Insurgents were also difficult, but in the long run, having less research resources on their distinct organizations and movements actually helped in thinning the herd. Some names were definitely repeated more than others. Some will probably opine that Rachid Lucman should have been a Reformer NM, due to his assistance in getting Mr. Aquino home. But his role in Bangsamoro politics could not be denied. I also admit that there was the temptation just to increase the deck (and there are more cards available when playing the ’81 Extended Scenario), but I digress.

In creating the Personality Card mini-hand mechanic and altering what would become the Election Round, I wanted to give these landmark historical people and events an fitting impact on the game. Although People Power has a small footprint and is intended to serve as an introduction to the COIN series, I believe there is still plenty of room in the game for both a new mechanic depicting historic figures and a unique Election Round.   I hope that this will continue the evolution of the COIN series and allow People Power  to be interesting and challenging to students of the era, COIN veterans,  and players new to the COIN series who are looking for a shorter but still immersive COIN experience.

People Power Short Example of Play

Kenneth Tee
Author: Kenneth Tee

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3 thoughts on “People Power: A Brief on Elections and Personality

  1. My professor almost become the spiritual adviser for Marco. Didn’t go through because he’s Caucasian. He had a pretty epic story regarding a CIA agent’s account in his book Glory of Preaching.

  2. I was stationed at Clark Air Base when this took place, although the official U.S. role was to support Marcos. The US military and government stance changed as the images of nuns and children were shown on the somewhat the relatively new news network, CNN. I was friends with a Philippine Colonel who joined the Ramos at Camp Aguinaldo shortly after it started. I served as Security Policeman for the US Air Force and we had some very tense moments as rumors, varying from NPA attacks to Marcos sending tanks to invade the base in retaliation for the US change in support, were bandied about. Most of the information we received was from Radio Veritas and the Philippine TV stations which we monitored incessantly. After working some 72 hours straight, I went home and got some sleep. When I came back Marcos was on base and we were planning his evacuation to the U.S. I have some other details but this comment is long enough. Of course, I find the game fascinating as I am very familiar with all of these personalities and can’t wait for it to make it to print.