Paths of Glory — 1917 Scenario Variant

Below is another fantastic article from The Boardgames Chronicle, this time discussing the 1917 Scenario variant for Paths of Glory. You can check out his previous series discussing the major and minor similarities/differences between Commands & Colors: Ancients and Commands & Colors: Medieval here. Enjoy! -Rachel

Paths of Glory was one of my first wargames and definitely the beginning of my love for Card Driven Games (CDGs). I had the opportunity to play it multiple times, including a full 20-turn campaign game. On a side note, that was a feat I will probably never manage to repeat again but I am proud from the material I created for this.

Anyhow, I was so fond of the game (but at the same time looking for new thrilling possibilities) that I started to look for other variants than the full game. And I have found one – a superbly designed 1917 Scenario. What follows will be short description of that variant as well as short session report from the game I had a pleasure to play with Krzysztof and Marcin in that set-up.

So, the general rules pertaining the 1917 Scenario are:

  • The game ends under same rules as the campaign scenario and victory conditions are identical
  • The start turn is 14 – Summer 1917
  • VPs start on 14 so Central Powers are ahead of Allies and more or less at the height of their might (at 10 we have draw; below 10 it is Allies victory)
  • Both sides are at Total War
  • It is pretty close to Russian Capitulation – the marker is in the Fall of the Tsar box
  • US Entry entry is already in the Zimmerman Telegram box
  • There are only specific cards allowed in that scenario — the majority of early war cards are already used
  • Situation at the front
    • Serbia is overrun by Central Powers
    • Romania is partially conquered by CPs
    • A big part of Russia is in German hands as well as north-eastern France
    • Turkey starts to crumble under the Allied offensive
    • All in all, Central Powers are in offensive

Let us now look into the actual game and how it played!

TURN 14 (Summer 1917)

Main developments:

  • This turn was one of attrition warfare – it might not be visible on the map, but the Central Powers (Marcin) attacked Russia (Krzysztof) in multiple locations, eliminating a couple of armies and many corps-size units. Still some terrain gains on Eastern-Front were made (Lutsk).
  • A similar war of attrition took place in Romania where the last units of that nation were eliminated.
  • The Western theater saw an unsuccessful German attack on Chateau Thierry – losses on both sides were high.
  • Victory points: remain at 14, no major changes yet.

TURN 15-16 (Autumn-Winter 1917)

Key Points:

  • In those two turns almost all efforts of the Allies were targeted at Turkey and hitting her as hard as possible – in hope of many VPs but also, if possible, to knock that Central Power country outright from the war. The first goal was successful – a great breakthrough in Mesopotamia and Palestine, but in the end the shorter front allowed the Ottomans to defend themselves from the total collapse.
  • Romania is completely overrun by the Central Powers. Also additional, limited gains on the Eastern-flank are made by the German armies.
  • The Western theater saw another unsuccessful German attack – that war of attrition started to be costly for the Central Powers here as they are not able to replace lost units as fast as Allies.
  • Victory points: 13 â€“ Allies started to regain the lost territory.

TURN 17-18 (Spring-Summer 1918)

Action areas:

  • This time it was the Central Powers who focused on one area – Russia. A two-pronged attack – in the North and in the South – runs through the Tsar territory, gaining multiple victory points as well as destroying significant numbers of enemy units. The Russian forces never recovered after that.
  • In Asia (part of Turkey), the Allies regrouped and gained some territory but that would be all that they could do there before the Turks finally entrenched themselves in the Atlas mountains.
  • Surprisingly, those two turns saw additional concentrated Allied attacks – by French in Greece toward Bulgaria (successful), and on the Western Front (mainly spearheaded by British) on Germans occupied France (unsuccessful). That was only taste of things to come…
  • Victory points: 15 â€“ The Central Powers are definitely winning, but can they keep up the momentum once the US troops land?

TURN 19-20 (Autumn-Winter 1918)

Final months of the game:

  • The clean-up in Russia is done – the Germans conquered everything that was possible and are regrouping to the more endangered parts.
  • Further advances of the French in Bulgaria were halted by the redeployed German army.
  • But the real action those last two turns – as per history – was in the Western Front. Two US armies landed, multiple reinforcements / replacements for British and French were received, and what ensued was a gigantic offensive, which swept not only through North-Easter France, reconquering all lost territory but went as far as taking Aachen.
  • Victory points: 10 â€“ A dramatic drop for the Central Powers but the game finished in well-deserved draw. Another turn would see the Marcin’s forced completely crushed despite his success in Russia.


That was a fantastic evening and Paths of Glory again provided many hours of fun. The game finished in a draw but we felt it was a justified score. What is more, I cannot recommend more the 1917 Scenario â€“ especially if you are short on time and never had the opportunity to play a full game. This is a good compromise – decent length (6 turns) to plan longer strategies, with all the cards immediately available – including Total War. The result is open and the possibilities – due to the fact that all the key nations are in the game – countless. If you have a chance, definitely try it!

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3 thoughts on “Paths of Glory — 1917 Scenario Variant

  1. Just curious, is the 1917 scenario meant to be played on the classic map, or the new one that came with the Deluxe 6th Edition?

  2. Is this 1917 scenario suppose to use the new map or the old map (as the red VP spaces are different on the two maps). Additionally, is this scenario suppose to include items 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, & 9 from 5.7.4 below or not?

    5.7.4 Scenario Specific Rules
    1. t Use Optional Rule 9.14 – Eight card hands.
    2. Use Optional Rule 11.2.10 – Trench roll modifications.
    3. The CP must open with Guns of August as an Event.
    4. Entrench may not be played as an Event on Turn 1
    5. t A British MO automatically becomes a French MO on
    Turn 1.
    6. Until the AP War Commitment Level is Total War (i.e., after
    it has drawn TW cards), only Austrian and Italian armies
    may operate in Italy (move, attack, SR, or advance into or
    through any space in Italy). Additionally, until the AP War
    Commitment Level is Total War, no German armies may end
    their movement (by move or SR) in Trent, Villach or Trieste.
    7. The following cards may double as OPS when played as
    Events: Landships, Zimmermann Telegram, Over
    There, Tsar Takes Command, Fall of the Tsar,
    Bolshevik Revolution. The yellow stripe on these cards
    is a reminder that the event also generates Ops.
    8. If the game ends with an Armistice or at the end of Turn 20,
    add one VP for each US Army reinforcement card not played
    as an event.
    9. If the game ends with an Armistice or at the end of Turn 20,
    subtract two VP if Fall of the Tsar Event has not been
    played as an event.